Saturday, December 29, 2018
Concept Analysis
Concept synopsis Stephanie Hobbs NR 501 Theoretical Basis for Advanced give care for Instructor Dr. Patricia Fedorka September 30, 2012 Introduction jibe to McEwen &type A Wills (2011), image analysis is an sexual climax to explain and define terms so that writers and readers have a common language. The act of a persuasionl analysis is to 1. ingest a plan 2. Determine the aims or purposes of analysis 3. Identify all the uses of the notion possible 4. Determine the delimitate attri exactlyes 5. Indentify molding font 6. Identify moulding, related, contrary, invented and illegitimate sheaths 7.Identify antecedents and consequences 8. sterilize trial-and-error referents The concept substantiallyness is referred to as the magnate to function independently hold to lifes stressors achievement of atomic number 53s full potential and maven of mind, body and soul. Jean Watson identified wellness as oneness of umpteen concepts use to understand the system or scienc e of human caring (McEwen & Wills, 2011). enjoyment of the Analysis The purpose of this analysis is to clarify and define the term health. Clarification of this concept is essential to the function of caregivers.E trulyone responsible for providing care should be knowledgeable of what health is. rough believe they know what health is but after a closer look, it is revealed that at best, it is fleeting and partially understood. Also, it is necessary for medical exam personnel to understand the fight surrounded by health, care and have got (Lee & Ross, 2008). Uses of the health Concept According to footer & Avant (2011), dictionaries, colleagues, thesauruses, and scholarly books should be utilize to identify the uses of the concept. A search for the literature on health was done by using Medline, CINAHL and Google Scholar.An online dictionary and thesaurus was to a fault used. Dictionary Definition The English interpretation of this word has many meanings. Webste r defines health as the pin down of be sound in mind, body, or spirit especially license of strong-arm complaint or pain. early(a) definitions by Webster are the general condition of the body, a flourishing condition, and a general condition or state (Merriam-webster. com). delineate Attributes Attributes as described by Walker & Avant (2011) are characteristics or descriptors. These attributes volitioning help distinguish health from nurse and care. A state of off physical, psychogenic and social well being * A dynamic state of functioning inside the limitations of the person (Artinian, 1991) * Unity and harmony deep down the mind, body and soul (Watson, 1999) * The expanding of consciousness an evolving rule of the whole of life ( nakedman, 1999) Model Cases 1. A 17 category old has apt(p) birth to twins and been referred to the Following baffle Back Home Program. On the initial visit, the prevail finds the get under ones skin is withdrawn and displaying pola ritys of depression. She knows really micro about the babies behaviors and is non truly concerned about what the make or social histrion is saying.Upon further mind, the mformer(a) reveals that she and the father are no yearner together. The nurse similarly finds out later on that mum was severely anemic at discharge and experiencing excruciating headaches. On the contiguous visit, the nurse convinces mom to schedule her hap up appointment and she explains how anemia affects her and her ability to care for the babies. Although the client denied feeling depressed, the nurse discussed signs of post partum depression and got the client to sign a contract saying she would omen for help if she felt like urting herself or the babies. subsequently returning to the office, the nurse called the physicians office to make him aware of her involvement with the client and her assessment. The nurse as well as refers the client to a computer program called ACCESS. This program pr ovides parenting classes as well as counselor-at-law for teen parents and emergency help with diapers and formula. after visiting the client for a hardly a(prenominal) months there is a noticeable difference in the way she interacts with the babies as well as her overall appearance and zilch level.The client is also attentive and arouse in what the home visitors are talking about. The client states that she is taking music for the anemia and on birth control. She is getting instruction and taking a parenting class by means of and through the ACCESS program. She also says she enjoys the program be make up she interacts with other teenager going through the same(p) thing she is. This model contemplates health because it contains many of the shaping concepts. Any of the concepts missing could cause the client to not be in good health.It also demonstrates why the nurse must have good assessment skills and address as many areas as possible that affect the clients health. 2. An el derly lady diagnosed with Hypertension and shell II Diabetes presents to a Community health Center for a follow up appointment. During triage, the clients rail line stops is 357mg/dl and her blood pressure is one hundred eighty/206. after(prenominal) speaking with the nurse, it is revealed that the client has been evicted from her home, has footling to no food to get her through the month and did not purchase her medication due to a lack of money.The nurse shares this information with the physician and the social worker. After the physician gets the blood sugar and blood pressure under control, the social worker enrolls the client into some med assistant programs and calls the nearby womens shelter to secure her a bed. The nurse gives her enough samples to last until her meds amaze in. The client states she will follow the nutrition prescribed by her physician. This model understandably demonstrates how social issues affect overall health. After the clients social needs wer e met, she was able to revolve about on taking care of her physical health.This model also reflects many of the shaping concepts. Borderline Case A borderline case gives another example of the concepts use, but some of the defining attributes are excluded. Borderline cases give readers an idea of what the concept is not (Speros, 2005). A 55 year old male lawyer presents to PCP complaining of chest pain, febricity and smallness of breath for 3 age. He is told that he has to be hospitalized for a cardiac workout because a myocardial infarct is suspected. He is also told that he will have to have a cardiac catheterization.The patient reads the consent and refuses to sign it because he does not understand the medical jargon. He leaves against medical advice but is told to take 2 propranolol 80mg and impinge on his physician in 2 weeks. He takes 2 pills once a day and does not return to see his doctor. Contrary Case The following case is contrary to health because it does not refle ct the defining concepts. A 26 year old mother from a very small rural community brings her 6 year old to clinic wheezing and short of breath. The mother smokes about 30 cigarettes a day, is very soft spoken, has a circumscribed vocabulary and reads on a fifth part grade level. florists chrysanthemum also has problems spelling talking to correctly, prints when writing and reverses some of the letters. The child is diagnosed with asthma and sent home with a nebulizer with albuterol and saline, a peak flow meter, sex hormone inhalers with spacers, and oral medication. Before leaving mom is asked if she understands how to give the child her medication? Mom states she understands and is then told to stop smoking close to the child and return to the clinic in 1 week. Mom verbalizes understanding and leaves. Three days later mom presents to the Emergency elbow room with child in respiratory trauma and smelling of smoke.She states she did not use the nebulizer because she could not wo rk it, she gave the both medication double a day as unconnected to each medication daily and she did not have peak flow readings because she aspect it look more like a toy. The child smelled strongly of smoke (Speros, 2005). This case clearly shows two people in poor health. It obviously is contrary to the defining attributes of health. Antecedents and Consequences Walker and Avant (1995) describe antecedents as events or incidents that must precede the farerence of the concept. For some time there was very little theoretical clarity of health for treat science.In 1946 The World health face act to define health and has since changed or added to the definition a couple of times. Walker and Avant (2005) also described consequences as events or incidents that occur as a result of the concept. specify or clarifying the health concept has been important and useful to the theoretical background of nursing. It has helped developed theory, instrument and research (Wang, 2005). ver ifiable Referents According to Cheng, Foster& Huang, empirical references present how the concept is to be heedful or what the observation of a phenomenon should in reality be (tzuchi. om). Jean Watsons Theory of Human Caring delineate three concepts with health being one of them. Margaret Newmans Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness model uses two concepts one of those being health. These theories demonstrate the existence of health and how it has helped the nursing profession. Conclusion The concept of health was selected because of the many changes and variations to its definition. The World Health Organization defines health as a complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (who. int).Regardless of the definition, health is a concept that has helped develop the nursing profession. The origin Artinian, B. M. , (1991). The development of the intersystem model. journal of Advanced Nursing, 164 -205. Lee, V. and Ross , J. , (2003). What is Health? Campaign. Canadian diary of Public Health, 94(5), 360. Ne Newman, M. A. , (1999). Health as expanding consciousness (2nd ed. ). New York National League for Nursing Press. http//userwww. service. emory. edu/mrisjor/documents/Rethinking. pdf http//www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/health http//www. tzuchi. com. w/file/DivIntro/nursing/content/92-3/3. pdf http//www. who. int/about/definition/en/print. html Speros, C. (2005). Health Literacy Analysis Concept. Journal of Advance Nursing, 50(6), 633-640. Walker, L. O. & Avant, K. C. (1995). Strategies for Theory winding in Nursing, 3rd ed. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Norwalk, CT. Walker, L. O. & Avant, K. C. (2010). Strategies for theory construction in nursing. Boston Pearson Wang, Y. (2005). A concept analysis of health. Hu Li Za Zhi The Journal of Nursing, 52(1), 40-43. Watson, J. , (1999). Postmodern nursing and beyond. London Churchill Livingstone. .
Friday, December 28, 2018
Microsoft Opens the Gates: Patent, Piracy, and Political Challenges in China Essay
Microsoft faced some(prenominal) large encounters when operating in china. many of these attempts included package piracy, Chinese give medication pressure to transfer engineering, legion regime promotion of competitor crossroads, preferential procurance practices by sub-national authorities in china, and the unfluctuating encouragement for Microsoft to enter conjugation ventures with local anesthetic firms. One main micro risk that Microsoft faced was when the Beijing municipal presidency avoided Microsoft by awarding operating formation software contracts for 2,000 PCs to Red Flag Linux.I see these risk increasing cod to the fact that the Chinese Central b fellowship has put youthful restrictions to foreign exchange transactions in attempt to check issue the flow of convertible currency out of the coun castigate. This restriction set in abode by the Chinese Central verify was described as a crackdown on illegal transactions. This change will efficaciously m ake it more difficult for some(prenominal) domestic and international companies to move big(p) in and out of chinaware. In result, single increasing the risks for MNCs to do business in mainland mainland China.Another main reason wherefore I see the risks increasing is that the Chinese government has not made an apparent movement to control the piracy/counterfeiting issues. Counterfeiters are Chinas colossalst state owned factories. These risk are also found in other adopting countries such as India where piracy and counterfeiting is a big issue. later the U. S. China accord on bright property rights in 1992, it encouraged Microsoft to research further opportunities in China.In locate to carry away governmental risk in China, signly, Microsoft signed various agreements with Chinese PC producers to pre-load its software on their computing machines. different approaches to look at political risk included arising Microsoft Research China (Microsofts secondment inte rnational research lab and the source one in Asia) and signed agreements with Chinas top four computer makers to preinstall Windows XP on their machines.One of the approximately notability approaches was when Microsoft signed an accord with the Shanghai Municipal government whereby agreed to help mount Shanghais software sphere of influence, continue its Shanghai regional support fondness into a global support center, and tick off thousands of software architects. Ultimately, Microsoft continued to manage political risks throughout the years by act to fix agreements with Chinese PC manufacturers, develop new partnerships and better its relations with the Chinese government.I favor the strong ties that Microsoft reinforced over the past two decades with the Chinese government and feel that all the techniques they use to manage political risk were required in baffle to conduct remunerative business in such a scrutinized country and economy. Going forward, Microsoft should continue to try and enforce IPR and keep healthy kindreds with the Chinese for obvious reasons. They should keep developing partnerships and score a Microsoft oriented software sector in China through instruction/certification to strengthen the companys forecast.By having to deal with displace levels of government, it created an initial challenge to win over the lower level of government in order to strengthen Microsofts overall relationship with China. Specific challenges included when the they signed agreements with Chinas State Development & adenosine monophosphate Planning focus to invest in education/training, signed a large investment and cooperation deal with the Beijing Commission on Science & engineering and struck partnership deals with various Chinese companies such as Petro China.Although Microsoft kept qualification strong efforts to strengthen the relationship with China, they silent faced many challenges to overcome Chinas discrimination towards the company by requiring all ministries to purchase Linux based software. These challenges created new opportunities for Microsoft to create new initiatives to benefit the Chinese economy which in result helped them build a strong footprint in China. Yes other firms do wipe out the corresponding risk steering options as Microsoft did.Other firms did have the same risk management options because all MNCs faced the same macro/micro issues that Microsoft faced when entering the China markets which included pressure to transfer technology, host government promotion of competitor products, discriminatory procurement practices by sub-national authorities in China, and the strong encouragement to enter joint ventures with local firms. Microsoft is creating serious risks by supporting, financing, and transferring technology to local Chinese software firms only when had to do so in rder to have success in China. By them giving back to the Chinese economy, in publication a large percentage of softw are users are using Microsoft product de jure and illegally. In result, the end user is most likely using a Microsoft product and creates brand awareness. Microsoft used the appropriabiltiy theory to manage their risks by only sharing teaching with their partners that is only appropriate in order to make the partnership work.
Lord of the Flies Essay
In society there are leading for examples Presidents and Prime Ministers. These leading take aim to piss certain characteristics, which include valuate, retaining order, and to protect the people. When these leadership start to brush aside their responsibilities the society starts to condense uncontrollable and mistakes allow for happen. For an example when leaders shorten security and safety device their actions demoralise the root words business leader to function, withal when leaders issue note their actions profane the separates mightiness to function. every of this happens in the story written by William Golding Lord of the Flies. All in either when leaders rationalize their responsibilities their actions undermine the groups talent to function.To begin, when leaders overleap evaluate their actions undermine the groups strength to function. When Ralph gets assigned Chief by a vote he discharges the rules where n primordial of rascals choir boys p rovide go hunting and some watch the assoil so it does non go disclose. When Ralph and bull got into a fight ab push through how prick does not help out the group with their hunting, and how they are reasonable wasting succession because they barely catch a rat or either food for the group he disrespects themBoys armed with sticks. (Golding,127)This shows that Ralph does not sincerely care for them and their skills that they seem to m separate match to labourer. later onwards Ralph had said this cocksucker left wing the group and asked anybody who precious to join him could do so if they wished to. After jak left with his group him and Ralph are ever fighting now only when sensation occasion it gets a little out of handYoure a barbarian and a swine you credit liney, bloody thief (Golding,177)After Ralph said this it made zany untamed he stole Piggys specs for produce for themselves instead of asking for it he save took it. After this was said horseshit also killed Piggy. Ralph macrocosm leader and ignoring respect undermines the groups ability to function.As leader, laborer also expires to respect people and carry peace. turd disobeys Ralphs orders to beget to choir boys watch the burn off because Jack feels that they need the men to hunt and not get rescued. When the advise went out it could of protected them in that time frame as a symbol of help but he decides to disrespect Ralph and not harken to his ordersWe had to have them in the hunt. (Golding,69)After Ralph confronted Jack about the fire going out he refused that he was wrong although he knew he disobeyed Ralphs orders, which in the end could of resulted in acquire rescued by the gravy holder that drove by. Now Jack in his own group decided that they need to attack Ralphs pack and discriminate Piggys spectacles so they can have fire instead of in force(p) asking himRalph ring what we came for. The fire. My specs. (Golding,161)Jack invaded Ralphs camp here to steal Piggys glasses to have fire. As Jack said that he came for fire and that the specs were his, although the specs are Piggys. Piggy flat asked Jack to give back his glasses but he refused and killed Piggy. Jack is just disrespecting Piggy and Ralph here not earshot to them at all. Jack refusal to have respect undermines the groups ability to function.Both boys, clearly bomb in their function to have respect. Ralph creation voted leader should have respect for others and hold it instead of ignoring it, having thee problems caused the group to fall apart. Jack on the other intentionally disrespected everybody in the group to get what he wanted . In both cases, however, when leaders ignore respect, their actions undermine the groups ability to function.To begin, when leaders ignore protection and safety their actions undermine ability to function. Ralph being the leader of the group tries to keep it safe for everyone to live so he decides that they need to make shelters for the group. Ralph is trying to make the shelters for everyone but no one will help him except Simon because he failed to maintain order from everyoneBut you like itYou want to hunt While I- (Golding,125)Ralph is clearly rescind here with Jack of how he usage help them make the shelters while they go out and hunt for pigs. Ralph not being able to control the group early on had failed him now, since no one will listen to him they have a lose of safety due to them not have shelters for them sleep in. Also at camp the boys have to sleep in the relentless one shabbiness when the fire fire outWe cant get any more wood Ralph not in the dark not at nighttime (Golding, 125)As shown here there is a lack of protection due to not having the fire at night because it resembles hope. That night they had no hope they had fear. The fear of darkness was scaring the littluns and some others to go in the tone to get wood to keep the fire burning.Jack also fails in his responsibility to keep it safe and protected. During the storm when everybody was dancing, Simon was walking to all the boys and Jack thought he was the tool and went to attack himKill the beast swing his throat Spill his blood Do him in (Golding,141)Jack is not having safety for the group because he is getting them to kill a human who they speak up is the beast which is not. After they killed Simon they realised how subtle the beast was and the found out that it was Simon. Jack saying Kill the beast Cut his throat Spill his blood Do him in got the group all hyped up and not paying attention who or what the beast was and they just acted and attacked it. After Jack killed Piggy and killed the conch, he attacked Ralph and saying he is the new foreland empathize? See? There isnt a kinfolk anymore The conch is gone Im Chief (Golding, 181)Jack is furious here just after he killed Piggy he imperil Ralph that he would do the same. Jack is whole ignoring safety and protection is actually doing the land up opposite ignoring it a killing other people in his tribe. When Jack snub his responsibility to maintain protection and safety it undermines the groups ability to function.Both boys, clearly fail in keeping the island safe and protected. Ralph essay to protect the group but since he joked around when he was first chief no one took him serious when he needed them to help. Jack totally unheeded safety and did the opposite he pain people, and also killed people. In both cases, however, when leaders ignore their responsibilities to maintain safety and protection it undermines the groups ability to function.In conclusion, when leaders ignore their responsibilities their actions undermine the groups ability to function. When leaders ignore protection and safety their actions undermine the groups ability to function, also when leaders ignore respect their actions undermine the groups ability to function. If all of this happened in our life, we would all become epic fails, just like how everyone did in this book.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Are Our Lives Governed by Fate or Free Will Essay\r'
'Our lives argon governed by bump pass on. In the books Chinese Cinderella and Twisted the main characters use their free pull up stakes to make choices that soak up consequences on their lives.\r\nChinese Cinderella, by Adeline Yen Mah\r\nChinese Cinderella is a story of a Chinese girl growing up shanghai and Hong Kong in the 1940’s.\r\nAdeline was made to feel that her fork out was the reason her mother died. Her siblings doomed her and her fuss and stepmother had no interest in her. She worn-out(a) most her childhood at embarkation enlightens. Although Adeline was sent to boarding school she bland used her own free go away to chose to study hard and excel in school. Adeline chose to continue to do well in school with the hope of gaining her parent’s attention.\r\nDespite all of the unsound things that happened to Adeline she go along to strive to be the best in school. She chose to spend her cadence reading and doing homework. She authorized many awa rds. She used her free will to enter an international playwriting contest and she won. The firmness of purpose was that her name was published in the paper and this got her tyro’s attention. Adeline used this as an opportunity to ask to go to college. Her father agreed. Although her father selected her career as a doctor she was so happy to have the opportunity.\r\nTwisted, by Laurie Halse Anderson\r\nTyler used his free will to spray paint on the school property. There were consequences for his actions. He had to do community service to pay for the damage, he got a probation officer and got his license taken away.\r\nTyler played out alot of time being the victim. His father blamed him for most of the bad things that happened. He let things happen to him until one day he realized he could take go over of his look. Tyler used his free will when he dropped out of the AP classes, started attending all of his classes, returned the stolen keys to the shop steward and apol ogized for stealing them, stood up to Chip, spoke with his probation officer about the consequences of attending the party when he was on probation and stood up to father when he blamed Tyler for getting fired.\r\nThe result of Tyler’s action to take control of these aspects of his life is it provides him with self-esteem. This juvenile confidence gets rid of the bad thoughts he had (like killing himself).\r\nTyler chose to spend his time playing a video feisty Tophet. The point of the game was to make his monstrosity (Gormley) powerful enough to make it thru 66 levels of torment. In the end he succeeds and is given over a choice to become the new lord of darkness or be reincarnated. He realizes the importance of choosing wisely.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'World War I and the War in Iraq\r'
' conception struggle I was the big(p) armed conflict of 1914-18. Until World fight II, it was often cal take the Great War because it was the most destructive and widespread warfare the human race had ever seen. Wold War I began as a local conflict over a minor issue. Eventually it engulfed much of Europe and drew in, directly or indirectly, the entire major powers of the universe of discourse. The first resoluteness of war was made by Austria-Hungary against Serbia ( direct deduct of Yugoslavia) on July 28, 1914.\r\nBefore the armistice was sign-language(a) on November 11, 1918, 28 nations (counting the British imperium as single nation) were directly pursue in the conflict (Roth, pp. 216-218/ 2003). On angiotensin-converting enzyme side were France, Belgium, the British Empire, Russia, and Serbia; and, later, Japan, Italy, the United States, and 16 other countries. They were called the Allied and Associated Powers, or the Allies. The opposing side consisted of Germa ny, Austria-Hungary, the hassock Empire (Turkey, and Bulgaria. They were know as the Central Powers.\r\nAfter the war, there were reduced to small separate states and Czechoslovakia was created from Austro-Hungarian filth in Central Europe. The commonwealth of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (which became Yugoslavia in 1929) was established, comprising Austro-Hungarian lands in the Balkans and the kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro. Poland, which had been partitioned among the Germans, Austrians, and Russians in the 18th century, was re-established along its historical borders (Brook-Shepard, pp. 64-67/ 2002). Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were freed from Russian domination.\r\nIn the mall East, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Hejaz, (a territory within modern Saudi-Arabian Arabia), Transjordan (modern Jordan), and Palestine were carved out of the Ottoman Empire. France’s quick defeat in World War II has been attributed, at least(prenominal) in part, to the devasta tion it suffered in World War I. The vast carcass of overseas holdings of Great Britain began to change from an empire to a commonwealth. The war was at least partly responsible for the success of the Russian revolution and the rise of Communism.\r\nThe United States, afterwards the war, its first experience of being touch in European affairs, declined to take a role as a land leader and retreated into isolationism, refusing to join the confederation of Nations (Robbins, pp. 161-164/ 2004). Many people thought of World War I as â€Å"the war to end all wars,†fought â€Å"to make the world safe for democracy. †Because of an overly harsh tranquility treaty, the weakness of the League of Nations, a ecumenic economic depression, and the rise of fascism, the war had the resistance effect.\r\nIt made the Second World War almost inevitable. About four days ago, on the 20th of March 2003, a multinational array force marched in to Iraq. More than 40 countries joined in together to form a confederation force, with the US providing the most number of attack forces to oust Saddam Hussein’s regime. Amidst protests and anti-war campaigns around the world, the coalition force led by the United States and United Kingdom — plunged in to the Iraq War. Official statements exitn by U. S. President George W. Bush’s administration, as to the reasons for the infringement, were primarily to: • remove Iraq’s alleged production and accumulation of weapons of mass conclusion • stop Saddam Hussein’s support on terrorist activities • give granting immunity to the Iraqi people from Saddam’s reign of terror (â€Å"President Discusses jump of Operation Iraqi Freedomâ€Â)\r\n referable to the unpopularity of the government’s decision and the ensuant turn of events, the universe continuous to give other speculations as to why the invasion had to be done. In U. K. initial public support was mainly based on the issue that Britain had a moral deterrent example to uphold in behalf of other nations (â€Å" lesson Case for Iraq War, Key to Initial UK take overâ€Â). But those that consider the possible long-term damage concerning their coun feat’s eudaimonia believed the need to refrain from getting twisty: that it might eventually en risk of infection civil lives in case of retaliation by terrorist groups, and the economic cost of war. After the military attack on Iraqi soil, turn out to support the Bush government’s justification for the invasion was still lacking, insufficient, and vague.\r\nHad the purported danger been present, it would not have taken hardly 21 days to topple dump Saddam’s government with borderline loss on the coalition’s forces. Saddam’s Soviet-built armaments were ill-equipped and no match for the invading forces, disproving the US claim. For most, it did get ahead to eliminate Saddam, but neverthele ss, failed to eliminate the task in Iraq or helped the plight of the Iraqis, who now have to contend with not one but many oppressive guerilla-group factions that try to rule in Iraq.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Exploring the Myths of Minoan Bull Leaping\r'
'Fletcher, History 111B Minoan fuzz dancing finishedout Ancient History, valet de chambrey polar living organisms ar glorified and made â€Å" divine†by cultures, often for apparitional reasons. We go over everything from the ritual burials of cats in Ancient Egypt to the religion of Ganesha, the Elephant goddess of wisdom in Hindu traditions. The poop is one of these historically revered animals, its exercising as a sacred emblem seen as far back as the Stone Age. Because it is such a communal and useful animal, it was seen again and again in everything from astrology to folklore. Eventually, historical texts show respect of the hoot r for each oneing into Minoa.The Minoans were fascinated by the jack, and created myths, symbols and religious ritual to give the pig praise. one(a) of the ways they did this was through â€Å" tinkers dam Leapingâ€Â, a ritual in which an individual would stand full point to head against a charging diddly-shit and proceed to bound over the animal using its own strength against it ( intention 1). Many researchers have attempt to decipher what the ritual meant in context of use, only if at long last the rituals cultural signifi finishce has been mazed to the ages. Assumptions have had to been made, and ultimately what is presented might be closer to hypothesized fantasies.To begin with, it is important to sack out wherefore the Minoans became interested with the crap in the first place. At the time, the Bull had been a sacred symbol for some 2300 years, and thither are some(prenominal) possible explanations wherefore the Bull continued to be so revered. One surmisal developed aft(prenominal) examining the ancient mythologies and histories presented by Diodorus. Diodorus hypothesized that some animal worship, including that of the Bull was a result of religious myth in which the gods, universe jeopardize by giants, disguised themselves as animals.People hence began to worship the an imals that their god had transformed into, the Bull being one of these animals. Another theory deals with the religions of Minoa. The Minoans believed heavily in fe anthropoid goddesses, so much so as to referred to as a â€Å"matriarchal religionâ€Â. thither was unspoilt one major male god represented in this society, cognise as the â€Å"earthshakerâ€Â. This god was astro tenacious in nature, represented by a bull and the sun; He would die each autumn and reincarnate each spring. Through the astrological component of this theory, we can infer that the Bull never stopped being revered since the finding of Taurus in the stars.Still, we cannot be sure why just the Bull was worshipped. There are oodles of theories, only when many hinge on Greek mythology that might be embellished. German historian Walter Burkets constant warning is, â€Å"It is baseless to project Greek tradition straight into the Bronze age. †With no absolutely authoritative answer to devel op the Minoan’s interest in the Bull, the next logical question to ask is what the stomach signified, and why the Minoans did it. Some scholars seem to think that the jump was a religious rite, while others believed it to be a mode of entertainment and a show of superiority.The item in realise 2 gives some context to two theories. Those supporting the religious motivation for Bull stand outing cite the size of the bull, hyperbolically large to show the Minoans’ respect for the world-beater of the animals. Unfortunately, the same evidence works in arguments for the contrary. The exaggeration in size could be a display of how small the intriguing human was compared to his counterpart, making the Bull leap an act of technical skill, displaying brains over the right way brawn. These two theories both fit, but ultimately the physical evidence discredits both of them. both(prenominal) Figure 1 and Figure 2 display anatomically impossible vaults.In Figure 1, the Bull charging at full drive would never offer such a stable platform to vault from. When bulls raze they also lower one horn, aiming to impale. In Figure 2, the jump itself is impossible. The figure in the picture is perpendicular to the bull, facing upwards, with mail stretched back. The physics of this vault are non-existent, and this the Great Compromiser piece was likely just an artist’s embellished portrayal. Bull Leaping, despite imperfect evidences and no sure knowledge as to what it represented did occur in Minoan times. The actual suit of bull bounds is still around today, in several European countries.From this, we know that at least the physical jump was possible. We must grow the cerebration to Bull leap came from somewhere, and Minoa presents the earliest depictions of the even. Frescos (paintings) can be found end-to-end Minoa, including the palace of Knossos, a well carry on port city in Minoa. One paint (Figure 3) clearly shows a man leaping over a bul l. The idea that it is a man doing the leaping is placed by skin color, as the Minoans, as did many ancient cultures of the time, color-coated males and females. That being said, on that point are two females in the picture.Scholars are perplexed as to what the women represent. They could indicate that women participated in the Bull leaping rite, or peradventure they symbolize some of the spectators. A ain suggestion is that the women are goddesses sent to protect the leaper. However, none of these hypotheses have any solidity basis, and are all best-guess interpretations by scholars. In sum, there are many hypotheses to explain what Bull leaping was, what it meant in context and who participated in it. Many of these interpretations are broadly speaking solidified in archeological evidence, but much of it is pure speculation.One thing we can know for sure is that because of the significance of the Bull in ancient culture, specifically to the Minoans, the Bull Leap was a true particular to see. It would have been done with some skill, and perhaps with the grace of an athlete. It might have been a show of superiority over a wild animal, or perhaps a religious right to prove oneself to a god. Ultimately the true meaning of the event may be lost. Without more evidence, Minoan Bull Leaping, a great spectacle at once with a definitive reason tramp it, may be reduced to just a few people saltation over bovines.Works Cited â€Å"A History of the domain of a function in 100 Objects. †BBC. 2010. http://www. bbc. co. uk/ahistoryoftheworld/objects/eU0DV7kOQ5inxmklD__YIw; (9/25/12) Brennan, Marie. â€Å"Bull-Leaping in Bronze Age Crete. †2005. http://www. strangehorizons. com/2005/20050124/bull-leaping-a. shypertext markup language; (9/25/12). Bull-Leaping Diagram. â€Å"University of Kentucky archive†, ND http://as-houston. ad. uky. edu/archive/Classics/aegean/fresco/fresco-Pages/Image31. html; (9/26/12) Burkert, Walter. Greek Religio n. incline Edition. Basil Blackwater Publishers. 1985 Lubbock, John.The Origin of Civilization and the underbred Condition of Man. Kessinger Publishing Company. Whitefish, Montana. 2005. Mlahanas. â€Å"Bull Mythologyâ€Â. 2005. http://www. mlahanas. de/Greeks/Mythology/BullMythology. html; (9/26/12) Marinatos, Nanno. Minoan Kingship and the Solar Goddess: A Near Eastern Koine. NP. 1993. ——————————————†[ 1 ]. Mlahanas 2005, par. 3 [ 2 ]. Lubbock 2005, 252 [ 3 ]. Marinatos 1993, 167 [ 4 ]. Burkert 1985, 24 [ 5 ]. â€Å"A History of the universe of discourse in 100 Objects†2010, par. 1 [ 6 ]. Brennan 2005, sec. 4 par. 1\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Aging Population Effects on Health Care Essay\r'
'wellness disturbance is a fast evolving force field with advancements of engine room and word options growing either day. The preservation of solicitude has grown and often shifts direction everyplace the years to equip changing existence demographics and shoots of patients. umpteen an(prenominal) factors play a part in the role of wellness accusation and medical exam examination treatment, one of those factors being world demographic changes. When the demographics of a tribe change it stick out cause adverse effects on the surrounding argona in many a(prenominal) ways, such(prenominal) as access to deal, types of treatment driveed to pity for the cosmos and the compulsion for wellness care employees. In a particular community where the demographic is develop the dynamic and need for care vexs to pertain the wellness care corpse in a variety of ways. All health care entities involved play a role in ensuring the ch completelyenges and the needs of th e population change are met. As the population demographic ages the impact on the delivery of care will be importantly altered, such as the organization of care and how it is delivered, treatment options, long-term care, and health care reporting will all be affected in different ways.\r\n gibe to the Administration on Aging of the surgical incision of Health and Human Services, approximately 13% of the lot living in the unite States are elderly as of 2011, which come to about 40 million people. The part of Health and Human Services estimates that by the year 2030 this number will magnify to 72 million making up for 20% of the population in the join States (Campbell, 2013). An different factor that affects the ripening population demographic is the rapid rate of restrained Baby-Boomers, with al roughly 10,000 entering retirement each day over the next 16 years this number will enshroud to grow (Campbell, 2013). The increasing amount of people agedness in the linked St ates as well as all over the world means the focus of health care will shift from great care to the treatment of serious inveterate diseases and assisted living achievemented and non-skilled medical care will be in high demand.\r\nThe maturement population too results in the growth and demand for an outgrowth in health care serve impacting the health care food marketplace in a way that increases cost for all health care entities, such as the individual patient, the federal official government, individual states, hospitals, physicians, etcetera Other impacts of the health care carcass will be the increase need for health care employees with precise skill sets along with the need for additional health care settings to attend to the elderly population. When population demographics change such as senescence, many health care related challenges begin to rise and must be turn to and overcome quickly to ensure the tone of care is not impacted. Some of these challenges in an aging population are the need for in-home medical care and assisted living, such as hospice care, skilled nursing facilities and other long-term medical care settings.\r\nThe challenge these bring to the health care system as well as the aging population are the high financial cost of in-home support and increase difficulties recruiting the congruous trained employees (Potter, 2010). Another challenge this specific population change is approach with is the increased cost of health care coverage. much or less retirees and elderly population turn to the federal government health plan cognize as Medicare for his or her individual health care coverage, with the majority of the Baby-Boomer population good turn 65 years old at a rapid pace, more than and more Americans are qualifying for Medicare coverage. In youthful years the cost of Medicare has raised, mainly allow to the increased cost of prescription medications and the inhalation of the elderly population (Potter, 2010). With decreasing long-term care options and increasing health care cost the elderly population is faced with many challenges within the health care system.\r\nUltimately the current state of the health care system in the United States must address the concern of the aging population and adapt to the needs of the elderly. In the current era of advanced technology, more and more elderly people are connected to the internet and have a wide variety of receiving health care information. As the health care market moves into a more diverse and technology driven state it is important to market these wellness programs as well as changes in health care coverage that will ultimately effect the aging population. Another way to address the challenges of the aging population is ensuring that individual patients receive the most up to date information regarding his or her health care coverage and diagnosing information. Individual patients, communities and society as a whole can bring together th e focus on the aging population health care needs by promoting wellness programs and providing the support to health care facilities needed to face the aging population’s challenges.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Hmong Culture\r'
'Prior to writing this investigate paper on the Hmong finish, I did non know anything nigh their history or beliefs. The b arely time I had comprehend of Hmong people was in the movie â€Å"grannie Torino. †The movie roams around a Hmong family living in Michigan and the cultural stereotypes and unlikeness they face each day. after(prenominal) dr minacious a few chapters in Anne Fadiman’s The kernel Catches You and You Fall D name, I felt up it was necessary to take a unless look into the Hmong culture for a mend understanding of their flair of life. I.Hmong migration from chinaware to mixed S step to the foreheast Asiatic countries The Hmong have non had the easiest or most simple life. After makeing legion(predicate) different sources insurance coverage their history, I couldn’t believe how many times they were resultd to relocate. The Hmong originated as a culturally unique group from Asia. Their schoolmaster country of origin was Ce ntral Siberia which was where most of them lived. The archetypical time the Hmong were oblige out of their homeland was in 2500 B. C. The Chinese and other Asian groups conquered Central Siberia and forced its people to scat south into northern China (Moua).Because of this, they locate and started a new civilization on the banks of the discolour River. Fortunately, their civilization was prosperous and triple-crown until history repeated itself and the Han Chinese attacked them over again for their fertile land along the Yellow River. The Hmong were faced with a decision to both fleck or flee. They decided to fight for their land through a serial publication of warf be but were outnumbered and therefore disoriented their land as well as many men. Consequently, the Hmong were forced to flee that again.This time, they settled in the southern part of China in today’s provinces known as Hepeh, Hunan, and Hubei (Xiong). â€Å"There argon approximately 8 to 12 champi on million million Hmong still living in this component part of China†(Quincy, 1988). Throughout history, the Hmong people act to face hardship. During the Qing Dynasty, three major wars pushed hundreds of thousands of Hmong point further into the Southeast Asian countries of Laos, Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam. The offshoot war erupted in 1735, the second in 1795, and the third, the largest and longest in 1854-1873 (Xiong).II. Hmong migration to the USA In the early 1960’s during the Vietnam War, the Hmong in Laos were recruited and learn by the unite States Central experience Agency to assist the United States as a secret guerrilla force army. The Hmong fought directly against the North Vietnamese and Lao communistics. That same year, the American forces pulled out of Vietnam and in result, the Lao Communists came to power in Laos. The Hmong were forced to flee yet again. â€Å"As a result, hundreds of thousands of Hmong escaped the genocide of the Lao Commun ist Government.This time they settled in France, Canada, Australia, red-hot Zealand, West Germany, the United States, and even genus Argentina as political refugees in regularize to continue their peaceful way of life. Statistically, the absolute majority of the Hmong refugees ( almost 200,000) settled and restarted their new lives in the United States†(Teng Moua’s personal record, 1999). The states with the largest number of Hmong immigrants atomic number 18 California, Minnesota, and Wisconsin (Yau). III. Hmong religion The Hmong are a precise weird group of people.They are animist/pantheist which means that they believe in a variety of natural and wizardly forces. Their world is inhabited by enliven and gods and they believe that their spiritual world has the talent to coexist with their physical world. Some of these pot liquor that influence their human life are ancestral, household, natural, and evil. If there is contact with a magical spirit, the Hmo ng believe that their life will be affected, either positively or negatively. ritual ceremonies are performed to please ancestral spirit.If the liven are pleased, they will protect the worshipper’s descendents from illness and natural disasters. To halt communication with the spiritual world, the Hmong refer to the priest-doctor, who is a healing practitioner who acts as an go-between between the spirit and physical world. The priest-doctor is the main communicator chosen by the strong drink and performs the rituals (Tapp). â€Å"While there is no normalization in Hmong religious rituals and practices, Hmong rituals usually revolve around the practices that their ancestors passed onto them.Clan and lineage variations also are prevalent between and within several(prenominal) clans as practices are conventional passed bulge from generation to generation through oral exam tradition†(Hmong Cultural and Resource center of attention of Minnesota). Hmong also be lieve in afterlife. With the counselor from Hmong musical performers during the rituals, the someones of the deceased will fall out back to their ancestors for reincarnation. IV. Hmong education and manner of speaking more(prenominal) Hmong have had no formal education. In Laos, public schooling was limited and in some areas, completely unavailable. scour after Laos achieved independence, pagan minorities such as Hmong were still denied schooling. It was not until 1939 that the first village school was built. Even then, yet students from the wealthiest class were admitted. Once the Hmong arrived in the United States where they were free people, education has live a main priority. The Hmong have their own language, called Hmoob (Hmong in English). It braches into two main dialects: sinlessness Hmong and Blue (or Green) Hmong. The colourize represent the colors used in tralatitious vesture of the different groups in the different sections of China. The Hmong language i s one of a group of intimately related languages of Southeast Asia and Southern China often referred to as the Miao-Yao languages. Besides being utter by Hmong people in Laos, Thailand, Burma, and Vietnam, the Hmong language is widely spoken by the Miao minority in Southern China. The Hmong language is also related to the Yao languages which include Iu Mien, spoken in Laos and Thailand as well as China, and five other languages spoken by minority groups in the larger region†(Vang).Because of the lack of education, for many centuries, the Hmong language was only an oral type of communication. There was no alphabet system, no written texts, and no literacy system. Culture and learning was passed down from one generation to the next from memory. Elders had the most knowledge, memories, skills, and abilities. one-time(a) Hmong residing in the United States often do not speak English and, because of the fresh development of the written Hmong language in the 1950s, whitethorn be illiterate in the Hmong language (Helsel, 1993; Queensland Health, 2004; U. S.Census Bureau, 2000). Young Hmong may be literate in English, but may not be able to read Hmong or Lao, though there is an front in the Hmong community to teach preadolescent people to speak and read their traditional language (Lipson et al. , 1996). V. Hmong beliefs about illness and bent individuals Hmong believe that an illness is caused when one’s soul is lost, captured by evil pot likker, or by having offended an ancestral spirit. The priest-doctor will discuss with ancestral spirits who may have been offended by the ill person and see what the spirits want to ask from the living.Shamans may mountain and struggle with wild spirits who have capture the patient’s soul or locate the lost soul and force it back into its body. When a shaman cures a sick person, he goes into a trance and veils his eyes with a forbidding cloth to see the spirits. He sits on a bench and faces the alta r. Then, he calls his instructor spirits to help cure the ill person (Lewis). Shamans differ in ability so when a shaman is uneffective to help the family, they will look for a more powerful one. VI. Hmong attitudes toward Western musicAs antecedently mentioned, Hmong believe in natural and spiritual healing. Most older, traditional Hmong are unlike to Western medicine and practices. Not only does it go against their beliefs, but they also business organization that Western medicine may be too potent for Hmong bodies to handle. People of more recent generations, however, are becoming more and more accepting of Western medicine and surgery. Hmong are also using a combination of Western medicine and traditional techniques such as massage, acupuncture, and dermabrasion (Yau). Reading about Hmong culture has been extremely interesting.I was so impress to find how spiritual they were. It saddened me to learn about the numerous times they were forced out of their homeland. Itâ€℠¢s unfortunate that their people are so dispersed throughout the world, however, in a way it is neat that the Hmong culture is so prevalent in mingled cultures outside of China. Researching Hmong culture has been a commodious help in reading Anne Fadiman’s, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Now, I have a much better sense of the Hmong way of life and can see a different perspective on their attitudes and beliefs.\r\n'
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