Thursday, March 21, 2019
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay -- essays research papers
Gabriel Grcia MrquezGabriel Jos Garca Mrquez was born on March 6, 1928 in Aracataca, a town in Northern Colombia, where he was raised by his maternal grandparents in a house filled with countless aunts and the rumors of ghosts. But in order to experience a better grasp on Garca Mrquezs life, it helps to clear something first about both the history of Colombia and the unusual background of his family.ColombiaColombia win its independence from Spain in 1810, technically making it one of Latin Americas oldest democracies, solely the sad fact is that this "democracy" has rarely known peace and justice. In the beginning, there was of course Spain and the Indians, happily hating each other as the Spaniards part the land up in quest for gold, El Dorado, religious converts, and governmental power. The English, too, played their part, with Drake attacking Riohachi in 1568 and the countless colonial squabbles of the next some centuries. Declaring itself i ndependent from Spain when Napoleon ousted the Spanish King in 1810, the new soil experienced a brief period of freedom and then was quick reconquered in 1815 by the unpleasant and bloody campaigns of General Murillo. So overmuch did their internal bickering allow their fledgling country to fall to the steel of Murillo, the period is immortalized in Colombias history with the colorful name of la Patria Boba, or "The Booby Fatherland." Round both, however, fell to the Colombians, when Simn Bolvar reliberated the country in 1820 and became its very first president. In 1849, the country was sufficiently advanced nice to concretize their squabbling in the form of ii political parties, the Liberals and the Conservatives, who exist to this day. These two parties form the political framework for much of Garca Mrquezs fiction, and ground their true natures is both a key to his writing and, unfortunately, an important insight to Latin American politics in general.Although in itially forming around the nitty-gritty of two distinct and diametrical ideologies, long years of bloody contrast have served to significantly erode the distinctions between the parties. The Conservatives and the Liberals are more like warring factions or clans than any parties with firmly established and radically different ideologies. Both tend to be repressive, both are corrupt, and bot... ... and in the identical year he wrote Viva Sandino, a screenplayabout the Sandanistas and the Nicaraguan Revolution. Politics, however, would be farfrom his mind for his next work of fiction, which would be a hunch over story. Turningagain to his rich past for inspiration and material, he reworked his parents unidentifiedcourtship into the form of a decade-spanning narrative. The story would be about twofrustrated lovers and the long tome between their second courtship, and in 1986 Lovein the Time of Cholera was unveiled to the anxious world. It was highly received,and there was no que stion that Garca Mrquez had become a writer with frequentappeal.By now one of the most famous writers in the world, he eased into a lifestyle ofwriting, teaching, and political activism. With residences in Mexico City, Cuernavaca,Paris, Barcelona, and Barranquilla, he finish the decade by publishing TheGeneral in his Labyrinth in 1990, and two years later Strange Pilgrims was born.In 1994 he produce his most recent work of fiction, Love and Other Demons.Today, Garca Mrquez lives with Mercedes in Mexico City, where he has quitsmoking and is in the perpetual demesne of "writing a novel."
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