Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Instant Solutions to Common App Essay Career Samples Simple Step by Step Format
Instant Solutions to Common App Essay Career Samples Simple Step by Step Format For instance, if you've got a four-part question, plan to use about 25% of the term count on each one of the four parts. Your introduction is just one of the main elements of the Common Application essay. If anything, it means you have to select your words even more carefully as a way to craft a high quality entry. If it is possible to paint a very clear picture for your reader by supplying details, you're far more likely to file a marker in their memories. Demonstrate why it is you're suited to a specific field for a consequence of your education, experience, abilities, and enthusiasm. Our editing and rewriting services are especially aimed for the help of students appearing to begin their academic careers in nursing. Colleges are not going to anticipate that each activity you list took up several hours a week. Students only have to concentrate on the reason why they wish to pursue the specific line of interest and what their existing skill sets, which would permit them to pursue the training course, are. If you want more inspiration, here's what you may also check out. The readers, however, may want to hear more than just a single career objective. Explain your thought processlet the reader in your mind to learn how you tick. There isn't a prompt to direct you, and that means you must ask yourself the questions that will get at the center of the story you would like to tell. Two new essay options are added, and a number of the previous questions are revised. If you would like to see her essay in context, have a look at this hyperlink. No matter which essay prompt you address, it's critical to give yourself time to think of the info you're conveying and what it reveals about you. These seven sample essays respond to a range of thought-provoking questions. The one which we'll be reviewing within this write-up is representative of the quality of writing and thinking that you will see throughout the collection. Moreover, there are tons of things you ought to do ahead of writing the essay. In general, there's no single correct topic. Just use our recommendations and your ideas and organize them in an appropriate way. It's very useful to take writing apart to be able to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. The procedure for your experience is vital. As the essay can turn into the deciding factor to assist you secure a location at the college or institution you're applying to you will need to get ready to answer the most usual application essay questions. These typical application essays take a degree of experience in writing that nearly all of the students don't have yet, so having a group of people who do poses that amount of expertise is a sensible move. The Death of Common App Essay Career Samples You have to have at least three argument to back up your thesis statement to begin with. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Similar to any other essay, you should begin with the major point which in this instance is all about your career ambitions and set goals. Drew's title is pretty straight-forward, but it's also rather powerful. Stephen's essay is rather effective. Some have the ability to describe events in such detail a reader simply must get to the conclusion of the essay. The author starts with a rather in depth story of an event or description of an individual or place. You have one chance to highlight that which you have accomplished and what you aspire to gain through your MBA later on. You're attempting to show colleges your very best self, therefore it might appear counterintuitive to willingly acknowledge a time you struggled. This genuinely is a chance to write about anything you desire! Colleges are interested in a feeling of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your private growth. Whatever the circumstance or realization you decide to concentrate on, make certain that your essay connects learning with overall success. Regardless of what tactics you wind up using, your target ought to be effortless and compelling readability. Unique things to various men and women, since the situation demanded. To put it differently, you want admissions officers to have the ability to find the external circumstance and feel as they're inside your mind while you're facing this obstacle. At precisely the same time, you will impress the college admissions folks greatly if it is possible to present your capacity to learn from your failures and mistakes. I saw my parents on the job, and I helped them with a few of those tasks. Note you do not need to have solved the issue, and a few of the greatest essays will explore problems that should be solved later on. It consists of no glaring problems with grammar and fashion.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Charles Tex Watson and the Manson Family
Charles Tex Watson went from being an A student in his Texas high school to Charles Mansons right-hand man and a cold-blooded murderer. He led the killing spree at the Tate and LaBianca residences and participated in killing each member of both households. Found guilty of killing seven people, Watson is living out his life in prison as an ordained minister. He got married and divorced and fathered four children while in prison, and he claims to feel remorse about those he murdered. Childhood and College Charles Denton Watson was born in Dallas, Texas, on December 2, 1945. His parents settled in Copeville, Texas, a small, impoverished town where they worked at the local gas station and spent time at their church. The Watsons believed in the American dream and worked hard to provide better lives for their three children, of which Charles was the youngest. Their lives were financially modest, but their children were happy and were following proper paths. As Charles got older he became involved in his parents church, the Copeville Methodist Church, where he led devotions for the youth group and regularly attended Sunday night evangelistic services. In high school, he was an honor student and track star who set records in high hurdles. He also was editor of the school paper. Determined to attend college, Watson worked at an onion packing plant to save money. His small hometown was beginning to close in on him, and he dreamed of gaining independence by attending college 50 miles away. In September 1964, Watson went to Denton, Texas, to begin his first year at North Texas State University. His parents were proud of him, and Watson was excited and ready to enjoy his newfound freedom. Academia quickly took a backseat to parties. Watson joined the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity in his second semester, and his focus switched to sex and alcohol. He participated in fraternity pranks, some more serious than others. One involved stealing, and for the first time he disappointed his parents by admitting he broke the law. But his parents lectures failed to dissuade him from getting back to the campus fun. Drugs In January 1967 he began working at Braniff Airlines as a baggage boy. He earned free airline tickets, which he used to impress his girlfriends by taking them for weekend trips to Dallas and Mexico. He was getting a taste of the world away from Texas, and he liked it. During a visit to a fraternity brothers home in Los Angeles, California, Watson was attracted to the psychedelic atmosphere of drugs and free love that took over the Sunset Strip during the 60s. Against his parents wishes, in August 1967 Watson left NTSU and moved to Los Angeles. To keep a promise to his parents to finish college, he began attending classes in business administration at California State University. He swapped his once-cherished frat clothes for the cooler hippie look, and his preferred high switched from alcohol to marijuana. Watson enjoyed becoming part of the group that separated themselves from the establishment. After a few months, Watson took a job as a wig salesman and quit Cal State. He moved to West Hollywood and then to Laurel Canyon in a house behind the Strip. His mother visited him just once, after he was hurt in a serious car accident. Unimpressed with his lifestyle, she begged him to return to Texas. Although part of him wanted to return to his hometown, pride kept him from going. He would not see her again until he was on the run for killing seven people. Watson began dealing marijuana, and he and his roommate opened a wig shop called Love Locs. It closed quickly, and Watson began relying on drug dealing to pay for his Malibu lifestyle. His desire to earn money soon yielded to wanting to get high, go to rock concerts, and lie on the beach, becoming what he thought was a full-time hippie. He had found his place in the world. Life-Changing Meeting Watsons life changed forever after he picked up a hitchhiker: Dennis Wilson, a member of the rock group the Beach Boys. After they arrived at Wilsons Pacific Palisades mansion, Wilson invited Watson to see the house and meet the people hanging out there. They included Dean Moorehouse, an ex-Methodist minister, and Charlie Manson. Wilson invited Watson to return to the mansion anytime to hang out and swim in the Olympic-size pool. The mansion was filled with dropouts doing drugs and listening to music. Watson eventually moved in, mingling with rock musicians, actors, children of stars, Hollywood producers, Manson, and members of Mansons Love Family. He was proud that a boy from Texas was rubbing elbows with the famous, and he was drawn to Manson and his family, Mansons prophesying, and the relationship his family members had with one another. Manson Family Watson began taking hallucinogens regularly and became consumed by a drug-induced perspective in which he believed love and deep bonds of friendship were formed. He described it as a kind of connection even deeper and better than sex. His friendship with Moorehouse and many of Mansons girls deepened, and they encouraged him to rid himself of his ego and join the Manson family. Wilson began to pull away from the regulars living in his mansion after complaints of child sexual abuse circulated. His manager told Moorehouse, Watson, and others that they had to leave. With nowhere to go, Moorehouse and Watson turned to Manson. Acceptance wasnt immediate, but in time Watsons name changed from Charles to Tex, he gave all his possessions to Charlie, and moved in with the family. In November 1968 Watson left the Manson family and moved to Hollywood with his girlfriend. They were financially comfortable drug peddlers, and Watson changed his hippie image to a more stylish Hollywood look. As their relationship fell apart, Watsons desire to reunite with the Manson family grew. By March 1969, he was back at the nearby Spahn Ranch, a 55-acre former movie set the family had occupied. But their focus had changed into something sinister, which the family called Helter Skelter. For several months, Manson spent long hours talking about Helter Skelter, a race war he envisioned to help change society. But the revolution was not happening quickly enough for Manson, and he conceived a plan to kick-start it. On August 8, 1969, the first phase of Helter Skelter began. Manson put Watson in charge of three family membersâ€â€Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian. He instructed Watson to go to 10050 Cielo Drive and kill everyone inside the home, make it look bad, but most important make sure each girl participated. Murders With Watson in the lead, the four entered the home of actress Sharon Tate-Polanski. Once inside they brutally beat, stabbed, or shot the occupants, including the eight-months-pregnant Tate, who begged for her babys life and cried out for her mother as they stabbed her 15 times. Also found shot to death was 18-year-old Steven Earl Parent, who was visiting the caretaker and was caught by the Manson group as he left the house. The next day Manson, Watson, Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten, and Steve Grogan drove to the home of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. Manson and Watson entered the home and bound the couple, then Manson left and sent in Krenwinkel and Van Houten. They stabbed and beat Leno, then Rosemary, then scrawled on the walls in blood the misspelled words Healter Skelter and Kill the Pigs, with triggering a race war in mind. Manson had issued the order to kill but left before the killing began. Eight days after the Cielo Drive murders, police raided Spahn Ranch and rounded up several members on auto theft charges. After the raid the rest of the family headed for Death Valley, but not before Manson, Watson, Grogan, Bill Vance and Larry Bailey killed ranch hand Donald Shorty Shea. Manson believed Shea was the snitch responsible for the raid. Watson stayed with the Manson family until early October, then decided to return to Texas. But his dramatic change since he left home in 1964 made it difficult to stay. He decided to go to Mexico but felt a strong pull to return to Charlie and his real family. He flew to L.A., got near to where the family was staying, but stopped short, believing that Charlie would kill him. Charged Watson returned to his family in Texas, cut his hair, and tried to blend in with this unfamiliar world. He reunited with an old girlfriend and reduced his drug use. The future began to show some promise as parts of his old life returned. All that stopped on November 30, when he was arrested and charged with seven counts of murder for the Tate and LaBianca killings. It took his mother years to believe the charges. Some Manson family members had revealed to the Los Angeles district attorneys office what they had heard around the ranch following the murders. Atkins, who had been arrested, couldnt resist bragging about the family and the murders while in the Sybil Brand Institute for Women east of downtown Los Angeles. Later she told the same story to the grand jury and described Watsons involvement. Not long after, Watson was located in Texas and arrested. After fighting extradition to California for nine months, Watson was finally returned on September 11, 1970. By this time Manson and several of his girls were in their third month of trial. The extradition process prevented Watson from being tried with the group and gave him a chance to see who was being blamed for which crimes so he would know what to admit and what had been blamed on others. Watson began suffering from acute paranoia and regressed to a fetal state, stopped eating, and lost considerable weight. He was sent to Atascadero State Hospital for evaluation of his fitness to stand trial. On August 2, 1971, Watson finally went on trial for the brutal murders. Trial District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi had successfully prosecuted the others involved in the Tate-LaBianca murders and now began the trial of the last, most culpable of all involved. Dressed in a suit and holding the Bible, Watson pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, yet he was sane enough to admit on the stand only the crimes he knew the prosecution was already aware of. He did not admit to killing Tate or being with Manson when the LaBiancas were taken captive. After two and a half hours of deliberation, Watson was found to have been sane during the murders and received a death sentence. Husband, Father, Author From November 1971 until September 1972, Watson was on death row at San Quentin prison, north of San Francisco. After California briefly outlawed the death penalty, he was moved to California Mens Colony in San Luis Obispo, where he met Chaplain Raymond Hoekstra and became a born-again Christian. Five years after mercilessly murdering seven people, Watson was teaching Bible studies, eventually leading him to form his own prison ministry, Abounding Love Ministries. During his stay at the Colony he wrote an autobiography, Will You Die for Me?, published in 1978. He married Kristin Joan Svege and in 1979 gained the trust of Suzanne Struthers, Rosemary LaBiancas daughter, who fought for his release during a 1990 parole hearing. Through conjugal visits, he and his wife had four children. In 1996 conjugal visits for prisoners serving life sentences were banned. In 2003, he and his wife divorced. As of October 2019, Watson was in the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego, California. Three years earlier he was denied parole for the 17th time. He will next be eligible for parole in 2021. Sources Bugliosi, Vincent and Gentry, Curt. Helter Skelter. Bantam Books.Hamilton, Matt. Parole denied for convicted Manson follower Charles ‘Tex’ Watson. Los Angeles Times.Murphy, Bob. Desert Shadows. Sagebrush. Steffens, Bradley. The Trial of Charles Manson. Lucent Books.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Comparison Essay Between Oedipus the King and Death of a...
Mohannad Zawi October 31st, 2011. You Should Probably Learn To Not Let Your Emotions Get The Best Of You There goes an old saying, â€Å"All anyone asks for is a chance to work with pride.†Well, it seems that some people work with almost too much pride. In order to consider the extent to which pride applies to Sophocles Oedipus The King and Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, consider the following: Oedipus and Willy both take extreme pride in their professions, their pride blinds them from seeing the truth of their situations, and their pride ultimately leads to their own demise/downfall, all of these invoking pity. There are many ways that pride can be attributed to pity just from the situations of these characters. From these extreme†¦show more content†¦Oedipus: If I must question thee again, thourt lost.†Oedipus’s pride insistence makes him blind to the fact that people are telling him not to dig any deeper, as we know hell soon not like what he finds out. â€Å"Howard: This is n o time for false pride Willy. You go to your sons and tell them that you’re tired. You’ve got two great boys, haven’t you? Willy: Oh, no question, no question, but in the mean time...†Howard understands that Willy is using his pride to shield himself from the dangers of reality. If Willy hasnt used his false pride all the time, hed be able to live and get by. Willy and Oedipus are both blind to the truth and the realization of their situations, for if they werent so blind, their predicaments could be completely different. However, their blindness leads us to feel pity for them as we are able to see their faults and where they have done wrong. Their pride ultimately leads to their own downfall, which attributes to pity. â€Å"To wit I should defile my mothers bed and raise up seed too loathsome to behold, and slay the father from whose loins I sprang.†Oedipus, with the help of his pride, keeps digging himself deeper into a hole of self-regret. This is the true cause of his downfall. â€Å"I got a job, I told you that. [After a slight pause] What the hell are you offering me a job for?†When Willy is offered a job by Willy, Willy feels as if his pride was attacked. This was a job that Willy could have had to help with his moneyShow MoreRelatedQuest For Literary Form : The Greeks Believed That The Tragedy1742 Words  | 7 PagesAristotelian concept of tragedy. Among these dramatists was Arthur Miller, who advocates the modern concept of tragedy. (Miller, Pp. 1831) In his essay, â€Å"Tragedy and the Common man†Miller propounded his ideas contrary to the traditional tragedy concept. (Miller, Pp. 1831) He explained reasons for publishing â€Å"Death of a Salesman†and claimed that he instilled his character with a combination of feelings and experiences such as grief, unhappiness and little heroic acts. He representedRead More Willy Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman Essay1519 Words  | 7 PagesWilly Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman   Willy Loman, the title character of the play, Death of Salesman, exhibits all the characteristics of a modern tragic hero. This essay will support this thesis by drawing on examples from Medea by Euripedes, Poetics by Aristotle, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, and Shakespeares Julius Caesar, while comments by Moss, Gordon, and Nourse reinforce the thesis.            Death of Salesman, by Arthur Miller, fits the characteristics of classicRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words  | 17 PagesBarthes’ Observation, write an essay in which you analyze a central question the work raises and the extent to which it offers any answers. Explain how the author’s treatment of this question affects your understanding of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. You may select a work from the list below or another novel or play of comparable literary merit. Alias Grace Middlemarch All the King’s Men Moby-Dick Candide Obasan Death of a Salesman Oedipus Rex Doctor Faustus Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 24 Diagnostic Survey and Exercises 24 Personal Assessment of Management Skills (PAMS) 24 What Does It Take to Be an Effective Manager? 28 SSS Software In-Basket Exercise 30 SCORING KEY AND COMPARISON DATA 42 Personal Assessment of Management Skills 42 Scoring Key 42 Comparison Data 42 What Does It Take to Be an Effective Manager? 43 SSS Software In-Basket Exercise 43 PART I 1 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 45 DEVELOPING SELF-AWARENESS SKILL ASSESSMENT 46 Diagnostic Surveys for
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about The Theme of Revenge Throughout Odyssey
Revenge is a reoccurring theme throughout the Odyssey. Nearly every motivation for conflict within the Odyssey is because one of the characters is craving revenge. The three main areas of revenge in the first twelve books are as follows. Initially, Zeus prevents Odysseus and his men from returning home. Poseidon also continually chastises Odysseus throughout the entire story. Finally, the key account of revenge the reader sees in the story is from Telemachus in that he feels the need to make the suitors compensate for their impudence to his house as well as his mother. Therefore, each of the characters in the story is put through many hardships which pushes them to seek revenge. However, the major reason why Odysseus and his men are put†¦show more content†¦Fortunately for Odysseus, he had Athena on his side. She pleaded with her father, Zeus, to allow Odysseus to go home and reunite with his family. At this point Zeus finally chose to help Odysseus reach home. Regrettably, Zeus was not the only one holding Odysseus back. In addition to Zeus, Poseidon held Odysseus at fault for blinding his son, the Cyclops. Although, Odysseus and his men had to fight off the Cyclops to survive Poseidon still blamed Odysseus for faulting his son after the fact. When Odysseus and his men arrived they found a monster’s cave which they entered and were unable to locate the host. They observed his cave and found many types of cheeses which they indulged themselves in. When the Cyclops returned, â€Å"he hoisted overhead a tremendous, massive slabâ€â€no twenty-two wagons, rugged and four-wheeled, could budge that boulder off the ground.†(Homer, 362). The Cyclops, feeling no conscious, ate many of Odysseus’ men. Finally, Odysseus decided to take action. He realized they needed the Cyclops to move the door, but needed to stay alive as well. After Odysseus and his men made the Cyclops very inebriated, they heated a stake and thrust it into the Cyclops eye. After the Cyclops had been blinded the men hid under his sheep as they wandered out into the pasture. At this point on the island, Odysseus had been very smart and told the Cyclops his name was Nobody.Show MoreRelatedThe Odyssey as a Classic Essay655 Words  | 3 PagesThe Odyssey Essay Classic literature often provides insight to an ancient society, their values, and their beliefs. Many books that are considered classics today focus on ancient Rome and Greece. Revenge, hubris, and other themes, and the relation of this book to modern life, classifies the poem The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Fitzgerald, as a classic. For this reason, it is still read today. Classic themes of The Odyssey are a reason that it is a timeless tale. The concept of revenge isRead MoreEric Moore. Mr. Howell. 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Why Is Literacy Important - 1964 Words
As an education support worker is important to clearly understand and grasp literacy, how vital literacy is in our lives to ensure children are not illiterate. So to understand literacy we must look at what is literacy. Literacy is not only the ability to read and write but rather a person’s ability to utilise and put the skills together. But before children can read and write, they need to learn about words, sounds, language, books and stories. In modern days literacy includes the ability to use language, numbers, images, computers and other means to understand, communicate and seek knowledge. The key to literacy is reading development, a skill that will allow the student to understand the words when spoken and understand the written†¦show more content†¦Sharlene Kalaitzoglou CHCEDS503A- Support the development of Literacy Skills P1 Encouraging literacy development- giving students opportunities to listen to and use language. Communication: Communicating is important for literacy development. Bonding and interacting with your child from infancy is the first form of communication that your child experiences. Your baby may communicate with you by smiling, facial expressions and cooing to your sounds which are both forms of verbal and nonverbal communication. These types of back-and-forth interactions are getting your child ready for talking and socialising. To encourage your child to build on communication you can; With your infant copy the baby sounds back to your child as this can help your infant understand how language is put together. Sing songs together- this introduces new words to the children while introducing music as a form of communication Talk about everyday things with the students- what they did on the weekend- encourage them to extend on the activities and express their feeling about the event. Assist students to break words down in segments. For e.g.: the word run- this can be broken down as r-u-n or ru-n or r-un. Another e.g.: running- this can be broken down to runn- ing. Reading: Reading is importance in a student’s
Business Sustainability Business Curriculam
Question: Discuss about the Business Sustainability for Business Curriculam. Answer: Introduction: The aim of the paper is to plan an effective strategy used for teaching children at the basic learning level and at the primary level as well. The paper is divided into Part A and Part B. The first part narrates the design and the description of the new and innovative resource to be used for teaching and the second part is the learning plan that evaluates the rationale and the usefulness of the teaching plan. There has been increasing awareness about the importance of sustainability and how an individual might contribute towards a sustainable environment (Stewart, 2014). It is also important to teach the children at early childhood and primary level about sustainability and how they can contribute towards a better environment. The idea of the teaching resource is a book. The main theme of the book is to create awareness among the children on how they shall be able to handle various situations in life. As stated by Dahl, (2015), that life is dynamic and a person can be faced with any kind of situation. In case of children, it becomes very challenging for them to react at a particular situation. In addition to this, it can be said that in the recent time, World has witnessed several such situation where people remained in dilemma about their reaction. Increasing sustainability issues, environmental degradation, reducing availability of resources and other such factors have become vital issues that need to be combated (Remington-Doucette et al., 2013). Therefore, it is important to include teachings related to these topics among the children at a primary level or below primary level. Part A: Design and description of a teaching resource Drawing of the resource: Materials used: The idea of the resource is a book. It is proposed that the book might be made of cardboard that shall provide durability to the product. The content of the book will be written with printed ink. There shall be pictures and images to narrate the incident clearly and make the lessons more acceptable among the children (Fergus, Twigge-Molecey Mcguffin-Cawley, 2013). Apart from the proposed idea of a cardboard book, the same concept might be applied in the form of e-books as well. E-books shall be more technologically advanced and there shall be the option of increasing the storage memory as well and thus, there will be more option of teaching among the teachers (Johnston, 2013). However, it is important to teach children using a physical book rather than using a virtual platform. Since, the concept is to make children aware of the upcoming situation, it is important to leave certain things for imagination to the children that they shall be able to react efficiently on the situation. Instruction for teachers: The main objective of the proposed book is to make the Children aware about the circumstances and how exactly they shall react to combat the situation if they are faced with any kind of situation. It is important to teach children about the importance of sustainability of environment and that each child is responsible to participate in the betterment of the environment (hman, 2016). It is instructed to the teachers, to tell about the importance of sustainability to the students. The next thing is to make them come across a number of situations that the children are expected to face in their regular activities. Some examples of the situations are: What if they find someone throwing plastic wrapper on the road? What shall be the approach of a child if it sees a dog or a cat in trouble? What shall a child do if it comes across a situation where it observes that a person is not utilizing the resources like water or fuel in a correct way? The responses of the children are noted and it is based on the response, further teaching techniques shall be adopted to engage the children in future activities and make them aware about the instances that they shall undertake if they are faced with any kind of situation. After a number of classes, a test can be taken that will tell about the response and the intensity of the learning of the children. The teachers are expected to be very friendly and opened up with the students at the time of teaching them because that shall create ease among the children that they shall be free to ask and clear any doubt from the teacher (Williams Brown, 2013). Moreover, it has to be noted that the children also wanted to share something with their teacher or mentors. Therefore, it is also instructed that the teacher should make focus on such aspect as well. For the students at the primary level, more serious approach can be made towards the teaching technique of the children. Serious issues like safety on roads or while handling equipment or other appliances at home and other such issues that might hinder the sustainability of the environment (Wiek et al., 2014). It is also expected that the teacher shall narrate a number of real life examples and some or situations that might have recently happened. This approach shall make everything clear to the students and whatever is taught to them and they shall be able to relate the lesson easily. Part B: Learning plan For early childhood: At the early age children has to be made aware of the fundamental principles of life that includes manner and disciplines and the way they can contribute towards a better society and environment. Therefore, the series of books meant for the children at the early childhood shall include stories and descriptions related to table manners, things they should follow when they visit others house (Blewitt Cullingford, 2013). At the same time, they shall be taught the ways of approaching and act at the situations when something reliable do not seem to happen. For Primary aged children: When the children reach the primary level, they develop a good level of knowledge and understanding. Reading McLaren, (2015), it has been known that children who attend the age of 9 years develop the basic understanding of particular situation and if they are guided properly, they might be able to handle the situation well. The aim of the education is to make these children aware and capable to react on any kind of situation that they have to face at any point of their regular life activities. Rationale of the plan: The main issue of the education system is that the primary focus made is to teach the students more about the subjects and less about the actual life activities. However, it is very vital to teach children the basic things necessary to deal in life. Early age of education is the primary stage when children can be taught about the things that are necessary for an individual to follow in their life (Senge et al., 2012). The things that are taught to the children at the primary level are expected to create good impact in their future. The teaching technique used at the primary level of education is not appropriate enough to make the children capable of handling any kind of diverse situation or to fight against certain challenges (Sund hman, 2014). Therefore, when the children are made to come across certain expected situation and they are taught the things that shall help them to react appropriately on the particular situation then this type of teaching shall be more fruitful. The issue of dealing appropriately with situation is gaining importance in the recent scenario because of the increasing malpractices and other incidents that has created terror and alarming situation in the society (Sidiropoulos, 2014). The issues related to environmental changes like increasing pollution or global warming are increasing at an alarming rate and these problems and issues needs to be focused in order to combat with the degrading situation. The aim of the proposed teaching resource is to create awareness among the children about the environment safety as well as for other situation that are important for a person to react at any situation. The proposed book is made up of sustainable resources that will not cause any harm to the environment. Another approach that has been made about e-book is another good option that shall retain sustainability of the environment (Wright Horst, 2013). However, as mentioned previously e-book might not be much effective for the fact that it shall not create that imaginative framework among the learners. Links to education for sustainability: Several approaches have been made to include it in the education system about the approaches that one should make in order to participate in the sustainability of environment. The effectiveness of the approach might be high among the students at the secondary learning level but it might not be effective among the children. As stated by Yarime et al. (2012) each and every person has equal participation level for the society or the environment. Moreover, if children are raised properly by teaching them appropriately and making them aware about the importance of sustainability and how each person can be responsible to keep the sustainability of the environment intact. Objectives of the plan: The objective of the proposed plan can be set by the means of a SMART framework. Specific: The plan is to teach the children at early primary and primary level to create awareness among them about the sustainability of environment. They should be taught on how exactly to react on a particular situation when they are faced with any such situation in their regular life activities (Hesselbarth Schaltegger, 2014). Measurable: The success of the plan can be measured if a pseudo situation is created to acknowledge the success of the plan and how well the children have adapted the teaching. It can be easily known by the way the children will react on the situation. Attainable: The objective is easily achievable if the schools devote at least two classes a week on the teaching lessons to teach the children about the importance of sustainability and thus, by the end of the course, the objective can be achieved easily (Wright Horst, 2013). Relevant: The plan is relevant because teaching students at their primary level of education about the importance of sustainability of environment and their contribution towards making the environment more sustainable. Timely: The objective can be achieved easily within the specified time. Since, it will be a continuous training program the objective can be achieved by the time the children will receive their elementary education. Teaching strategies: The teaching strategy of the proposed plan is that like classes where other subjects are taught, in the same way the children shall be taught about the life lessons and other sustainability approaches from their end. Primarily, regular classes will be taken where the children will be taught the lessons. The teacher is expected to demonstrate various situations to the children by the means of creating a dramatic or a pseudo situation (Senge et al., 2012). It is further recommended that once a month the development and the understanding of the children can be measured by checking the progress of these children in terms of their response towards a particular situation. Conclusion: The innovative and sustainable approach that has been discussed to make children at the primary and early childhood level shall be beneficial enough for the environment as well as the society. The resource selected for the teaching purpose is a product that is made of environment friendly products and therefore is sustainable. The teaching procedure is also based on the sustainability approach made towards the society. It has to be understood that the children are the future of the society and if they are taught in the right direction then the chances of a better environmental situation is high. Moreover, if the children are taught in a dramatic way, the level of understanding increases. Therefore, the guidelines that have been suggested shall be fruitful if they are implemented in a correct way. Reference list: Blewitt, J., Cullingford, C. (2013).The sustainability curriculum: the challenge for higher education. Earthscan. Dahl, A. L. (2015). 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Assessing sustainability education in a transdisciplinary undergraduate course focused on real-world problem solving: a case for disciplinary grounding.International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,14(4), 404-433. Senge, P. M., Cambron-McCabe, N., Lucas, T., Smith, B., Dutton, J. (2012).Schools that learn (updated and revised): A fifth discipline fieldbook for educators, parents, and everyone who cares about education. Crown Business. Sidiropoulos, E. (2014). Education for sustainability in business education programs: a question of value.Journal of cleaner production,85, 472-487. Stewart, M. (2014). Transforming higher education: a practical plan for integrating sustainability education into the student experience. J Sustain Educ 1: 13. Sund, L., hman, J. (2014). On the need to repoliticise environmental and sustainability education: Rethinking the postpolitical consensus.Environmental Education Research,20(5), 639-659. Wiek, A., Xiong, A., Brundiers, K., Van Der Leeuw, S. (2014). Integrating problem-and project-based learning into sustainability programs: A case study on the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University.International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,15(4), 431-449. Williams, D., Brown, J. (2013).Learning gardens and sustainability education: Bringing life to schools and schools to life. Routledge. Wright, T., Horst, N. (2013). Exploring the ambiguity: what faculty leaders really think of sustainability in higher education.International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,14(2), 209-227. Yarime, M., Trencher, G., Mino, T., Scholz, R. W., Olsson, L., Ness, B., ... Rotmans, J. (2012). Establishing sustainability science in higher education institutions: towards an integration of academic development, institutionalization, and stakeholder collaborations.Sustainability Science,7(1), 101-113.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Of Mice and Men Alienation free essay sample
In John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men, Crooks, a black stable buck, endures alienation due to racial discrimination. Racial discrimination also hinders him from any type of success. Despite the hardships, he overcomes these obstacles and faces this struggle head on. Forced into isolationism, due to segregation, alienation becomes Crooks companion. This describes Crooks all the way. Hes self-educated and meek yet frustrated, indignant, and angry by his helplessness as a black man in a racist culture. 2Hes also very wise and observant and also listens with cynicism. For Crooks the American dream represents 3independence and self-sufficiency. Racism defeats his hope for reaching the American dream. 4Racism makes him powerless and forces him to become an outcast. 5 Money and success eludes him. Alienation and segregation contain him. His mental abilities and state of mind set him free. Candy Candy also feels the burden of loneliness and shows it by his relationship with his sheep dog. The dog, being described as ancient, stinky, and half-blind, had been in Candys life for a very long time and Candy had grown attached to it. Once the other farmhands had finally gotten fed up with it and stated that the dog needed to be put out of its misery Candy was extremely reluctant to turn it over and let him go. After hearing the shot ring outside, all Candy could do was turn his face towards a wall and not look around. Certainly Candy found this dog to be a loyal companion of his and he had developed a strong relationship with it over the years, which helped him cope with his loneliness on the ranch. Whenever one is taking a deeper look at Of Mice and Men one will probably get a sense of how depressing and dismal the ranch really is. Candy gives Steinbeck an opportunity to discuss social discrimination based on age and handicaps. Candy represents what happens to everyone who gets old in American society: They are let go, canned, thrown out, used up. Candys greatest fear is that once he is no longer able to help with the cleaning he will be disposed of. Like his old dog, he has lived beyond his usefulness. Curleys wife Curleys wife knows her beauty is her power, and she uses it to flirt with the ranch hands and make her husband jealous. She is utterly alone on the ranch, and her husband has seen to it that no one will talk to her without fearing a beating. The Ranch Steinbeck reinforces the theme of loneliness in subtle and not so subtle ways. In the vicinity of the ranch, for example, is the town of Soledad. The towns name, not accidentally, means solitude or alone. Also, the others reactions to George and Lennie traveling together reinforces that, in Steinbecks world, traveling with someone else is unusual. When George and Lennie arrive at the ranch, four other characters  the boss, Candy, Crooks, and Slim  all comment on the suspicious nature of two guys traveling together. This companionship seems strange and, according to at least the boss and Curley, the relationship is sexual or exploitative financially. George While George can be very rational and thoughtful, he also gets frustrated and angry with Lennie because the big man cannot control his strength or actions. George repeatedly gets angry, so much so that Lennie knows by heart what it means when George gives him hell. But Georges anger quickly fades when he remembers Lennies innocence and his inability to remember or think clearly. George, unlike other men, has a companion and friend in Lennie. Because of this, Lennie makes George feel special. They are different from all the other guys, and George realizes only too well that they have a special bond. At the ranch, George often plays solitaire, a game for one. Without Lennie, George would be a loner. Even though George gets frustrated by Lennies mental weakness, he also feels compassion for his friend. Lennie offers George the opportunity to lay plans, give advice, and, in general, be in charge. Without Lennie, George would be just like the other hands, but with Lennie, George has a strong sense of responsibility. Their dream also sets George apart from the others because it means he and Lennie have a future and something to anticipate. Unlike Lennie, George does not see their dream in terms of rabbits; instead, he sees it in a practical way. Their farm will be one where they can be independent and safe and where he will not have to worry about keeping track of Lennies mistakes. They can be secure and in charge of their own lives. However, Lennie is the one who adds the enthusiasm because George never really believed they could swing this farm of their own. He mostly uses the story to give Lennie something Lennie Georges taking care of Lennie and the dream of the farm are attempt s to break the pattern of loneliness that is part of the human condition. Similarly, Lennies desire to pet soft things comes from his need to feel safe and secure, to touch something that gives him that feeling of not being alone in the world. For Lennie, the dream of the farm parallels that security. George is going to give me hell or George wont let me tend the rabbits. He is devoted to George like a dog is devoted to its master, and he tries to follow Georges commands. There is a childlike wonder in Lennie that can be seen when he first sees the pool of water and slurps down huge gulps of water like a horse. Only when Candy offers the stake does George actually begin to see that this dream could come true. But, realist that he is, George tells Candy over the lifeless body of Curleys wife, I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowd wed never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would [be able to have the farm.]
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