Monday, February 24, 2020
Does Government secure or inhibit liberty Essay
Does Government secure or inhibit liberty - Essay Example Liberty looks at the right of the mother who exercised her right to abortion but did not take into consideration the baby’s right to life. The utilitarian approach looks at non-abortion as not being cost-effective on the part of the State and taxpayers in general, by the provision of health care and being wards of the State, respectively for the mother and would be child. Richard Garlikov, in his article â€Å"the Abortion Debate†stated that â€Å"Many states allow abortion in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the life or health of the pregnant woman. Normally no rationale is given for that because, apparently many people think none is needed or that the rationales are obvious. I prefer to spell out the rationales in those cases, however, because I think they are important to understand in their own right, and because I think they also have consequences for other cases†. In 1973 the Roe v. Wade decision proved this by recognizing abortion as a fundamental constitutional right and made it legal in all states. The law now permits abortion at the request of the women without any restrictions in the first trimester and some restrictions in the second trimester to protect women's health. ... How can we allow people the right to do everything that leads to contraception, but not allow abortion? Accidents do happen. Most cases of abortions are due to unplanned pregnancies. In the case of rape, women most likely do not want the child. Banning abortion would force these women to live with burden of an unwanted child. Even if one were to pose the argument that the child could be put up for adoption, there is still the state of mind of the mother to consider. The mother will most likely live with a guilty conscious and the memory of bearing a bastard child. Simply, because she was denied the liberty of ridding herself of an unborn entity. Also, in exploring cases of teenagers, young adults are now having sex with no serious thinking into the consequences of them becoming pregnant. Denying her the right to abortion the child's life may inexplicably ruin her future. She  most likely will have a traumatic pregnancy simply because she is too young to have a rational notion of parenthood as well as the possibility of her not having a higher education. Women should have the right to their bodies, and they should have a choice whether or not to have an abortion. Garlikov also posited that â€Å"each embryo is a particular individual that has the potential to become, in a relatively short time, a particular person. Conception is a rather miraculous, complex event and it seems that, at the very least, unnecessary, unjustified abortion is in some sense insensitively wasteful, and unappreciative of the event and of the value of each particular individual character that is already, by virtue of conception, partly along the path to becoming a particular person. Life, because it can be good, is not
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Research Paper Topics
Research Paper TopicsIt is more difficult to perform research paper topics that are based on current issues in a high school senior class than it is for high school seniors in past years. On top of that, today's student teachers are more likely to cite current events in history than those teachers of years past.The day in which history, politics, and current events are topics that can be researched in a class may be any day now. High school senior students can be burdened with this or any other major change to their subject areas that are entirely new. Since so many of their teachers are 'experts' on events from their own pasts, students may not be privy to the true or the factual basis for their research topic. The end result may be a failed project.A relatively small but committed group of senior citizens is working very hard to combat this dilemma by giving high school senior students the opportunity to study their past and present. The years since the 2020 G.I. Bill reauthorizati on have given the United States' youth a chance to see firsthand just how their generation has changed their country's society and economic structure. They can even reflect on how they helped make this happen. This history and its lessons are now being placed in the hands of the high school seniors in our nation's high schools.A graduate from any American high school can enroll for an abbreviated course in American History and look back on their past for the week before their junior year. If they are so inclined, they can also look at their future, and the future of their family, and reflect on the contributions they made while in high school. These types of projects are important to the United States as it continues to compete with other countries for human resources.Our nation is no longer a 'nation of explorers and settlers,' but of highly educated employees of two-yearcolleges and universities. The proportion of university graduates is rising as each graduating class becomes mor e educated with each passing year. This translates into higher-paying jobs and higher paying salaries for all of those with the ability to perform research papers and write academic journals. The sheer volume of material that has to be processed and that cannot be produced is immense.A research paper topic that has everything to do with current events in a high school senior class is completely manageable if the student-teacher relationship has been set up in advance. The intent is to provide an objective and supportive environment that a researcher can both learn the materials and feel comfortable while they are reading the papers. Just as a recent history project might not have been successful when the freshman class read their books, the same might not be true of a more recent research project. The principal considerations will be the students' experience level, the subject matter that the student-teacher relationship can produce, and the skills that the teacher has developed for this situation. This is an easy setting for the researcher to benefit from the classroom-educator relationship.If a high school senior is undertaking a research paper topic based on current events in the United States, one would do well to look to the research papers in their literature class for ideas on how to research their projects. Reading the research papers of their peers in other subjects will serve as a springboard to these projects. Each of these research papers comes with a variety of details that the student-teacher relationship can work with. The resulting research paper topics may be particularly relevant to the type of research the student is preparing to do.
Investigate the expectation of the users of financial statement from Dissertation - 1
Investigate the expectation of the users of financial statement from the auditors in case of Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example This is usually done through their authentication, reliability and the correctness of their financial reporting (Mautz and Sharaf 1961; Manson and Zaman 2001). The accountants and auditors play an important role as they manage the finances of the companies (Manson 2000; Galloway 2003). Unfortunately, a number of issues have significantly affected the said process. In fact, one of the most important consequences is related to the existence of the so-called audit expectation gap. The audit expectation gap is indeed, one of the most important issues related to the audited function as it has relatively affected the development of auditing standards and practices (Godsell 1992; Best, Buckby and Tan 2001; Fadzly and Ahmad 2004). Members of the profession even attributed the existence of this issue to the significant increases in the litigations and criticisms they face (Mednick 1986; Berry, Otahata and Saleh 2000). The audit expectation gap pertains to the difference between the expectatio ns of the public in relation to an audit. The importance of this factor to the auditing profession lies on the fact that it tends to lower the credibility of the latter as well as their earnings potential (Godsell 1992; Best, Buckby and Tan 2001; Lin and Chen 2004;). More significantly, the presence of this problem also lowers the prestige of the profession (Beck 1973; Berry, Otahat and Saleh 2000; Best, Buckby and Tan 2001). 1.2 Statement of the Problem Various literatures have already been published in relation to audit expectations gap between the auditors and the users of financial statements. These literatures all emphasize that the expectations gap is usually evident from two points of view: (1) the users of the financial statements and (2) the auditors. In addition, there are also four expectation issues connected with this; these are: (1) audit assurance which pertains to the role and functions that the auditors must fulfill, (2) the level of quality in relation to the perfo rmance of the audits, (3) structural issues and regulatory issues that significantly affect the independence of the accountants/auditors, and (4) the manner by which the said audits are reported, taking into consideration the inconsistencies in terms of the construction of the different meanings contained in the audit reports. Previous studies conducted in relation to the auditing experiences gap tend to focus on developed countries and at the same time, have significantly failed to give paramount importance to the political and historical contexts wherein the said expectations are formed. Aside from this, the common recommendation is to publish strict guidelines with respect to accounting and auditing to cater to the problem at hand. However, some of the said studies mention that the said recommendations do not usually apply to all countries, most especially the developing ones taking into consideration the differences as to the ideological and legal structures that govern it. The study focuses on the experiences and perceptions of the users of financial statements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In addition to this, it also seeks to determine the different factors affecting this to gain a better understanding of the auditing expe
Thursday, February 6, 2020
The Ideal Approach to High School Essay Writing Topics
The Ideal Approach to High School Essay Writing Topics There are guidelines provided on the best way to compose high school essays. First thing you ought to keep in mind is that argumentative essay isn't only assigned in the plan of study, but could frequently be found in tests like TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, ACT and several others. The intent of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. You're able to easily depend on us to find essay help as we have a tendency to assist and guide the students with the aid of our professional experts. School should occur in the evenings. It is often as large or as small as it is possible to think about! College is for a high amount of study. Understanding High School Essay Writing Topics There's, naturally, a limit on the variety of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Writing of educational documents isn't a task that's simple and several individuals encounter a good deal of issues. Very often it becomes tough to choose one particular topic either on account of the many ideas in the student's head, or due to their complete absence. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you find yourself getting a great grade. The Chronicles of High School Essay Writing Topics Thanks to the correct selection of presentation style and a thorough understanding of the goals you wish to attain in your essay, there are many categories essay themes may be broken into. You can receive the ideal custom essay help from us in a variety of topics. Argumentative essay is about arguing and debating on a subject, which is debatable. On exactly the same note, it may be an examination or analysis of a certain issue, based on expository essay topics you may choose. You could select a topic that you're not interested in and wind up straining to compose the appropriate concept. Write about a problem you have or would like to fix. An essay topic won't be in the particular way. Nobody really wishes to compose an essay. The essays can't be selected any way until there may be made no type of the informative measures. To discover argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you will need to comprehend about the argumentative essay. At the conclusion of these list, you will discover links to a range of argumentative paragraphs and essays. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's essential to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the special area of study. When you choose a topic, you must answer the query and substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. These steps and tips can help you choose decent research paper topics. Categories, essay topics could be divided into. After you've decided on an expository essay topic, you will most likely require several suggestions about how to organize the procedure for writing. If you're in a college and wish to compose an argumentative essay, you should decide on a subject of high importance. Colleges can tell whenever your essay is merely a form essay.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About Mla Research Paper Works Cited Exposed
Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About Mla Research Paper Works Cited Exposed The Mla Research Paper Works Cited Game If you're a high school or college student, then there will absolutely be a time if you find yourself able in which you have to cite a research paper, dissertation, annotated bibliography etc.. Following that, a writer should add a couple of sentences to spell out the evidence. If you prefer to list extra works and your instructor doesn't have any objection, create an individual list titled Works Consulted. Normally a thesis statement has three parts that you want to discuss. New Ideas Into Mla Research Paper Works Cited Never Before Revealed In case the page number isn't known, omit it. These pages provide you a few questions to answer, then enable you to push a button to acquire an individual works-cited entry. The list has to be alphabetical. Double-space the whole list. Whether there are over two works by the very same author, include the title o f the job in the start or in the parenthesis in abbreviated form. After the author is referred to more than once in exactly the same paragraph, you can use a single MLA in-text citation at the close of the paragraph (so long as the work can't be confused with others cited). It's only when you're conscious of these that you need to expect expert essay writing from them. Therefore, if you're supposed to make an essay in MLA format, but not even certain where to begin, stick to our MLA format example essay and you'll readily get through the writing process. Correct all errors that you may spot and enhance the total caliber of the paper to the best of your ability. With the total amount of information an individual can get in the web, it's becoming a frequent mistake. Citing information incorrectly can use up a good deal of your valuable time, and additionally, it may negatively influence your grade. There are lots of things to think about when planning a research. Things You W on't Like About Mla Research Paper Works Cited and Things You Will Explain briefly the key points you want to cover in your paper and why readers ought to be interested in your topic. For instance, a sensible conclusion ought to be approximately 10% of the full paper's word count. A great outline has become the most significant step in writing an excellent paper. The examples aren't double spaced since they would be in your paper. To prevent this, your research paper must contain a works cited page where you are able to enlist all of the reference materials which you've used. You don't need to include works which aren't cited in the body of your essay. All works which you have quoted or paraphrased needs to be included. Several sources by the identical author ought to be listed chronologically by year inside the same group. If there's more than 1 author, follow the order that they're named in the source. Parenthetically cite all referenced sources within exactly the same sentence. Adhere to the format below, but skip over any information that you can't locate on a specific site. Usually a number of these elements won't be available. The format varies dependent on the resource material that you've used. Various varieties of referencing styles have been made by varied organizations. Each reference will supply the formatting and an example. The form of referencing style you will use must be dependent upon the topic that you discuss. This format has principles as opposed to a set of certain rules to be followed. After the quote was made, don't forget to include things like a parenthetical reference. The Battle Over Mla Research Paper Works Cited and How to Win It The list includes the exac t same running head as the primary text. In this instance, you leave out the publisher element to prevent repetition. In the event the author's name isn't utilised in text, place only the previous name in the parenthesis with the page number If there's more than 1 author, include all names within the parenthesis as mentioned in the source, or list them followed be et. The very first author's name is inverted so the entry begins with their very last name. Mla Research Paper Works Cited Explained In-text citations are advised by the MLA. Endnote numbers have to be superscripted. All very first Endnote references have to be cited in full.
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