Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Alternative Approaches to Executive Compensation Essay
Alternative Approaches to Executive Compensation - Essay Example †¢ ïÆ'Ëœ Limitations of Optimal Contracting ïÆ'Ëœ Agency problem experienced by managers ïÆ'Ëœ CEO can influence the nomination process for the board directors ïÆ'Ëœ The directors may never challenge the CEO’s pay, as they may want to please the CEO. ïÆ'Ëœ Market forces are not strong enough to assure optimal contracting outcomes ïÆ'Ëœ Failure of maximizing the shareholder value ïÆ'Ëœ Directors’ interest in the firm is nominal and therefore may not be serious with the company management. ïÆ'Ëœ Some agreements of the directors may be affected by market forces especially those affecting capital. †¢ Managerial power approach ïÆ'Ëœ The Managerial power approach gives managers an opportunity to camouflage especially when extracting rent, ïÆ'Ëœ The approach may lead to the use of structures unfavorable to the firm performance and managerial incentives. ïÆ'Ëœ The compensation arrangement design depends on the perception of the outsiders ïÆ'Ëœ The manager ial power approach may influence the relationship between power and pay without considering performance ïÆ'Ëœ The CEO’s compensation may be influenced by transparency and salience disclosure. †¢ Power and Camouflage at Work Practices explained by power camouflage include ïÆ'Ëœ Power Pay Relationship ï‚ § Pay is higher in if managers have higher power ï‚ § The board is ineffective ï‚ § There is a small outside shareholder ï‚ § Fewer institutional shareholders ï‚ § Managers are protected by antitakeover arrangements ï‚ § Managers with antitakeover policy compensate themselves more ïÆ'Ëœ Compensation consultants ï‚ § Employed to provide advice on executive compensation ï‚ § May increase their incentive to please the CEO ï‚ § Used to justify executive pay instead of optimizing it ï‚ § Provides compensation data, which favors the CEO ïÆ'Ëœ Stealth Compensation ï‚ § This is where a firm may use camouflaging practices to enable them to pay the executives large sums of money. ï‚ § Payments include deferred compensation ï‚ § Loan forgiveness and consultation contracts ï‚ § Use of executive loans with favorable interest rates
Monday, October 28, 2019
Good human development indicators and globalization in Kerala Essay Example for Free
Good human development indicators and globalization in Kerala Essay Introduction Thesis: Globalization has caused more problems than advantages to the state of Kerala Much has been written about globalization and its effects on our world. In fact, no corner of the modern world, except in some extreme cases, has escaped the good and bad effects of globalization. On the brighter side globalization involves an increased openness in the international business relations, an integration of markets on a worldwide basis, and a movement toward a borderless world. The sources of globalization are varied and include the technological advances and liberalization of trade policies brought into force over the past decades. Of all the effects of globalization, the chief source effect is the technological advances that have significantly lowered the costs of transportation and communication and dramatically lowered the costs of data processing and information storage and retrieval. Electronic mail, the Internet, and the World Wide Web are some of the manifestations of this new technology. While these are the more evident aspect of globalization, the meeting of minds across the constraints of culture and language has also become a reality The impact of globalization and internationalism on society is also huge. Today everybody talks about the ‘global village’ and nations on either side of the globe are just hours away from each other. Cities are expanding by the hour and the new technologies that are impacting us are creating a unified world culture; what many would like to call as the brave new world. In retrospect, is this new culture based on bravery or untamed consumerism? World cultures are being annihilated by the wave of crass consumerism and scant regard for values. The populations of today have lesser family values and more internal strife, which threatens to tear apart social order. Violence due to the lack of family and supportive values are reducing a whole generation to waste. People are being tempted to think beyond their means, and the end result is that the family has become the casualty. Today we have individualistic aspirations and the feeling of I is strongest in people. The stress on We is almost non-existent. Economically also, there is a terrible imbalance in the world. We see a few nations that are well off economically and the majority does not have enough even to feed their people. We see increased migrations from poor populations to rich economies. Lack of economic power compels these migrants to be dominated by the rich and the influential. One of the many advantages of globalization is the fact that cultures across the world could interact with each other and help each other in integrating with each other. It is only natural that such interactions and the inculcation of modern ideas and interaction will bring about so many changes that come into conflict with the existing norms and belief systems of a society. In fact, the ability to assimilate productive changes and the capacity to discard beliefs that are detrimental to the interest of the society are the essential qualities of a good social order. If a society allows itself to be dominated by beliefs that are not in tune with the needs and aspirations of the changing times, one cannot say that it is a progressive society. On the other hand, it must also be said that a society that is open to change without considering the detrimental effects that such a change can make in the long run will not add quality to that society. Hence, ideally there needs to be a balance between age old ideas that form the foundation of the society on which modern progressive ideas needs to be implemented The position of Kerala in the world scenario The tiny state of Kerala, which is located in the southern most end of India, has a place of its own in the global map of developed regions. In many respects, this tiny spec of land and its population has been able to assimilate the good values of globalization while mostly rejecting its evils even though the undesirable effects of globalization are for everyone to see in the state. The so-called ‘Kerala Model of Development’ was a few years before a role model in developing and shaping a society. (Devi, Lakshmy K R, (2002). Education, Health and Women’s Empowerment – Kerala’s Experience in Linking the Triad). Kerala has demonstrated that social development is not always linked to economic superiority. Many human development indicators in Kerala are in par or above international standards and all of them cannot be attributed to globalization, which is a relatively new happening in India. For example, Kerala’s infant mortality rate comes close to Ireland, which leads the world in this respect (Richard, Douthwaite. (2002). Kerala and Quality of Life – Interesting Richard Douthwaite Article). Similarly, life expectancy is much higher than some of the advanced nations of the world. There are many other factors, both social and political that has helped the state achieve a level of human development indicators that matches the best nations in the world. Progressive redistribution measures like land reforms, and a wide network of the public distribution system has helped the state lay a strong foundation of social upliftment (Franke, Richard W and Chasin, Barbara H. (1995). Kerala State: A Social Justice Model). Similarly, welfare oriented policies of the state government, especially with regard to education and minimum wage, and the role of a socially engaged population has also helped the state to achieve a place of its own in the global scenario. (Akash, K apur. (1998). Poor but Prosperous. Jean, Dreze and Amartya, Sen. (2002). India: Development and Participation). It should also be noted that Kerala, which has only a fraction of the buying power of most advanced nations, has been able to devise a culture that utilizes its resources in an efficient manner. The one single factor that has made Kerala such a success story is perhaps the level of education that Keralites enjoy. With a 100 percent literacy rate and a high level of women literacy, it is not a surprise that Kerala has been able to assimilate the good effects of social and individual development. (Antrobus, P. and Christiansen-Ruffman, L. (1999). Women Organizing Locally and Globally: Development Strategies, Feminist Perspectives. Lourdes, Beneria and Gita, Sen. (1997). Accumulation, Reproduction and Women’s Role in Economic Development: Boserup Revisited). Effects of globalization in Kerala It must be said that globalization has affected Kerala in both good and bad ways. Even though Kerala has been able to resist some of the destructive effects of globalization, it is not immune to the thrust that globalization has been having on the state. The most important aspect of globalization is that the state has become a hotspot for consumerist tendencies. Evidences indicate that the state is more a consumer than a producer. Agriculture is almost dead in the once thriving green belt of India and over exploitation of resource is the norm of the society. With a high percentage of Non Resident Indians who are responsible for one of the largest foreign remittances in the world, it is not surprising that the economy of the state is more and more dependent on its citizens working abroad than within it . In the job sector, the state has not been able to provide the required levels of employment to its youth and this has in turn affected the social milieu of the state. The increasing social unrest is often attributed to dissatisfied informed youngsters who wants to match their facilities in par with the modern world, but do not have the means to do so.  Criticism has also been raised on intellectual property rights and other similar issues, which are also a fallout of globalization. The western world is in a hurry to patent many processes and medicines, especially the indigenous system of medicine in Kerala called Ayurveda, in spite of the fact that these systems have been transferred across many generations in the state. Recently, farmers in Kerala protested against WTO practices that prevented them from conducting their traditional farming practices. All this indicates that the process of globalization in not smooth in the country and that there is much resistance to change from within the state. The potential of Kerala in the new world Experts opine that Kerala, with its unique resources, both natural and human, have certain potentialities to match the increasing effects of globalization. (Nair, A. Balakrishan. (1994). The Government and Politics of Kerala. Structure, Dynamics and Development). The core difference between a manufacturing industry and a service-oriented industry is not only restricted to the way in which business is carried out, but also extends to various dimensions such as its organizational culture. Companies that have made a transition from a predominantly manufacturing-industry attitude to a service-industry attitude have had to adjust to the phenomenal changes in attitude and culture that goes along with the change. Perhaps, the most important factor that comes into play is how human resources are attuned to respond to the challenges posed by such transitions. Companies that have undergone the transition can provide knowledge on the change to companies that are planning for such a change. A service oriented organization has to create, manage and advance its cultural values in order to cope up with the specific challenges that are posed to it by factor such as location and local culture. It is in this context that cultural values in Kerala attain significance with regard to service-oriented institutions. Within the past two decade, Kerala has increasingly cemented its position as one of the ‘must-see’ tourist locations in India. Kerala, which was rather obscure to the foreign tourist and even to the Indian traveler, shot into fame only about 10-20 years ago because of a concerted effort by the state government and private operators. The state, which had, and still has, a lot of unexploited tourism potential is one of the most popular destinations in the world and each year an ever increasing number of people are flocking into this state to relish its beauty and rich varied culture. Tourism, which has developed into an industry status in the state has attained the status because of globalization. It is believed that tourism is one of the most prominent symbols of globalization in the state. In terms of other factors that encourage business, a survey by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) (Kerala government policy. (2006)), which covered 18 states in India, indicates that Kerala stands 13th as far as its investment climate is concerned. However, Kerala ranks first in law and order and education, and ranks high as far as affluence and social sector are concerned. All this indicates without doubt that Kerala has all the potential to attract foreign investment. However, recent event shows that that consumer debt is increasing since the past decade or so. More advertisements that speak about debt consolidation and take-over of existing debts are a definite indicator of the amount of debts that the average consumer owes to different credit companies in the country. Debts in the farm sector, which has been the worst hit industry because of globalization, is increasing and recently Kerala reported many deaths due to poverty and debts. Many experts believe that bad credit management happens because people are carried away by the features that are offered by modern financial institutions. (Pillai, P. Gopinadan. (1999). Left Movement and Agrarian Relations in Kerala). Kerala’s stature with regard to globalization Detractors of globalization argue that much has changed in the state that had been a model of development to the world. Today, reports show that the economy of the state is in tatters and that the advantages that the state had in terms of social equality and distribution has been whiled away. Advantages that the natives had gained as an agrarian and self-reliant economy had been wasted in favor of consumerist attitudes. Social and political indicators point to the fact that the state has undergone a sea change in terms of development and expansion. Today, Kerala is a tourist hub and is developing in a manner that is similar to other third world tourist destinations such as Thailand and Singapore. The social system has broken down and people are no more connected to each other as a few decades before. Kerala is unique politically because it had instilled one of the first democratically elected communist regimes in India. It must be said that the spirit of the communist ideology is fairly deep rooted in the state. The ideologies of the pioneers of the communism in the state are also largely responsible for the social improvements that the state has so far witnessed. The communists in Kerala, as in other parts of the world are strictly against globalization and capitalist motives in the state. They argue that globalization takes away a lion’s share of autonomy and that the effects of globalization will further deepen the divide between the deprived and the affluent classes. The loss of autonomy, especially in the farm sector, as evidenced by the recent global against the WTO regimes lends credence to the argument of the communists in Kerala. The communist ideology that globalization, which they infer as hegemony of capitalist nations over poor countries, will deepen the divided between the poor and the affluent is also true to some extent considering the fact that open market policies and regulations, which are by products of globalization will remove a lot of protection that investors used to enjoy previously. Other challenges in maintaining social welfare in Kerala Ironically, economic factors are one of the major facts that could affect social welfare in the state of Kerala. Without the flow of money that critics attribute as the ill effects of globalization, social order in Kerala will be very much affected and governments will find it difficult to maintain social order in the state. For example, many experts have mentioned that Kerala in its zeal to maintain its position with regard to health and education has incurred huge deficits that cannot be easily solved without the advantages of globalization. Similarly, the ageing population of Kerala will cause productivity to drop in the near future and it will become mandatory to attract and retain young blood in the state to take care of its own resources and guide development in the state. Globalization has also helped to rectify some of the past mistakes of the leftist governments who were also responsible for driving the winds of change in the society. Conclusion The state of Kerala has been able to so far select the advantages derived from globalization and reject most of the bad effects it might bring to a country’s overall economy. However, it will not be long before the state will start succumbing to pure market-oriented practices that can destroy the carefully created social advantages the state enjoys today. The advantages that the state enjoys today as a model state is not a fallout of globalization, but were achieved even much before foreign investors invested in independent India. The general degradation of quality in many aspects of social life and the huge cultural changes that the state is going through can be directly attributed to globalization. Hence, it is imperative that globalization is accepted in it right perspective and applied in order to ensure that the state maintains its inherent advantages while becoming a global role model in many more spheres. The state has much to offer in terms of both its rich cultural heritage and highly proficient workforce but if it doesn’t stride in the right path, the negative effects of globalization might hamper its economical and social progress. Work Cited Devi, Lakshmy K R, (2002). Education, Health and Women’s Empowerment – Kerala’s Experience in Linking the Triad. Department of Economics: University of Calicut. Franke, Richard W and Chasin, Barbara H. (1995). Kerala State: A Social Justice Model. Multinational Monitor. India: Open for Business. 2 Mar. 2007 Akash, Kapur. (1998). Poor but Prosperous. The Atlantic Online. 2 Mar. 2007 Antrobus, P. and Christiansen-Ruffman, L. (1999). Women Organizing Locally and Globally: Development Strategies, Feminist Perspectives . London New York: Zed Books. Lourdes, Beneria and Gita, Sen. (1997). Accumulation, Reproduction and Women’s Role in Economic Development: Boserup Revisited. Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing Company Ltd. Jean, Dreze and Amartya, Sen. (2002). India: Development and Participation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ester, Boserup. (1970). Women’s Role in Economic Development. London: Unwin Ltd. Richard, Douthwaite. (2002). Kerala and Quality of Life – Interesting Richard Douthwaite Article. 2 Mar. 2007 Gemma, Cairo. (2001). State and Society Relationships in Kerala: Explaining the Kerala Experience. Asia Survey. 41 (4): 669-692. Nair, A. Balakrishan. (1994). The Government and Politics of Kerala. Structure, Dynamics and Development. Thiruvanthapuram: Indira Publications. Kerala government policy. 2 Mar. 2007 Pillai, P. Gopinadan. (1999). Left Movement and Agrarian Relations in Kerala. The Eastern Anthropologist. 15 (3): 237-246.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Mechanical Energy :: essays research papers fc
Have you ever wondered how a jet aircraft lifts its tremendous weight off the ground, or what gives a runner the stamina to reach the finish line in a race? In order to answer all these questions we must talk about the transformation of one sort of energy into another. The jet aircraft gets its power from jet turbines. These powerful jet engines create a high-pressure stream of very hot gases that push the aircraft forward as they leave the engine. This is an example of heat being transformed into movement. This is sometimes described as Mechanical Energy. However, this transformation could not take place without the fuel that the aircraft gets within its wings or fuselage. Fuel is considered a chemical energy. This diagram shows how the jet engine acts as energy to lift the aircraft off the surface of earth. Fuel can take the form of gases, solids or liquids. When fuels combine with oxygen from the air, they release their stored energy as heat. We recognize this process as burning. The individual relies on food for fuel which contains energy-giving substances that our bodies can store until we need this energy to use our muscles. When we do use our muscles within us, we may not always be sure that heat is given off. Our bodies do not burst into flames but the perspiration on our skin is a clue to what is happening. The movement of the windsurfer has a different explanation. The windsurfer is propelled along by a sail which collects mechanical energy from the winds that sweep along the water. This energy has been produced by the sun which warms the earth's surface and sets the air above in motion. The sun's heat comes to the earth as a form of radiant energy. When the heat reaches the surface of the earth, it causes the land or seas to rise in temperature. The sun is very hot. Infact, the center of the sun can reach temperatures of up to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. This is because of another kind of energy reaction where new substances are continually being created as others are being destroyed. This reaction is known to us as the Nuclear Reaction. Today we are trying to imitate this reaction in improving our energy supply. Scientists have calculated that the sun has enough fuel to go on producing energy at its present rate for about five billion years. On earth
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Balancing Family and Work Life
Balancing Family and Work Life Paul Cody SOC 402: Contemporary Social Problems & the Workplace Prof. Paula Zobisch August 2, 2012 ? Balancing work life and family life is important. Such a simple statement that is, as the cliche goes, easier said than done. In the 50’s and 60’s most families were of the traditional nature, in that there was a husband, wife and kids. The women may or may not have worked, and if they did it was until the first child was born (Hertz, 2001, p. 23).The mothers would leave their jobs for an extended period of time to care for the child or children and in quite a few cases the mother wouldn’t return to the workforce. I think one of the main reasons this was possible is women didn’t make nearly as much a men so the impact on the finances was not that hard to overcome. I feel another reason was that women weren’t as career driven as women of today. Women of that time were, generally speaking, more concerned with raising chil dren and taking care of the home.Now, in the twenty-first century, the family structure is different. There are still the traditional households of male breadwinner/female homemaker, but now we see more and more of duel-earner families, and single parent families. The process of integrating the demands of our families and our jobs remains a source of stress and continual accommodation for many of us (Fredriksen-Goldsen & Scharlach, 2000, p. 248). The economic downturn added additional stress on families, as many went through and are still going through the loss of employment.In duel-earner families the loss of employment by the father and/or mother has put additional stress on the family structure. The effects of loss of income can be felt in different areas of the family. Depending on the length of the job loss families may be unable to afford daycare, gas in their vehicle(s), or even the vehicles themselves. Many families have suffered losses, from their cars to their homes. When the parents do find employment the balance of work and family is affected due to the parents needing to work longer hours or multiple jobs to recover from the previous unemployment.Men and women today are asking how they can find the time and energy to fulfill their various commitments to work, family, and other people and groups, and how to achieve satisfaction and success in all the different facets of their lives. (Work and Family – Allies or Enemies? , para. 4, p. 3). This quandary pertaining to work and family affects the pursuit of careers and the pursuit of a fulfilling family life. Balancing family and work life is a major challenge in my household. My wife and I both work full time jobs that require more than 40 hours a week.We have four children, three of whom are very active in different groups as well as church, and a 17 month old. It would be nice if my wife could work part time or not at all but at this stage in my career I’m not in a position to support the family by myself. We have the traditional family model and I feel that we are in a better situation than if we were single parents. We are able to share household duties, parenting duties, transportation duties (it is an issue with four children who all have to be in different places at different times), and financial duties.Family friendly employers are becoming more and more prominent in the workforce. Many companies have created time off policies, flexible schedules, and have even provided child care facilities right at the job site. Companies must also adhere to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which became law in 1993. This gives some protection to workers who need to take time off to care for themselves or immediate family members. Maternity and Paternity leave are also provided by employers for new mothers and fathers. I feel that a father’s role in the care of an infant is very important.Not only is this an important time for bonding with a newborn but also bonding again with the wife/mother. It’s very balancing to have a father take some of the load off of the mother and also develop an early relationship with a newborn. â€Å"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather my sparks burn out in a blaze than be stifled in dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in a magnificent glow than asleep and permanent as a planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days rying to prolong them. I shall use my time†– Jack London (Clawson, 2009, p. 3). Being able to balance work and home life is essential to living life to the fullest. Employment at a company that is not flexible in regards to family time and family needs puts strain and stress on all family members. The parents may feel that they aren’t spending enough time as a family and the children may feel neglected. Many men face having to trade off career and personal values while they search for way s to make dual-earner families work (Friedman & Greenhaus, 2000, p. ). Teleworking is a new way to balance work and family life. Many parents are finding that teleworking offers the possibility of being close to their family and making money. Some of the benefits are increased time and work-location flexibility, more control over the pace and schedules of work, the possibility of adjusting work in response to childcare or eldercare needs, and decreased time in commuting which provides more time for the family (Cullen, 2203, p. 12).Social partners and governments have invested many resources in highlighting both the business and social benefits accruing from conscious attempts to enable individuals to balance their work and family/private lives (Cullen & Norbert, 2003, p. 11-12). There have been many changes in policies and standards with companies that have benefits for families. Some of the changes are childcare allowances, enhanced maternity leave, unpaid leave during school holid ays, and guaranteed Christmas leave for employees with families.The importance of balancing work life and family life is increasingly important today. Certain aspects of work and family life help affect integration between the two domains and make them mutually enriching (Friedman & Greenhaus, 2000, p. 5). Being able to balance work life and home life is important to someone if their family is important to them. ? References Clawson, J. 2009. Balancing Your Life: Executive Lessons for Work, Family and Self. Retrieved from Cullen, K. , Norbert, L. 2003. Work and Family in the eWork Era. Retrieved from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
American Education vs Asian Education Essay
In the past 20 old ages the United States school system has been roll uping a spot of unfavorable judgment. Surveies have shown that the United States has been dawdling exponentially compared to about all the industrialised states. This specifically refers to Asiatic states that are statistically blowing the U. S. out of the H2O. In his article â€Å"New Math-Science Study Rates U. S. Students Mediorce At Best†William S. Robinson decusses study consequences after pupils from around the universe have taken a scientific discipline and math trial. The study consequences in the cosmopolitan topic of math show us that the U. S. 8th graders have fallen behind. while the 12th class degree showed merely little betterment. We would potentially look at these instruction systems as extremes of each other. Each instruction system being on the different side of the spectrum. Both systems holding mistakes and advantages. Taking the positive facets from both sides and unifying them together . a harmonious instruction system could be established. In the article â€Å" Strengths. Weaknesses. and Lessons of Nipponese Education†James Fallows tells us that in an Asiatic schoolroom pupils will experience an unbelievable sum of force per unit area get downing from grade school and up. while U. S. instructors are excessively afraid to raise the saloon because of possible disheartenment of the pupil ( 201 ) . In Japan. University admittances as opposed to classs earned in university. determines what sort of calling you can hold in Japan. Nipponese pupils will pass most of their clip analyzing in cram schools. unlike American pupils who spend most of their clip socialising. A negative of the Asian school system. is the conformance that must be upheld. This achieves better instruction because it becomes the â€Å"thing to do†. When everybody is on the same course of study there is no other pick but to follow the herd. While conformance creates better math pupils. it demises the facet of creativeness and individualism. The U. S. places a much bigger accent on creativeness and pick. Therefore supplying pupils with chances that help them larn about them egos. and develop original thoughts. An of import feature that the U. S. instruction system deficiencies. is the thought of attempt being straight correlated to success. In her article â€Å" Why Are U. S. Kids Poor In Math†Barbara Vobejda says that the American and Asiatic female parents have a diffrent position on what determines their child’s success in school. An American female parent thinks that her child’s academic accomplishment comes from unconditioned ability. while an Asiatic female parent thinks that her kids academic accomplishment comes from difficult work and attempt. An Asiatic female parent would demand her child spends hours after school making prep and analyzing. An American female parent would merely state that her kid is non good in their topic. Vobeja says that a survey has shown that Asiatic pupils spend more clip in their seats than American pupils do. American pupils were out of their seats 21 per centum of clip. compared to Chinese and Nipponese pupils who were out of their seats 2 per centum of the clip. Though the American pupil may believe that they work hard. we find that the Asiatic pupil is at a much greater degree of force per unit area. As we saw in the old transition. serious force per unit area is put on the Asiatic pupil. In farther scrutiny of the article â€Å"Japan’s School System†. a protagonist of the catalytic force per unit area subject. we find many contrasts to the U. S. positions of seting force per unit area on pupils. Nipponese pupils attend school six yearss a hebdomad. The school twelvemonth consists of 220 yearss compared to the 180 yearss in the U. S. A 3rd grade Nipponese school hebdomad consists of eight hours of Nipponese. five of arithmetic. three of scientific discipline. societal surveies and physical instruction. two hours of music and art. For an U. S. pupil this might look like snake pit. Yet the lone ground this might look like to much force per unit area. is because we are judging their system with an ethnocentric point of position. Nipponese pupils think it’s rather All right. Worlds are a really dynamic and expert species. We ever look at things from our conditioned point of position. Therefore. if force per unit area is increased on the U. S. pupils. the lone 1s who would hold any ailments are current pupils. Bing dynamic and expert. they excessively would be able to carry through the new demands asked of them. The eastern thoughts of force per unit area could be used as a accelerator for consequences in the U. S. While every bit much as we are in demand of more force per unit area on the pupils. we must retain the originative single factor at all costs. We are non machines that have indistinguishable downloaded encephalons. In the article â€Å"We Should Cherish our Children’s Freedom To Think†. Kie Ho provides a critical inquiry. He asks. â€Å"If American instruction is so tragically inferior. why is it that this is still the state of invention? †Looking back at the regular Nipponese school hebdomad. we find that non much attending is brought to music or art. Creativity signifiers individualism. look of thoughts. and self-fulfillment. This could destroy all the conformance and control of thoughts in the Asiatic pupil. Our Asiatic friends could ne'er hold that go on now could they. Ho provides an illustration of an U. S. pupil taking a function of Lyndon Johnson and debating a pupil in the function of Ho Chi Minh. An Asiatic pupil would ne'er be given a opportunity to look at things from a different point of position. In all their mathematical glorification they have missed the indispensable human demand to show individualism. Most likely that is done with purpose. While many Americans yell and scream about their children’s math abilities. they have overlooked the fact why most immigrants come here. This fact is freedom. Which would non be possible without all the originative mercantile establishments provided by our school system. In unifying these two cardinal thoughts of both of the instruction systems. many new positive effects are felt by the pupils. An addition of force per unit area to actuate and speed up instruction. The development of thoughts and originative mercantile establishments. which lead to self-discovery and formation of original and advanced thoughts which. fuel our state. This guarantees freedom and a head to utilize it. Americans complain about the nucleus topic of instruction. That will alter with a harder course of study and more accent being placed on attempt. We will besides go on supplying our pupils with individualism. Asiatic instruction can besides see positive effects from the development of pick and travel off from conformance. The pupils who do can non or will non take part in the difficult course of study will now hold a pick to develop their originative side. These alterations will be difficult to do. U. S. pupils seting to a faster harder instruction. Asians might get down t o free control of the multitudes. In the terminal it will be good for both.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Very Short Story Research Paper Example
A Very Short Story Research Paper Example A Very Short Story Paper A Very Short Story Paper The story Eve read is called A very short story. It Is written by Ernest Hemingway. He was an American writer and Journalist. Hemingway style was significant as he was brief and straight-forward. His subject matter Is love, war, wildness and loss. Most of his works are biographical, and this story Is not an exception. Let me pass on to the analysis Itself. As for the title, In direct meaning It refers to the small size of the story, but indirectly it refers to transient of human relationship. Speaking about the homes, they are first love experience, devotion and treachery, illusion of first love and reality. The main one is the theme of love of a man and a woman, which was lost because of the ruined dreams and betrayal. The main idea is that the one should be careful in choosing the object of love. Now let me pass on the plot of the story. Being wounded during the WWW young soldier met a nurse and they fell in love. Having returned to the front, their relationships were developing, they planned to get planned. Having returned to the USA, he found out the girl cheated on him (had an affair). Speaking about composition, exposition reveals the setting and mall characters of the story. We find the conflict when the couple separated from each other. The climax reveals when Lug had an affair with the major and denouement Is showed when the mien hero had an affair with another girl. So, It means that sex and love are different things and they have nothing in common. The story is narrated from the first point of view. It is interesting to note that the author didnt give the name of the man only the name of the woman. It means he was one of many but she was the only one of all women. Speaking about discourse types, narration is prevailing. It brings the reader through the chain of events and gives us an opportunity to experience the feelings and emotions of the main characters. As for characters, the author describes them indirectly. Id like to start with the soldier. He was young, desperate and very kind. He fell in love with Lug and wanted to marry her in order to show that she belonged to him. Maybe, his love to Lug was based on the felling of gratitude, because she saved his life. Nevertheless, It was strong felling. It was understood he would not drink, and he did not want to see his friend or anyone n the States. Only to get a job and be married this shows he was truly in love with her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her even if it meant he has to give up all these liberties. He felt seek at the moment of separation, he tried to Justify her betrayal and he attempted to forgive her with another women. Lug was determined women. She was devoted to her lover, she wrote him lots of letters, but he wasnt able to answer them. The syntactical repetition (how it was impossible to get along with him and how terrible it was missing him at night) shows her true linings. She loved him, but didnt go to the USA and considered it would be better for him without her. However, she became the victim of her passion and had an affair with the major. The stylistic device antithesis skillfully used by Ernest Hemingway: and she expected, absolutely unexpectedly, to be married In the spring. We understood that she changed her planes after the war. Describing the relationship between Lug and the soldier, the author uses the repetition of word bed shows that church and prayed. It means their relationship had spiritual foundation. At the end f the story, the author creates depressed atmosphere, using the epithets muddy, rainy townÃ’Â », Ã’Â «it was lonely and rainy there to describe that something bad will happen. We observe that the author makes use of the colloquial style avoiding professionalisms and pompous bookish words and phrases. Hemingway resorts to the language of everyday life and his choice of words is very limited. In conclusion Id like to note, thought this story rather short, its still well-structured. It was interesting to follow the plot. I think that this story leaves much room for meditation especially about the theme of first love.
Monday, October 21, 2019
DMX essays
DMX essays The song Slippin by artist DMX uses tone, theme and imagery. DMXs purpose for writing this song was to convey the theme how life in the streets is, and how you can over come life with drugs if you give it all you got. The song begins with the speaker talking about problems he is having with his mom, and thats when he decides to run away from home. Then it moves on to when he is on the streets by himself, and that is when his problems begin to worsen. In the first stanza, the speaker starts talking about the problem he is having with his mom. He then decides to leave his house. When he leaves his house he thinks its going to be easy to live alone in the streets and that is when he uses imagery and says Im gonna be that seed that doesnt need much to succeed . He then finds out that life in the streets is not so easy and thats when he says, Im ready for the world, or at least I thought I was... In this stanza he also uses tone when he says, DAMN, was it my fault something I did....? Here he is asking himself if it was his fault that his father had left him at age 7 and why did his father leave. In the chorus the speaker uses the phrase ....Im Slippin , Im fallin, I cant get up, which means that the speaker is loosing every hope that will help him survive through all the problems he has. The speaker also uses theme in the chorus when he says, See, to live is to suffer, but to survive, well, thats to find meaning in the suffering. He uses theme here because he is saying that to him life is nothing but suffering and if you survive the suffering, its just to find meaning in it. In the middle of the song the speaker talks about how he hit rock bottom. He says that in three years he started showing signs of stress, that he did ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Sentences That Lack Just One Word to Be Correct
3 Sentences That Lack Just One Word to Be Correct 3 Sentences That Lack Just One Word to Be Correct 3 Sentences That Lack Just One Word to Be Correct By Mark Nichol The solution to problems of parallel structure, in which a sentence’s syntactical elements are not quite balanced, is often simply a matter of inserting one missing word. That’s the case in the following examples, each of which is followed by a discussion and a revision. 1. The industry uses decades-old technology that is very expensive, very slow, and provides no tracking capabilities. Because as the sentence is written, the verb is cannot apply to all three characteristics listed after it, one of two one-word changes must be made. The first solution is to share the verb between â€Å"very expensive†and â€Å"very slow†: â€Å"The industry uses decades-old technology that is very expensive and very slow and provides no tracking capabilities.†The alternative is to insert a second is into the middle phrase in the list: â€Å"The industry uses decades-old technology that is very expensive, is very slow, and provides no tracking capabilities.†2. The diversity of participants and energy evident at the event underscores the massive disruption that’s taking place in this business sector. This sentence reads as if it refers to the diversity of two things- participants and energy. But the diversity refers only to the participants, so energy needs its own preceding article to set it apart from that idea: â€Å"The diversity of participants and the energy evident at the event underscores the massive disruption that’s taking place in this business sector.†3. Formally assess the risks associated with each third-party lending relationships when initiating the relationship, when the third party’s operations change significantly, or the institution’s own lending operations change over time. The three elements in the second half of this message must match syntactically, but only the first two include when, so another reiteration should occur: â€Å"Formally assess the risks associated with each third-party lending relationships when initiating the relationship, when the third party’s operations change significantly, or when the institution’s own lending operations change over time.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:35 Synonyms for â€Å"Look†8 Writing Tips for BeginnersPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Abortion - Essay Example It is well supported by a few religions including the Christianity. Abortion has been debated since ancient times, Aristotle presented his views about the issue as "delayed ensoulment". According to Ted Lockhart, "perform actions that we are maximally confident are morally permissible". This argument is known as the "moral certainty" argument. Every mother has the right to decide upon the birth of the child and therefore Ted Lockharts suggestion served to deal abortion as a practical solution in contrast to the moral issues. It is the preference which should ideally have women as the choice maker as under a given circumstances women is the best judge to nurture the fetus and later the child with utmost care and devotion, lacking to do so could culminate into psychological problems in the child. In the present situation where women are contributing equally to the economic growth and development, continuing with the pregnancy may hamper career growth. It is essential to understand that the personal ethics of women are imperative to pursue the pregnancy. Moreover, the anatomy of the body should also allow the continuity of the pregnancy, especially at the later stages of life when the female cannot afford to continue with the pregnancy and hence termination of pregnancy should be allowed. It is not moral to give birth to the unwanted child and nurture the child with least botheration. In certain cases conception could be the result of contraceptive failure or a woman may not be prepared for; such cases dem and legalization of abortion. Any pregnancy cannot occur without the male partner. It is therefore necessary to have a consent of the father as well before aborting the child. If the father agrees to take up the responsibility of the child, women gains confidence. In the present era where relationships are fragile, women do not want to have any binding to forgo her career or liberty. Now-a-days living relationships are prevailing and under such
Friday, October 18, 2019
Funding proposal local resilienc prject Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Funding proposal local resilienc prject - Essay Example For the coastal areas, it means erosion and evacuation of people living near the coastlines. According to Dorrell, R. and Wentworth, J. (2010, p.1) UK has roughly 16,000,000 people affected by floods as of September 2010, because 30% of England and Wales live near the coastal areas. Thousands lose their power supply during heavy rains, storm, or unusually cold winter. Some die. Based on the study of Kapucu, Naim PhD. (2009), Losses amounted to billions of Sterling Pounds in 1987 alone. An ideal Local Resiliency Project should be the orchestration of Local Authorities, Community Association members, and SMEs for the planning, management, and control of provisions that will meet the needs of all community members. There are those provisions that only the government can afford to prepare. These would be the well-trained Special Rescue Forces and major equipment for rescue and evacuation of people and properties, namely, heavy duty boats, diving supplies, army trucks, helicopters, ambula nce, night vision devices. And there are infrastructures that Joint Ventures can construct on sturdy, higher grounds where people can be evacuated. Ideally, these infrastructures should consist of durable housing alternatives and the durable Storage Depot of basic needs for survival day and night. Eventually, the homeowners themselves can become shareholders of all these investments. It can start with a Grant for the organization, planning, and initial implementations. Eventually, the chosen location of the Storage Depot should accommodate alternative housing that people in lowlands can eventually own through financing schemes. Section 3. Objective of Projects & Project Outcomes (300 words ) Lancashire Coastline communities will be the immediate beneficiary of this Local Resiliency Project. This project proposal clarifies the critical needs of the community wherein a Local Resiliency Project will be launched. It will then develop a contingency plan whereby any simulated disaster or actual calamity can have an equivalent logical response that should negate the unwanted impact for most homeowners and businesses. Thus, the objectives include the following: a. To describe the community and specific location that will be involved in the creation of a Local Resiliency Project, in terms of the usual natural disturbance based on past months and years; b. To elaborate the reported consequences of those calamities in the past; c. To identify needs of the community so as to remain productive during and after the disasters; d. To describe the logical remedy along with the implications of providing a solution; e. To estimate cost of having such provisions; f. To summarize the benefits of investing on such a proposed Local Resiliency Project; g. To develop a plan of action with timetable for implementation and maintenance; h. To identify people and organizations who should be help accountable and responsible for the various stages of the project proposal; i. To prove how th is project will result in a resilient community over many years to come; j. To specify limitations of such provisions for the community. Section 4. Statement of Needs, Characteristics of Beneficiaries ( 500 words ) Large towns make up the coastal settlements of
Strategic Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Strategic Plan - Assignment Example objectives of the institution, strategies to address each of the objectives, at least one inmate program that will aid in achieving each objective and a method for assessing success for each objective. If this research paper was read by the public, the definite impact would be that many people would be informed about this correctional institution. criminals would fear going there and the public would know that the United states government cares for their welfare and security. The proposed strategies would probably be adopted or modified by the management at ADX Florence. The research has been done using internet sources whose references are listed at the end of this research paper. The name of this maximum facility correctional institution is ADX. it is also known by the names ADX Florence, Florence ADMAX, Supermax or the Alcatraz of the Rockies. as mentioned above, this penitentiary is governed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons of the United States. The facility was opened in 1994 and it is located at Fremont County Colorado. its security class is ranked as Supermax hence the name. actually ADX Florence is the most secure prison in the United States earning itself a record in the Guinness world book of records. the facility houses prisoners that have been rendered too dangerous or high-profile for normal prisoners. 95% of prisoners sent here have a history of violent behavior in other normal prisons. here are images of the exterior view of the prison. A published mission statement could not be found but the reason why the penitentiary was founded was to be a home to United States most violent and evil criminals most of whom had committed various murders and had no value for life. the long term goal
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Language Development and Reading Disabilities Research Paper
Language Development and Reading Disabilities - Research Paper Example According to the research findings, many people believe that socioeconomic status is one of the determinants of language development. This is a claim supported by various researchers after conducting and sampling language proficiency reports on both children of the lower socioeconomic families and those in the advantage families. Based on their report, it is evident that children of lower-SES have smaller or shallow vocabularies as compared to those in the High-SES. This new research was aimed at explaining the reasons behind the SES language disparities. Adriana Weisleder who is a lead researcher disputed the recent efforts of determining the impact of directed speech in children. This was an arrangement that involved mother-child interaction in a span of one hour. Actually, Adriana claimed that the artificial setup ignored the basic concepts ideal in child development. Anne Fernald and Adriana, both Stanford University professors, suggested a daily recording of children activities in the home environment to achieve good and ideal result on children behavior and language development. This suggestion was in the bid of modifying the previous child-mother interaction research setup. In the research suggested by Adriana, more than 29 children were enrolled in the observation program and each fitted with a special shirt that contained an audio recorder. The children ages ranged between 16 to 19 months though from the different socioeconomic setup. After a long period of observation, the two researchers who were the pioneers of this arrangement claimed the results were ideal because they gave natural occurrences or experience with the language. The recordings showed that child-directed speech helped in building children’s language vocabulary. After viewing all, the reactions and analyzing the outcome of this research, Adriana and his fellow researcher came to a conclusion that anybody can have a great interpretation of words as he or she continues to learn th e language.
Fundamentals of finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Fundamentals of finance - Essay Example Among other channels that ITV Plc owns include ITV2 that was formed in 1998, ITV3 that was formed in 2004, ITV4 that was formed in 2005, and CITV launched in 2006. ITV Plc has continued to grow. It acquired Friends Reunited in 2005 and 2007 saw two more acquisitions which were 12 yard, previously independent producers and Jaffe entertainment LLC, in which it took a controlling stake. Not every business for ITV Plc were acquisitions, in 2010 it sold some stake for $50 million in Screenvision and in 2011, ITV PLC acquired Channel Television and launched ITV1+1 (ITV PLC). ITV Plc has two major products ran in broadcasting and production. Broadcasting is done through a series of ITV channels that include ITV1-4, CITV, and Freeview while online service is provided by These generate revenues through advertisement and viewer competitions. Production involves ITV studios which offer production operations, international distribution, and entertainment among others. ITV studios also g enerate programmes viewed through ITV channels (ITV PLC). WPP PLC Wire and Plastic Products (WPP) Plc is one of the biggest advertising companies as measured by revenue and with presence in 108 countries. It started in 1971 solely to produce wire shopping baskets. The company was renamed WPP Group upon the entry of Martin Sorrell as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 1985 after purchasing some state in the company. Sorrell put structures in place that were geared towards market leadership. Subsequently WPP Plc acquired many marketing services companies not only in UK but also in US. In 1987 alone, it acquired three companies, that is, J. Walter Thompson, Hill and Knowlton that was a public relations firm, and MRB Group which was a market research company (WPP PLC). Its fast growth saw it listed on NASDAQ in 1988 and this prompted its entry into US where it persisted with its acquisition of marketing services companies. In 1992, it was named the best agency group in the world by Ad vertising Age, a magazine that is market and media oriented, after acquiring The Oglivy Group together with its advertisement and public relations agencies. The same year saw a launch of CommonHealth that became a specialist in healthcare communication (WPP PLC). In 1995, WPP Plc ventured further into research an established Kantar, a company that steered research interests of the group. The group’s entry into Asia was seen in 1997 when it launched Mindshare, a company that offered the media planning, research, and buying options. It was then listed in London stock exchange (LSE) in 1998 following its formation of an alliance with Japan’s third biggest advertising agency, Asatsu-DK. Its acquisitions did not end there. In 1999 it bought Lambie-Nairn which specialised in corporate identity and Prism Group, a marketing company with big interest in sports. What followed in 2000 was the largest acquisition in the group’s history. Young and Rubicam Group with all its agencies and presence in many countries became part of WPP Plc. Other acquisitions included Cordiant Communications Group, Grey Global Group in 2005, TNS in 2008 (WPP PLC). WPP Plc proud itself in the research and advertisement arena with many awards that include Cannes International Advertising Festival awards, best in employing a number of digital staff by RECMA, 41st position out of 500 by Newsweek Green rankings in 2011, most effective company
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Language Development and Reading Disabilities Research Paper
Language Development and Reading Disabilities - Research Paper Example According to the research findings, many people believe that socioeconomic status is one of the determinants of language development. This is a claim supported by various researchers after conducting and sampling language proficiency reports on both children of the lower socioeconomic families and those in the advantage families. Based on their report, it is evident that children of lower-SES have smaller or shallow vocabularies as compared to those in the High-SES. This new research was aimed at explaining the reasons behind the SES language disparities. Adriana Weisleder who is a lead researcher disputed the recent efforts of determining the impact of directed speech in children. This was an arrangement that involved mother-child interaction in a span of one hour. Actually, Adriana claimed that the artificial setup ignored the basic concepts ideal in child development. Anne Fernald and Adriana, both Stanford University professors, suggested a daily recording of children activities in the home environment to achieve good and ideal result on children behavior and language development. This suggestion was in the bid of modifying the previous child-mother interaction research setup. In the research suggested by Adriana, more than 29 children were enrolled in the observation program and each fitted with a special shirt that contained an audio recorder. The children ages ranged between 16 to 19 months though from the different socioeconomic setup. After a long period of observation, the two researchers who were the pioneers of this arrangement claimed the results were ideal because they gave natural occurrences or experience with the language. The recordings showed that child-directed speech helped in building children’s language vocabulary. After viewing all, the reactions and analyzing the outcome of this research, Adriana and his fellow researcher came to a conclusion that anybody can have a great interpretation of words as he or she continues to learn th e language.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Is Nuclear power our gate to the future (with nuclear or against ) Essay
Is Nuclear power our gate to the future (with nuclear or against ) - Essay Example The information comes from reputable sources such as the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Office of Planning and Analysis. The source has no bias because it presents a logical argument about a beneficial energy source that is expensive. I have chosen this source because it compares the cost of nuclear energy and other alternative energy sources. The author mentions ways for reducing the cost of construction of nuclear plants to make it affordable in the society. The main topic of the article is improving efficiency in nuclear power plants. It discusses innovative techniques and safety measures that can ensure nuclear energy plants maintain efficiency. The author supports nuclear power. He chooses this position because he believes that there are innovative measures that can ensure safety in nuclear power plants. Their arguments are based on latest research on technology that is useful in nuclear power plants. The source is credible because it discusses incremental innovations in the digital world, and enhancements of safety margins in an existing power plant. I have chosen this source because it provides a solution for risks involved in nuclear power plants. The dangers and effects of nuclear plants remain the greatest challenge that opponents of nuclear energy discuss. The main topic of the article is making nuclear energy sustainable. The paper analyzes and reviews the challenges that nuclear power must get through before the society accepts it as a sustainable energy source. Pearce is obviously against nuclear power as an energy source because it is not sustainable. He chose this position because of its associated environmental burdens, specifically greenhouse gas emissions and nuclear and radioactive waste disposal. In addition, he cites nuclear insecurity as a danger of nuclear energy,
Monday, October 14, 2019
Coffee and Mission Essay Example for Free
Coffee and Mission Essay Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Of Nokia Essays and Term Papers Search Results for analysis of mission and vision statement of nokia Displaying 1 30 of 1,500 * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Toyota Indus Motor Company Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement TOYOTA INDUS MOTOR COMPANY LTD. VISION STATEMENT: To be the most respected and successful enterprise, delighting * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement. Toyota and working toward creating a prosperous society and clean world. ANALYSIS: The vision statement of Toyota Indus Motors Company Ltd is clear and powerfully * Starbucks Coffee Mission And Vision Statement: concise, and direct for the target audience. Starbucks combine Mission and Vision statement can be broken down into six key elements which are the followings: Coffee * Mission And Vision Statement seems a bit unnecessary. KHULNA SHIPYARD LIMITED (KSY) Mission and vision statement of this organization have been written tactfully and they are praise worthy * Mission And Vision Statement exact, measurable, and time-sensitive goals to guide my development; however, the mission and the vision statement offer a solid foundation for building these goals * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Of Nokia. complex and challenging environment. Nokias mission/vision statement analysis In analysing Nokias mission/vision statement Ill be using the 9 essential * * published this * no reads * no comments * Saved * Mission And Vision Analysis Of Pso And Coca Cola order to meet the needs and satisfy the customers. Vision Analysis.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Hilton and Holiday Inn Human Resource strategy and Operational planning
Hilton and Holiday Inn Human Resource strategy and Operational planning Introduction The essay will explore the theoretical and practical sides of the relationship between the Human Resource strategy and the Operational planning and development in the retail and hospitality industry, in order to determine a deep overall view of the subject. The text will draw upon many cases, research, and literature to demonstrate the background that is necessary for an independent evaluation of this topic. The paper will take Hilton and Holiday Inn as an example of todays average but highly successful corporation and investigate the companys past and current human resource strategies and the reasons behind their strategic decisions. Through the essay; human capital management, business performance, model of comparative SHRM, strategy evaluation, HR links between missions, as well as goals of the organizations and further related topics; will be discussed. The essay is divided by nine major topics. Certain topics will be examined in greater detail for more accurate understanding, ho wever as SHRM indicates every topic will also deeply link together and therefore specific parts on certain subjects will be discussed in other topics. Hard definition SHRM can be defined as the connection between HR, strategic objectives and goals in order to increase productivity or efficiency and create business culture that promotes flexibility, innovation, and competitive advantage. In a corporation, Strategic Human Resource Management means accepting and involving the Human Resource roles as a strategic partner in the formulation and implementation of the organisations strategies through Human Resource functions such as staffing, selecting, training and rewarding employees. (Mello, 2010) Recruitment linked with operational strategy The first area of focus is on the process of accurate staffing, management, and organisation of a business through human resource functions. Businesses are able to create a highly effective strategic framework as it will be uniquely personalised for their exact situation. This is by recognising the portfolio of the corporation at the operational, managerial and strategic level, rather than arranging the human resource department to reflect the strategic, managerial and operational requirements of the organisation (Hamel and Prahalad, 1996: 242). The most important structural variations of the corporation also stand on the corporations recruiting procedure. Position posting, succession forecasting and management development offer the HR department a chance to bring a measure of integration to the recruiting procedure and to have power over the internal movement of the corporations human resources. It is especially significant that staffing for all levels of positions, as well as the d omestic movement of employees, be coordinated with the strategic concerns of the business (Baron Kreps, 1999). The portfolio of the business will make a significant input to the progress of a businesses recruiting strategy; it is one of the driving forces in the staffing, promotion plans program development and selection. Management between the businesses recruiting and its strategic plans can improve the businesses ability to get used to environmental conditions. However businesses are likely to recruit people who have similar characteristics to the managers who are presently working within it. Little conscious attention is paid to identifying the characteristics most congruent with different organizational configurations. (Galbraith and Nathanson,1978). Employee skill and behaviour training Many businesses, including local shops in Edinburgh owned by the Asian community, have faced the challenge of developing greater confidence, solution finding, initiative, and trouble solving capabilities among their employees. This has become a serious problem (Megginson Banfield Matthews, 1999) as those convenient stores are the backbone of the economy (Dr. Welsh, 2000). Businesses need employees at every level to be more resourceful, independent, creative and self sufficient. These characteristics allow employees to function at a superior strategic level, making businesses more competitive and productive. Therefore, they require training development which includes all activities intended and executed to support staff members knowledge, abilities (or competencies) and skills. For organizations, training and development especially relates to those activities that make sure that every staff member is capable enough to build a work environment that is both inclusive and diverse. In addition to supporting abilities, skills and knowledge; several training and development plans associated with diversity efforts to influence the attitudes, maturity, courage or values of their members, are also necessary for the development of strategic and managerial capabilities. It should be noted that training and development plans that try to make major adjustments with regard to attitudes need a large amount of time and investment if they are to be successful. However each individual training undergone is a kind of long term investment, therefore determining the return on investments when conducting training and development activities, are very important. There are several kinds of training options. Mentoring, Coaching and Counselling are the most well known ones. Although many of the methods are similar within these training options as they are normally delivered by individuals, there are numerous unique characteristics of each method that make them exclusive in their own wa y other than the fact that the individual has different qualifications, different relationships with their client and is usually working within different time frames (Megginson, Banfield Matthews, 1999) Employee Empowerment As it has been mentioned earlier, companies try to train their staff to be more self-sufficient so that less supervision would be required; or in other words, empower them. Employee empowerment is an expression used to express the ways in which employees without managerial positions can make independent decisions with no need of confirmation from a boss or manager. These independent decisions can be small or large depending on the level of power with which the organisation wants to invest in the member of staff. Personnel empowerment can start with training, as stated above, and by converting a whole business into an empowerment model. On the other hand it may simply mean giving staff members the ability to make a few decisions on their own. When people feel they have options and are allowed to make direct decisions, this does frequently show the way to a better feeling of self worth. In a representation where power is directly attached to a sense of self, the feeling of having some power is a priceless thing (Losey Ulrich Meisinger, 2005). A staff member who does not feel continuously evaluated by managers and watched is more likely to consider their workplace as a positive, happy environment, rather than a negative one. Employee Commitment The behavioural research, carried out by a group at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, recognizes the aspects that most possible to affect 21st century staff well being, productivity and commitment. (PhD. Kreisman, 2002). They established that loyalty is mainly influenced by ones sense of purpose, general trust in the business and feeling of individual impact. Productivity is mostly affected by the quality of human relations including social group moods, cooperative and interaction. The results of the investigation guided them to conclude that working environments that offer positive atmosphere that encourage quality personal relationships and interpersonal trust generates the most loyal and productive staff members. So a staff member who does not feel continuously watched by managers is more likely to judge their workplace as a positive environment, as it has been said before, therefore he or she will feel more committed to the organisation. This would increase t heir productivity, as peoples efforts generate greater results. In conclusion, this would cut cost for the organisation. (Losey Ulrich Meisinger, 2005) Mutual flexibility Last year a much respected five star Hilton hotel recruited front line staff for part time positions. From week one Hiltons management required them to work 65 hours even when indeed they had a contract for 25 hours per week. They were unable to do anything about this unfortunate situation as it was clear that if they could not fit their schedules they were free to leave. By the end of the 3rd month when their training had finished, many of them were exhausted and fed up, and they left the Hilton group for their leak of flexibility (Mehta, 2005). Flexibility is essential for both the employer and the employee; flexibility of staff member behaviours, workers skills and Human Resource practices stand for a significant sub dimension of Human Resource flexibility and are associated with greater business performance. Results based on perceptual methods of Human Resource flexibility and accounting measures of business performance support this prediction. Behaviour, skill, and Human Resourc e practice flexibility are, however, drastically connected with an index of business financial performance. Numerous professionals believe that the only skill that flexibility contributes is its cost efficiency. (Hendry, 1995) Hilton has recruited them because they were looking for people who go the extra mile; people who are flexible. The fact that Hilton did not give anything to them in return meant that these people left. Despite this, their worth and value has increased as the result of the training that Hilton gave them, while Hilton lost a significant amount of money. In the Hospitality business, staff turnover is the biggest problem because in the service industry, staff represent the biggest cost and long time investment at the same time. This means that when companies start to train their staff they integrate them into the business even if they are not core employees. When they leave however, all the money and time put in will be lost, not to mention the cost of the ongoing posting of jobs, interviews and other administrational fees (Hayes Ninemeier, 2008). Human Capital versus SHRM A several authors have argued that SRHM and Human Capital Management are the same thing. Certainly the idea of SHRM matches that of the broader meaning of HCM relatively well; as the following characterisation of the key features of SHRM by Dyer and Holder (1998) demonstrate that strategies engage decisions regarding main policies, key goals and the allowance of resources that are likely to be formulated at the top. Strategies are business determined and focus on organisational efficiency; thus in this perspective, are viewed mainly as resources to be managed toward the success of strategic business targets (Society for Human Resource Management, 2004). Strategies by their very nature offer combined frameworks which are at once integrative, broad and possibility based. These integrate a full complement of Human Resource targets and activities intended exclusively to fit existing environments and to be equally reinforcing or synergistic. This sections discussion has been based on the evidence that both Human Resource Management in its appropriate sense and Human Capital Management, rest on the supposition that employees are treated as assets rather than expenses and both focus on the significance of adopting an incorporated and strategic move towards managing employees which is the worry of every stakeholder in a business, not only the staff management function. On the other hand, the theory of HCM strengthens and complements the theory of SHRM rather than replaces it. Therefore both Human Capital Management and Strategic Human Resource Management can be considered as crucial components in the progression of staff management and both form the basis for accomplishing HR advantage through a resource based strategy (Greer, 2000). Soft HRM versus Hard HRM The effort to satisfy external stakeholders and the costumers demanding nature lead to a pressure on HR management both strategically and operationally side. (York, 2009) Customer service and associated perceptions have led retail businesses and hospitality to a more theoretical judgment of HR management. In the long term it is left to be seen whether the strategic management of HR has been better regulated by hard Human Resource Management, which is the traditional managerial distrust approach. Humans are lazy by nature and simply pursue their self-interests. This means that there are two different and conflicting sets of interests: the organisation and its employees. It is the managements job to encourage the right attitude in staff members so that their actions pursue the accomplishment of the organisations goals, not their own. Thus there is a case for the existence of correctives and coercion. (Megginson 1999), On the other hand there is the soft Human Resource Management or in other name the Harvard model which is the opposed approach. Instead of seeing humans as lazy machines, they are seen as able to take care of their feelings, emotions and motivations. Employees might in fact wish for personal realisation and work could be one of the ways to achieve it. People like things done well, and making a difference. Managers therefore, must allow them to do so and help them to maintain their high levels of motivation. Employees are not lazy, they do not hate working, and can be self responsible. In this way, coercion is no longer essential (Megginson 1999). Customer Service, (linking) Mayfair London located at the centre of the British Tourism Hospitality Industry and Bass group is a primary hospitality chain. Johnson (1999) examines that the senior managers at Holiday inns carried out a training project that included spending short times at operative levels. This training led them to discover that if front line employees were not given autonomy and authority to solve non routine issues as they came up, their customers belief of quality service would be badly damaged. It is significant to identify the connection between the front line staff, executives and the empowerment of employees to take liability for quality management problems and customer care satisfaction. The corporation then initiated training programs to provide employees with the possibilities to take further liability for problem solving and quality as well as implement new employment strategies, for example auditions for front office staff to differentiate applicants with the right attitudes. The te rm right attitudes suggests that the organization is seeking employees with culturally specified social skills, attributes that are frequently difficult to appraise. These tacit or soft abilities, are skills to carry out complex functions and relationship roles while at the same time, carry out technical (or hard) tasks. (Hayes Ninemeier, 2008). Executives also accept that the success of the new strategies would give a genuine dedication to the interests and welfare of staff. The hotel gained Investors in People recognition in 1995. This section is an excellent example that shows how everything is linked together. The essay previously discusses empowerment, flexibility, commitment, training, customer service and many more things, as this example states; every single area of human resource management effects the entire business progress just as much as one area effects another. Conclusion Business or corporate strategy for service companies in areas such as tourism, hospitality and retail; has to satisfy a variety of stakeholders, and interests them within a strategy framework appropriate to all of them. SHRM has played a part in the consolidation of staff members, within the model established by the executive senior managers. Strategic Human Resource Management is therefore a component of the wider network of business administration and corporate strategy. It is valuable for every corporation to organize their employees within a designed and logical framework which reflects the organisations strategy. It is necessary that the varieties of aspects of HRM are mutually reinforced in developing the behaviours and performance needed to accomplish business success. Every single person is part of the organisation and is partially reliable for the companys success and therefore they represent the biggest asset of a service company. Employees represent one of the biggest cost but they can also represent the greatest competitive advantage against other businesses. Despite this, there is not a single Human Resource Management strategy that would bring success in every situation. Businesses have to identify a strategy which is exceptional to their own circumstances in terms of goals, context and the demands of business stakeholders.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Conrads Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans Essay
Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans     The Western world, generally speaking, is not kind to Africa and its native inhabitants. We acknowledge Africa's existence, but we do not want to see or understand anything about it beyond the obvious: overt things that are open to criticism like Apartheid (a European invention). The occasional praiseworthy entity is given momentary applause, but felicitations are short-lived and quickly forgotten. These statements refer just to politics, so one can imagine the rightful indignation by twentieth-century African writers when their work is largely ignored in favor of such enlightening fare as Heart of Darkness. One writer, Chinua Achebe, seeks to change this view by illustrating the complex, unquestionably civilized rituals and protocols of day-to-day African life. He is not alone in his endeavor, as several other writers also portray an Africa worthy of respect while they crumble the long-standing traditions of ignorant bias and patronization. Can Achebe really change the perception that Africa is nothing more than the heart of an immense darkness that surrounds all of us? That is exactly what he tries to do in his essay on racism. He ascertains that "white racism against Africa is such a normal way of thinking that its manifestations go completely unremarked." He further questions the classification of Heart of Darkness (or any work that dehumanizes Africans) as a "great work of art" (12). Obviously, this essay is more direct in its attack on the standard view of Africa than his novels, but Achebe uses the essay forum to state his hopes about the future of African literature in the West. He wants to rehabilitate this image that he keeps seeing from everyone who ha... ...oroughly rehabilitated me towards Africans in literature. Only a few billion more to go until Achebe can call his project a success.  Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness." Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays. New York: Anchor, 1990. -- -- --. No Longer at Ease. London: Heinemann, 1960. -- -- --. Things Fall Apart. 1958. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995. Ba, Mariama. So Long a Letter. 1980. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Signet, 1997. Soyinka, Wole. Death and the King's Horseman. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Math Project
Name: Math Manisa No. : 10740 Project 2 Regression Line The following table shows (for the years 1965 to 2000 and for people 18 and over) the total percentage of cigarette smokers, the percentage of males who are smokers, and the percentage of females who are smokers. Percentage of Smokers _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Year Total Population All Males All Females _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 965 42. 4 51. 9 33. 9 1974 37. 1 43. 1 32. 1 1979 33. 5 37. 5 29. 9 1983 32. 35. 1 29. 5 1985 30. 1 32. 6 27. 9 1987 28. 8 31. 2 26. 5 1990 25. 5 28. 22. 8 1992 26. 5 28. 6 24. 6 1993 25. 0 27. 7 22. 5 1995 24. 7 27. 22. 6 2000 23. 3 25. 7 21. 0 Part one 1)Using Excel, draw a Scatter Plot and generate a regression line for the percentages of males who are smokers versus time. Part two 1) The Regression Line for the Percentage of Males who are smokers is (just copy the equation from your Excel spread sheet ) Y= -0. 7766X+1575 2).By the model in 1), the percentage of Males who are smokers in the year 2002 is: 20. 85=21% 2) Using Excel, draw a Scatter Plot and generate a regression line for the percentages of females who are smokers versus time. [pic] Part Two 3). The Regression Line for the Percentage of Females who are smokers is (just copy the equation from your Excel spread sheet ) Y= -0. 4134x+847. 64 4) By the model in 3), the percentage of Females who are smokers in 2002 is: 20. 01=20% â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [pic]
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Difference in Gothic and Romanesque architecture Essay
Different Architecture of Romanesque and Gothic Inspired Buildings There have been numerous pilgrimages made across France and Spain, each one just as unique as the one before it. Along these routes there are an immeasurable number of magnificent churches and temples each with their own history, architecture and art work, making them very distinctive. Time and place are important influences of the design of these churches and temples when they were built; this means that we have encountered scores of distinct architectural types along our pilgrimages. I will examine as well as compare the similarities and differences of two types of architecture from the middle ages called Romanesque and Gothic. Romanesque and Gothic architecture differ in many ways from how the exterior looks to the mood on the inside to the sculptures, arch types and the clerestory. The two architectural types are different because they were influenced by the different forces surrounding them at the time. The periods in time when these architectures were being defined played an important role in the outcome. Romanesque architecture started being used in the 6th century and eventually evolved into Gothic architecture in the 12th century which lasted until the 16th century .1 We can see clear evolution of the distinct features of Romanesque architecture morphing into Gothic architecture. During the 12th century there are buildings containing features of both Romanesque and Gothic architecture. As the buildings would take years to complete, the initial stages of the building would be Romanesque and the later parts would be Gothic. I will look closely at two churches while also touching on other churches that we have discussed this semester and compare their features. St Sernin in Toulouse, France and Notre Dame Cathedral in Chartres, France will represent Romanesque and Gothic respectably. The church of St Sernin is the largest church in Toulouse, the fourth largest city in France, and it is Romanesque architecture at its finest. Toulouse was once part of a region called Roman Gaul and the church was built during the time of the Roman Empire. This is why we see Romanesque architecture throughout France and areas of Spain. The Notre Dame Cathedral in Chartres, France is considered to be one of the most important Gothic buildings, not only along the pilgrimage routes but in the world. Unlike Toulouse, Chartres is a tiny little country town however, Notre Dame Cathedral is famous for its beautiful architecture, unique sculptures and awe inspiring stain glass windows. The exterior of Romanesque architecture was built more for function than beauty. We find most of this architecture embedded in castles where defence was imperative. While defence was n’t as important for the churches we can still see this style existing in many Romanesque churches. â€Å"The walls of Romanesque buildings are often of massive thickness with few comparatively small openings†.2 Having thick walls and small windows, the castles were almost impenetrable however this meant the design of the churches were relatively simplistic when compared to Gothic buildings. When we look at St Sernin we able to identify these features. There are numerous windows around the church however as St Sernin is a rather large Church you would expect to see more windows with other styles of architecture. The front of St Sernin has one large round window but the rest of this facing is mainly stone with few relatively small windows. When we compare this to Gothic architecture we can see a significant difference. When Romanesque architecture evolved into Gothic architecture the arches were no longer just for sustaining the weight, they became more visually appealing. Gothic architecture came to be because of â€Å"a unique combination of existing technologies†¦ Those technologies were the ogival or pointed arch, the ribbed vault, and the flying buttress†.3 These new technologies meant that the exterior walls could be thinner and have more windows as the weight of the roof and upper levels were better distributed through clustered columns. Having lighter walls and more windows and openings led to more decorative and visually stunning buildings considered to be works of art. Notre Dame Cathedral is an impressive work of art which uses all the new technologies in displaying one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture. The facade of the cathedral is high and well decorated. There is a magnificent round window which is the centre piece of the face which is surrounded by countless pointed arch windows designed to support the weight. Unlike the church of St Sernin where most of the front wall was stone, Notre Dame’s front wall consists mostly of windows. These exterior features had a significant impact on the interior feel and m ood of the buildings. The amount of light let in by the two comparative architectural types has a lot to do with the feel and mood of the interior. When entering different buildings one â€Å"can feel the difference between the [two types of] architecture†.4 When it comes to the Romanesque style of St Sernin, very little light is able to penetrate the thick walls with little openings which makes the interior mood feel dark and gloomy. When you compare that to the Gothic Notre Dame, with its numerous windows it has a completely different feel. Instead of feeling dark and gloomy like St Sernin, Notre Dame’s interior has a much lighter and a more inviting mood. ] Another defining feature of Gothic architecture is one of the new technologies, the pointed or ogival arches. This new way of carrying the weight was revolutionary as costs could be cut by having more glass and less stone work. Structural â€Å"use of the pointed arch gave a greater flexibility to architectural form, it also gave Gothic architecture a very different visual character to Romanesque†.5 These arches meant the ceiling could be made higher than before symbolising an aspiration for heaven. All Gothic openings such as windows, doorways and galleries are made with pointed arches. The church at St Sernin is no exception to this rule. Looking at the outside of the building all you can see is pointed arch doors and windows. It is the same once you have entered the building, pointed archways running down both sides of church. Compared to Gothic architecture, Romanesque architecture was an outdated technique when it came to efficiency. Romanesque design wasn’t as adv anced, instead of using efficient pointed arches like Gothic designs; rounded or semi circle arches were used for their arches. This is more efficient at holding weight than a square doorway but not as efficient as a pointed arch. To overcome this weakness of the rounded arches â€Å"instead of a single round arch of stone to span an opening†¦ [they use] multitudinous arches†.6 This way the weight load is spread over numerous arches instead of a single arch. When we look at the church in St Sernin the doorways and windows are all rounded. The main entrance has two large rounded doorways, when we look closely we can see it isn’t a like the other arches, to carry the weight they have made the arch wider than the wall coming out a few feet. When we go inside we can see that on top of the rows of columns on the interior there are rounded arches, even the roof is a rounded arch which is supported by moulded arches. Sculpture work that exists on the inside and outside of churches had two purposes. Intricate sculpture works on the churches were visually appealing making them more attractive to pilgrims and tourists and it was also a way of storytelling that was guaranteed to last as long as the church. Romanesque sculptures evolved over the years having three distinct periods. A primitive period, the second period was marked by baroque exaggeration and the final refining and assimilating period.7 This style of sculpture work often depicts scenes of everyday life including both people and animals. While the scenes of the sculptures rarely altered, how they were depicted was. In the second period â€Å"[g]rotesque figures of men and animals, and designs derived from vegetable kingdom†8 were common. As we move into the third period depictions are more realistic. At St Sernin there is an abundance of Romanesque sculptures carved into the south portal. It is an early piece of Romanesque scul pture work as the subjects of the art work are all regular in appearance. Over the south portal is a scene of Christ with the twelve apostles below looking up at him. This was a common enough depiction of Christ in Romanesque design, a very similar piece had been carved on a different church carved twelve years earlier. The end of the Romanesque period flowed smoothly into the new Gothic style of sculpture work. While it continued the â€Å"tradition of Romanesque sculpture, but it changed in its iconography †¦ tending towards a didactic representation of the most important persons and scenes in the Holy Scripture†.9 Other common themes are the twelve months and the signs of the zodiac, angels and saints. Gothic architecture took the already existing Romanesque architecture and channelled this into a more comprehensive and calculated work of art with the ability to touch any individual that gazes upon her art and for individuals who understand Gothic sculpture have a deeper appreciation. The faà §ade at Notre Dame Cathedral has three magnificent doorways, and above the centre doorway is a great depiction of Christ created using a Gothic sculpture style. Christ is standing surrounded by an eagle, bull, lion and a winged man. Visitors are able to enjoy this work for its quality although t hose who understand the piece realise that the eagle represents Saint John, the bull represents Saint Luke, the lion represents Saint Mark and the winged man represents Saint Matthew. Gothic and Romanesque architecture dominated the middle ages used to create magnificent churches, temples and castles considered to be works of art. Romanesque architecture evolved into Gothic architecture during the 12th century. While these two types of architecture sometimes overlapped during the transitional period, Gothic and Romanesque architecture are like chalk and cheese when you examine them closely. From the ingenuity of the design, the mood and feel of the interior, the visual effect of the exterior and the beautiful sculpture work. Gothic architectures used all of the available technologies available to them, so they were able to create structures that Romanesque architectures could only dream of. These new design methods meant that the interior mood has also morphed; Romanesque architecture had a damp and dark mood which evolved into the bright and inviting Gothic architecture. Sculptures went from being grotesque figures in Romanesque architecture to a more defined and meaningful work of art in Gothic architecture. These two different styles of architecture may be different however they are still both quite capable of inspiring individuals which means that they will be a destination for pilgrims and tourists for the years to come. Bibliography Browne, Edith A, Romanesque Architecture (Kessinger Publishing, 2005) Frankl, Paul, Gothic Architecture (Yale University Press, 2000) Groce, Jenae, An Introduction to Gothic Architecture (World Technologies, 2012) Morey, Charles R., The Source of Romanesque Sculpture (College Art Association, 1919)
Teen Speech
Good evening dear audience. As you all know I am here to discuss one of the aspects of the society in which I live in. I have come to talk to this adoring audience about a light-hearted and sometime humorous topic of the typical teen-age stereo-type as the announcer has already told you. Now I'd like to start out my little speech by telling you all that I am a people watcher. From time to time I was barely able to talk until now I have always preferred to watch the people around me rather then actually participating in any of their activities. It is because of this that I am so bold in pointing out what bothers me in teen-agers. One of the most prominent issues brought up by this people watching is the fact that teen-agers like for some reason to sound unintelligent and unsophisticated. Whatever they say does the opposite of command respect. For instance if I hear one more person use the catch phrase â€Å"whazzup†or use the word â€Å"like†30 times in one sentence. I admit I'm not really the typical teen or the typical girl for that matter. And there are a few reasons for this but mainly I just see the life of a teen-age girl pointless, utterly exhausting and quite frankly lame. Back to the topic of how teen-agers talk though there is one thing you'll never find me doing and that is talking on the phone for 2 or 4 hours to one of my friends explaining some useless teen-age drivel and frivolous banter. I have no idea how girls can get on the phone and yap away for hours on end to some one they've already spent the entire day with. Perhaps it's just me. One thing that's even more bothersome then the phone talk however is the lack of any intelligent vocabulary. I find myself constantly dumbing down my speech and explaining vocabulary they should already know like â€Å"banter†and â€Å"naughty†. It's quite sad to think that these, my friends, are the smarter of the general masses. It's quite pathetic indeed. However you have to hand it to them, whatever teen-age girls lack in vocabulary they make up by adding drama to everything. I don't know about any one else but I'm quite sick of the drama queen acts myself. You all know the girl that just exclaims â€Å"oh but Johnny doesn't love me! I could just die! †or â€Å"Today was the absolute worst day of my life. I'm never going back for as long as I live! †Personally I am quite annoyed by the over use of exclamations and the absurd over exaggerations. However it's no small wonder why they talk the way they do. I blame the media, their music and their literature of which I'll be only talking about the latter since the media would take another half an hour to critique. All the girls I know of listen to pop music. This wouldn't be so bad if they actually all enjoyed it and there was actually something worthwhile to listen to but it's not. Pop music is the death of anything good in the music industry. The bands don't even write their own music or play their own instruments. Worse still they don't even sound good. I think they sound like either a dying goat or a cat caught in the fan belt of a car. The only reason these girls listen to such fluff is that they are supposedly cute. Now I'm not a genius or anything nor do I claim to be but when I listen to music it's my ears doing the listening not my eyes. So where does this whole cute factor fit in anyway? I'm also called by my own peers and called abnormal for my own individualistic view on life. Just because I'd rather watch some old band that actually writes their own music and plays their own instruments and not the queen of pop Miss Lady Gaga flaunt her bare skin and lip sinc on MTV does not mean I'm abnormal. On the contrary I think it leads one to believe I'm just smarter then the masses. And don't get me wrong, this isn't some slanderous anti-social statement, it's just my blunt black and white view of my own peers. Popular reading materials aren't much better then the music industry. Their woeful lack of vocabulary and absolutely pathetic plotlines make even the best of these only worth fire starters. I tried reading some of these books once. I got through 3 pages before I got so irked at the complete and absolute simplicity that I threw it across the room in frustration. I think I would have learned more from reading â€Å"See Spot Run† than from those books. Quite simply put I am aggravated with the dull meaningless platitudes, not to mention the four for a pound romances that fill the shelves. I have always been a true believer that quantity is NOT quality. I like conviction in my reading materials, even if I don't agree with that is being stated I admire the writer for having the guts to say it. However the total lack of meaning in a teen-agers life is what bothers me above all else. For most teen-agers it is their only goal in life to fit in. I myself rather like not fitting in, because to fit in means to conform. Let me demonstrate my point. All of the â€Å"typical teen-agers†I know have a whole set of unwritten rules and ethics that rule their piddley little lives. One of them is to never say anything that may even be remotely offensive to anyone in your presence with the exception of profuse profanity, which in my personal opinion makes you look like you should be on the Jerry Kyle Show. Now, courtesy can be a good thing but not when it rules your life. There are certain situations in which it is most appropriate to stand for what you believe in, state what you really feel and not worry about what others think of such a bold move. I myself do this every day and perhaps this is why I have so few friends, because no one can put up with me. I'm all the happier for it though because the few friends I do have know who I am and not who they think I am. To me the majority of teen-agers cluster together in groups and try to fit themselves into a perfect mold. It is however like jamming a square nail in a round slot. I would never stoop so low as to alter all my opinions, what music reading and hobbies I enjoy just to fit in. I think it's horrible myself that anyone would do this. My peers shudder at my words. They see individuality, at least in the sense I see it as a threat to the way they live. Just merely telling them about individuality is most akin to teaching the dog quantum physics. They care way too much of what people think about them to be themselves and that's why they are always paranoid and overly concerned about everything. For instance what cuts me from the herd is I don't care diddley-squat if Johnny loves me or the most popular girl in town approves of me. This is all just nonsense. Thank-you for listening, I hope you now realise and understand the stereo typing of teen-agers.
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