Monday, September 30, 2019
Analysis of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The rights set forth in â€Å"The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms†are all of paramount importance in a democratic country such as Canada. However, the implementation and interpretation of the C. C. R. F. is fundamentally flawed. The ambiguity of certain sections allow for a vast range of interpretations by the Supreme Court justices, the unelected judiciary brach has the power to fundamentally alter the Canadian Criminal code without the consent of the legislative brach, and the legislative branch has the power to overrule most parts of the Charter under the principle of legislative supremacy.These principles effectively render the charter useless is serving its purpose. The Charter itself is a short document with only very general statements about the nature of the rights and freedoms it provides. Under section 2(a) of the C. C. R. F all Canadian citizens are granted the right to â€Å"freedom of conscience and religion†. However, this can present itself to be difficult in a multicultural society such as Canada, thus, religious beliefs and more importantly their sincerity can become difficult to asses.Also, religious beliefs may come into conflict with other fundamental rights. In the case of A. C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), a Jehovah’s Witness couple refused blood transfusions for their 14-year-old daughter after doctors decided they were necessary. The child was made a ward of the state in order to administer blood transfusions. The Supreme Court of Canada had do determine wether the child’s right to life or the parent’s religious freedom was of greater importance. The court ruled that this was a legitimate limitation on religious freedom.Furthermore, the freedom of the judiciary brach to set precedents equal in importance to the law, especially on the controversial issues mentioned in the C. C. R. F. , actually diminishes Canada’s democratic nature. Because they are not elected, ju dges do not have to be sensitive to the will of the electorate, thus limiting democracy. The Supreme Court has made a number of controversial decisions without the consultation of any legislative body or Canadian citizens. One of the most significant being R. v. Morgentaler, which effectively made abortion legal in Canada.The court ruled that â€Å"The abortion provision in the Criminal Code violated the right of women, under section 7 of the charter to â€Å"security of the Person†. However, a 2010 Angus Reid poll found that only 40% of Canadians think abortion should be permitted. The Supreme Court of Canada fundamentally altered the Canadian Criminal Code and clearly acted against the will of most Canadians. However, to ensure â€Å"legislative supremacy†, Section 33 was written into the C. C. R. F. Section 33 states that â€Å"Parliament or the legislature of a province may expressly . . that the Act or a provision thereof shall operate notwithstanding a provisio n included in section 2 or sections 7 to 15. †Thus, should they chose the Federal of Provincial governments can suspend many of the rights guaranteed in the C. C. R. F. One recent example is when In March, 2000, the Alberta Legislature passed Bill 202, which amended the province's Marriage Act to include an opposite-sex-only definition of marriage as well as the notwithstanding clause in order to insulate the definition from Charter challenges.It was later overruled by the Supreme Court of Canada, however, under a different Supreme Court Bill 202 might have prevailed. In conclusion, the ambiguity of the C. C. R. F allow for different interpretations, the judiciary brach has the power to alter the Criminal Code without the consent of the legislative brach, and the legislative branch has the power to overrule most parts of the Charter under the principle of â€Å"legislative supremacy†. These principles effectively render the charter useless is serving its purpose of ens uring a fair and just country for Canadians.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Life in the New England Colonies
The American way of life has changed throughout the centuries. Our views of life have changed dramatically in many ways. History has changed the way we look at American values in general. Such things as our drive for hard work and value of education have evolved from specific types of people during the growth of this great nation. But who were these mysterious people that so drastically changed the way we think today? These â€Å"wonderful†people were called puritans and settled in the New England colonies. They ran their society with a strong hand, and valued their land. When it came to work and education they put forth 110% effort. The puritan values have been carried through the centuries and are still alive and kicking today. In today†s society hard work holds as much of an importance as it did during the puritan times. We hold this American value in high regard when it comes to most things. The puritans viewed hard work as a necessity to survive. We know this partly by the fact that some where around 80% of the puritans were farmers and in order to keep up a good farm you must put your nose to the grindstone. As time has evolved the American views it has been reluctant to change this one. After all if you let any slack out in today†s society you are likely to be replaced. And therefore we always strive to be the best, this in return forces us to work harder day by day. The puritans viewed materialist things much the way we do today. What this means is that in America today you are judged by what you have and the way you look. If you are dressed like a homeless person going in for a job interview, your never gonna get the job no matter what qualifications you have. See in today†s society you are judged by what is on the outside instead of what is in the inside. The puritan†s were much this way about land. As we see in the Crucible Mr. Proctor is accused of making false accusations so that he may buy the land of the people that are on their way to jail. It might be argued that the land was the main source of profit during these times, however it also was a sign of how important you were to God. If you had 300 acres of land you were considered one of Gods chosen few. In the Crucible we also see that Reverend Parris asks for golden candlesticks to place in the church. Now one may not forget that the church was nothing more than a beat up old shack, far from any of the Cathedrals of today. They would do anything to be viewed as being closer to God much way we would do anything to make people like us and accepts us. From the time of the puritan†s to generation-X education has always been a important value. Although some today view school as another place for teens to kick back and just talk to each other. Most however are in school to do more than just learn, they are there to succeed. 97% of all high school students have plans for a higher learning in college. And where are the best colleges located? Most are located on the East Coast. Such schools as Harvard and Yale were founded by our strict ancestors, the puritan†s. They viewed education as a tool. With it you will succeed. Who knows, back then with a good education you might end up in office. In fact many great men attended school on the East Coast. Thomas Jefferson for instance attended Harvard. The tradition of a great education has survived through the passing years and will most likely live on. Values of such people as the puritan†s have continued on in the world today and have changed the course of history, as we know it. Education, hard work, and materialism are just three of the many influences that have been handed down from our great ancestors. However, the question still at hand is â€Å"Have these values, that have been handed down to us so generously, been for the better or the worse? This is one question I feel must be answered by ones heart. It is after all, a matter of opinion.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Where strategic management used
1. IntroductionStrategic direction is normally used big transnational corporations and SMEs. The popularity of strategic direction points out that it is likely to hold value. However, the existent advantage is non ever clear in strategic direction. Business proprietor, directors and direction forces should understand the advantages of scheme direction and that can do company go more and more competitory ( Robinson, 2005 ) . Each of these schemes is a cardinal constituent to deriving a competitory advantage in a peculiar industry. This assignment is to discourse and analysis the critical reappraisal of the subject chosen and offer sentiment on its pertinence. First, I will summary the article of my chosen, and so discourse the critical reappraisal, after that I will finish the personal rating.2. Summary of the articleStrategic direction is composed of assorted concern schemes, it can be combined to use and accomplish net incomes and advantages, standing in the concern universe ‘s acme eventually. The article points out that competitory advantage include four major constituents, following by quality, client reactivity, invention, and efficiency. High quality is including design, dependability, lastingness and image. Every clients think about whether bargain a merchandise, they ever think in these conditions. There are three international schemes to see: market, entry of manner and expand/location schemes. Market determinations are based on the strategians ‘ positions of chief foreign markets about merchandise, monetary value, distribution and publicity. In sing international market moves, direction and selling forces must see to the types of versions that will necessitate to be made in order to vie successfully in that peculiar civilization. Each of these schemes can play of import function in the success of a company. Choose a scheme that is non congruous with the ideals and values of the company possibly lead to fiscal and catastrophe of direction. The director must see carefully taking what facets of their company merit the most attending.3. Critical reappraisals* Jules ( 2009 ) states that â€Å"Competitive advantage includes four major constituents, following by quality, client reactivity, invention, and efficiency. High quality is including design, dependability, lastingness and image. When people think of a merchandise or services, they think in these terms.†As a client, I wholly agree this point. For illustration, in China, when we want to purchase an car in the market, many of us would wish to take a Toyota or Nissan over a auto from local industry. Because Toyota or other foreign car typically have a repute of a high quality, up-to-data design, they ever run on the route, so that they must be high quality, better warrant in people ‘s feeling. High quality is a strategic manner to acquire success.Jules ( 2009 ) point that â€Å"Superior efficiency refers to the cost to the market via stuffs, production, logistics, and operating expense. Superior client reactivity is the importance of expecting and run intoing client needs.†An organisation demand to set clients foremost. We ever heard that â€Å"The client comes first†, â€Å"The client is king†, and â€Å"we are all about the customer†. But a batch of companies did non really do it. Now yearss, Many companies enterprises for bettering client reactiv ity can change greatly, harmonizing to Apple computing machine, it is a really good illustration of client reactivity. When you order a merchandise from Apple, you can take to any types of their phones you like through their web site. Order procedure is really easy, merely a few proceedingss. Fast bringing, accurate, and there is 800 figure that can name to acquire aid after gross revenues or, they can besides utilize the Internet to happen a solution. Their gross revenues representative and selling representatives visit clients on a regular basis assess the demands of the market. By understanding their clients what they want, need to work expeditiously and efficaciously, Apple can creatively innovation. The company is continually making new merchandises, such as ipad, iphone, iPod series.Jules ( 2009 ) states that â€Å"Creating an environment that encourages creativeness, new and advanced thought is a hard but necessary undertaking that directors must encompass. By promoting a le arning organisation, companies can avoid the same, repeated rhythms that limit the ability of that organisation ‘s success.†Employees are the most valuable plus to your company. They can do many positive parts to your company. Making an environment that encourages creativeness, trust, regard and squad thought will guarantee these types of parts, which will finally profit the company. Whenever possible offer that preparation and calling development chances to employees. Promote them to develop their strengths and endowments. By making so they can go on to turn and progress in the company. Whenever possible give your staff assignments that challenge and stimulate them. This will assist them to go on to be productive and efficient in their work. When a error or mistake is made by a staff member, do n't merely indicate it out, assist them to happen ways of rectifying the job so it does non go on once more (, 2011 ) .Jules ( 2009 ) states that â₠¬Å"Core competences are cardinal elements in developing an effectual corporate scheme and are defined by Prahalad and Hamel as the â€Å" corporate acquisition in the organisation particularly how to organize diverse production accomplishments and incorporate multiple watercourses of engineerings. †Core competences are those capablenesss that are critical to a concern accomplishing competitory advantage. The get downing point for analysing nucleus competences is acknowledging that competition between concerns is every bit much a race for competency command as it is for market place and market power. Senior direction can non concentrate on all activities of a concern and the competences required set abouting them. So the end is for direction to concentrate attending on competences that truly affect competitory advantage.4. Personal rating ( suggestion/recommendation )Quality merchandises and services give the company a immaculate repute in the industry. This repute allows the company to derive new clients and sell extra merchandises and services to bing clients. A choice direction plan besides removes inefficient procedures within the system. By taking unneeded procedures, employee productiveness additions. The employee is passing less clip on activities that do non lend to the merchandise ‘s quality. As a consequence, the employee is bring forthing more work in less clip while the company has non increased the wage. Quality direction plans help to recapture lost monies due to inefficiencies ( Taylor, 2010 ) . Quality direction ensures client satisfaction. Conduct client satisfaction studies to understand the qualities of the merchandise of import to the client. Besides conduct studies with those who are non the company ‘s clients. This will besides supply penetration into why these concerns use the services of the rival. Use client studies to aim those characteristics of a merchandise or service that need betterment. The choice direction plan provides a methodological analysis to utilize to make the type of merchandise the client desires ( Taylor, 2010 ) . The intent of client reactivity is to develop client trueness penchant of clients for an organisation ‘s merchandises and services so that they continue utilizing them. When an organisation is successful at making client trueness it can bear down a premium monetary value that the clients are willing to pay for that something extra they get and that they do non acquire elsewhere (, 2010 ) . Organizations that provide superior client reactivity wage attending to several facets such as client response clip, superior design, superior service, and superior after gross revenues support. Customer response clip is the clip it takes for the merchandise to be delivered to the client. An organisation that takes less clip to react to its clients reaches them earlier than its rivals. In this mode, that organisation additions on clip crushing its rivals and deriving competitory advantage. Superior design and service backed by superior after gross revenues support is another manner organisations try to function their clients better than their rivals do. For illustration, nomadic phones have evolved from being simple communicating device to going sophisticated, multiple characteristic appliances, reacting to clients ‘ demands as clip went by. Those nomadic phone companies that have succeeded in offering better nomadic phones with more characteristics have systematically outrival ed their rivals. As they did so, they were able to bear down a premium monetary value that their clients are happy to pay (, 2010 ) .1. Culture of Fun!Make it a policy for your office environment to be a fun topographic point to work with. The construct of merriment at work promotes creativeness, lowers stress degree and extremely likely to increase productiveness because your employees, your co-workers enjoys working at that place. Set understandings on no judgements, that we are all here to bask each other ‘s illustriousness and merriment while working. Agreements on balance of playing and earnestness of work, a balance of merriment and presenting consequences. For some, merriment can besides be stated as a nucleus values. Which I know for certain several of my squads and companies that I work with bashs have that as our nucleus values ( Chang, 2010 ) .2. Making the Environment!Post up merriment images, happy images and most significantly colourful image. Vibrant and colorful ocular reminders create a sense of animation in the environment. Some of the possible images that you can post up are mascot that represents each nucleus values separately. For illustration, one of the company ‘s nucleus values is trueness, what animate being would come into your head when you think of trueness? The image that comes to mind possibly Canis familiariss and so you can post images of a sketch Canis familiaris by the side of your nucleus value. Print your nucleus values out large along with the images! This will besides move as your reminder for all your nucleus values along with the associations. Peoples tend to retrieve better with images and associations ( Chang, 2010 ) .3. Toys Zone!Put some squeeze-able playthings like squidgy balls around for you to squash on every now and so. Squash it when you are believing or when you feel bored. Bring it in meetings. It will assist excite your senses that may be really utile to assist you remain awake and pr esent. Have some other playthings that you can happen in toy stores, perchance toys that can be played with several people. Something like low powered plaything guns with soft slugs around. Take it out and play with your co-workers or household every clip the crust seeps out. This would assist to de-stress as playing most of the clip lead to laughter which after about 10 proceedingss would bring forth happy endocrines. Some playthings that makes amusing sounds helps excessively. Particularly in a overtly quiet state of affairs, a sudden daze of a amusing sound extremely like to turn into a explosion of laughter ( Chang, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to (, 2011 ) , to develop Core Competencies a company must:Isolate its cardinal abilities and hone them into organisation broad strengths ;Compare itself with other companies with the same accomplishments, to guarantee that it is developing alone capablenesss ;Develop an apprehension of what capabilities its clients genuinely value, and invest consequently to develop and prolong valued strengths ;Create an organisational route map that sets ends for competency edifice ;Pursue confederations, acquisitions and licencing agreements that will farther construct the organisation ‘s strengths in nucleus countries ;Promote communicating and engagement in nucleus capableness development across the organisation ;Preserve nucleus strengths even as direction expands and redefines the concern ;Outsource or divest noncore capablenesss to liberate up resources that can be used to intensify nucleus capablenesss.5. DecisionIn decision, through treatments of this chosen subj ect, I analysis that these points about strategic direction. Each of these schemes can play an of import function in the success of a company. Choosing a scheme that is non congruous with the ideals and values of the house can take to fiscal and managerial catastrophe. Directors must take careful consideration when taking what countries of their company merit the most attending. Companies will go dead without uninterrupted evolvement and acquisition, taking to fiscal hurt and, perchance, the extinction of the company. As directors, it is our occupation to guarantee that our company survives among the remainder.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Internal Analysis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Internal Analysis - Research Paper Example It defines the factors that are a part of internal resources and the factors that prove to be more beneficial. Moreover, this paper explains why internal resources or factors held more importance than the external factors as compared with the Porter’s (1980) five forces model. It describes how the SWOT analysis complements the resource based view. The Mokulele Airlines Hawaii Company is used as an example. Resource Based View In this competitive world, organizations are always in search of some mechanism that can help them succeed competitively. Hence it is necessary for them to maintain a good quality standard. In such era of technological advancements, organizations are trying hard to get at the top and trying to produce a product that can outshine products made by their rival organizations. This has lead to many new approaches, some of which have been successful and some not. Both external and internal factors affect the organizational performance. The resource-based view w as got attention in a book written by Hamel and Prahalad named â€Å"Competing for the Future†(1994). Basically, this view portrays a firm as a bundle of resources. Right type and mix of these resources enable the firm to gain sustainable competitive advantage. Resource based view emphasize on the fact that the strength of organization’s internal resources determine its success. In recent times organizations have shifted their focus from products to its internal resources and capabilities (Barney, 1991). Porter (1980) five forces model with regards to external environment used to hold importance at first but the drawback in that model was that it didn’t provide the answer to whether the firm has the ability and competencies to compete in the market and exploit the opportunities or not? So with changing times organizations are finding resource based view as more suitable (Jim Anderson, 2007) Although firms are different from each other as their resources differ but according to Porter’s five forces model (market based view), all firms are homogeneous and compete via their positioning in the markets. In market based view, the competitive advantage depends upon firm’s ability to find attractive markets having most favorable characteristics identified through analysis of five forces provided by Porter (Tamanpowell,2007). The difference in both internal and external approaches to strategic decision making was highlighted in Harvard business article â€Å"Marketing Myopia†by Theodore Levitt (1960). The article identifies common organizational problem of defining their markets too narrowly. Richard Rumelt (1991) conducted a research in resource-based view. His research has contributed a lot in the fame gained by this strategy. Rumelt’s worked on the firm profit differentials within and across the organization. His findings showed that the differentials within the industry were far greater than across the organization . This applies that the industry specific differences should be contributing to these differences. These internal resources can be grouped into three broader categories, physical resources, human resources and organizational resources. Physical resources can be organizations plants, its equipments, its technological assets or raw material it holds. Human resources primarily include employees of the organization with all their experience, skill and knowledge. Organizational reso
Thursday, September 26, 2019
UK Zero Tolerance Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
UK Zero Tolerance Policing - Essay Example This concept of Zero Tolerance was founded in the year 1994 from what was known as the "broken window theory of crime" which had the same objective of doing away with social ills just as the zero tolerance (Cox & Wade, 1998, p.22). Through the establishment of a Zero tolerance policy, everyone would be a subject to the set laws and regulation, and the idea that had been long used to treat socials problems as if they were criminal offense would be part of history. Before the full enactment of this concept, justice was being practiced unfairly and a crime would only be defined as so if committed by others (members of the society in a lowers class) but the other portion of the society in higher social classes walk free. "Dealing with only those crimes committed by the poor and omitting the white collar crimes has never, and will never achieve much in the fight against crime" (Robinson, 2002, p41-75). Such an idea is what shook the United Kingdom to the realization that led them to embrace modern methods of fighting against the vise [Zero Tolerance Policing]. The U.K administration reasoned that it was a lot more easy to prevent the escalation of crime in the society that to put a stop to it. This stand prompted t hem to adopt the zero tolerance strategy which provided for the fight of smaller crimes with an equal magnitude just like the other bigger crimes...since it is these small isolated crimes that if left unattended to will mutate or rather develop into the high profile crimes. The criminal statistics of England and Wales indicate that, in a period of fifty decades (1950-2000), recorded criminal cases rose from 500-5500. Further reports in (Newburn, 2003, p.3) show that there was a 23% decline in public confidence with the police from 1992-2000 (Newburn, 2003, p.3).This new direction that zero tolerance policing has taken must therefore factor in these two concerns and work towards improving the relationship. This research paper will look at how the government of UK has faired so far with its strategy of zero tolerance policing since its inception, and what the government has so far achieved. The paper will also go further to analyze the viability of the concept in fighting the high pro file criminal acts of the 21st Century. The Case of U.K on Zero Tolerance Policing The Zero Tolerance Policing in the United Kingdom is under the docket of CID, headed by a Director Superintendent. The concept has received a lot of political support but is quiet unpopular among some of the U.K police force. Some of the Police Departments who advocate for the program argue that it was this new concept that had resulted into the drastic fall of crime as evident lately in New York (Sherman, et al.1997, p.51). Because of such positive reports, it has become widespread in the major cities especially in New York and those of North America. In the United Kingdom, it is mainly used in Middlesbrough, Strathclyde, Hartpool and Landon. A report that was released in February 2009 (Summers et al. 2009.) showed that criminal activities has switched bases, currently, more and more youngsters are getting involved in crime than before. The report further revealed that more than 50,000 teens in the United Kin
Managing non governmental organizations. ,,Once inside a war zone, Essay
Managing non governmental organizations. ,,Once inside a war zone, it's essential to have a blind spot for matters of ethics ( Polman, 2010,p 91) Discuss - Essay Example In addition, NGOs operating in different countries are required to follow certain ethical standards. Such standards include not participating in political activities within the countries they operate or any other engagement that contravenes the ethical codes in providing humanitarian services globally. In most cases, the activities that NGOs participate in terms of controlling civil wars are wide and varied. Most NGOs are often called upon to offer their services in post war conflict. The services they provide may involve demobilizing soldiers, providing humanitarian services to the population and encouraging other rehabilitation activities for the civilians (Zaum 2009, p. 22). The number of international organizations offering humanitarian services has continued to grow and today there are more than 4,000 international NGOs providing their services to war-torn countries globally. NGOs are an integral part of the effort to reconstruct the war-torn countries. They are able to provide services such as relief food, healthcare, potable water and education. In addition, NGOs operating in conflict zones have done a tremendous work in terms of alleviating the suffering of civilians caught in the war. These organizations also help to prevent the violations of human rights within the war zones. However, it has to be realized that the presence of international NGOs in the warzones also presents some dark sides (Zaum 2009, p. 28). This involves criticism that emanate from the fact that some NGOs have a role in extending conflicts by enhancing the war economy. Unethical engagements involve legitimizing warlords that can occur as a result of accepting to negotiate with these warlords. The NGOs across international borders are also accused of demeaning local population’s capacity to deal with conflicts independently (Zaum 2009, p. 32). In essence,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
How the Limit-Pricing Model Fit within the Harvard Approach to Assignment
How the Limit-Pricing Model Fit within the Harvard Approach to Industrial Economics - Assignment Example Among these technological causes, one is the diminishing cost structure of the monopolist firm. There are some internal and external economies and diseconomies of scale. If the economies of scale dominate over the diseconomies of scale the firm faces diminishing cost. That's why the cost declines with the expansion of the firm. Higher the amount of production lower would be the average and marginal cost and hence higher would be the capability to charge the lower price. That can be shown with the help of the following diagram. The above case is called the phenomenon of natural monopoly; the new firm's entry gets restricted automatically because of the technological nature of the existing firm. The new firm would not be able to compete with the existing firm. (Kutsoyiannis 1994) 2. There are many barriers that are responsible for the monopoly power that a firm may enjoy. A high level of fixed cost is also a cause behind the emergence of monopoly power. If in an industry, the starting of a new venture is subject to high establishment cost or resource cost it would be difficult for the new entrants to start a new venture in the market. That also contributes to the monopoly power of the firm or firms as the scope of new entry becomes narrower due to the high time and cost required for starting production in the market. (Hoag 2006) 3. Another major cause behind the emergence of monopoly power is the legal barriers to entry. In this situation, the monopolist is protected by the legal system of the country from competition from new firms. The state enforces some laws that would enable a single company to sell any particular good or service. The best example is the case of USPS for delivering the first class mail. No other company is entitled to the right to sale the same commodity. That's why USPS enjoys the monopoly power in the market. Monopoly power is protected by federal law.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Book and Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Book and Movie - Essay Example Discussed below is the impact of hazardous waste on the environment, regulations of municipal and industrial waste, possible interventions to environmental degradation in relation to the movie and the novel. The world’s population is steadily increasing due to improved access to health care and technological advancements in the healthcare sector. These in turn reduced infant mortality and prolonged the estimated lifespan of both males and females. The rapidly increasing population generates large amounts of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. In the US, a 2012 study done by the country’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed that the US population generated 251 million tons of municipal waste recycling only 34.5% (87 million tons). EPA’s estimates propel the US to the top of the list with regard to highest waste output per person. The high waste output automatically strains existing waste management measures instituted by both the federal and state governments. As a result, common to all states are landfills scattered all over each state containing heaps of non-biodegradable waste, which contributes to the rapid degradation of the environment. Worsen ing the situation, is the large amounts of industrial waste output from the vast number of industries operating in the US. In her novel, Paretsky (40) contrasts Chicago’s polluted industrial districts with the posh Coast. Apted’s depiction of the rolling mountains and scenic backdrop in the Native American reservation in South Dakota contrasted against the rusting automobiles and dilapidated houses mirrors Paretsky’s description. Due to the hazardous nature of industrial waste, the government’s way of managing industrial waste differs from the management of municipal waste. Legislative directives compel industries to find suitable methods of disposing their waste guaranteed not to pollute the environment. For example, unsanctioned dumping of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Child care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Child care - Essay Example Another weakness of mine is not being very orderly with my things. Sometimes, it doesn’t bother me anymore having cluttered books, pens, etc. around me. Lastly, I think I also need to learn to be more wise in my spending habits. I have the tendency to be an impulsive shopper especially when I find novel materials. One goal is to develop healthy work relationships with my co-workers and the parents of my students. Being surrounded with little children all the time makes me happy, but I also need to relate with other adults who may be able to give me wise advise in developing effective teaching strategies. I would also need their friendship and support as a colleague who understands the same things I go through in my work. As a teacher, I would also need to develop warm and congenial relationships with the parents of my students, as it is one of my beliefs that parents and teachers should work hand-in-hand to help the child reach his full potential. Parents are considered partners in education for a better future. Another goal for me is to pursue excellence in my craft. That includes making more effort to improve on my areas of weaknesses. Being tardy may reflect that I take my work and the people there for granted. Especially with young children, they would need a dependable teacher to be with them when they arrive in school. Being a messy teacher will only impart negative influences in the students, as they can model this behavior themselves and think that is the way things should be. Being an impulsive shopper would also put emphasis on a need to resort to buying new things instead of re-using or recycling old, available, inexpensive materials. It will not foster resourcefulness and self-restraint. To be able to fulfill my goal of developing healthy interpersonal relationships at work would require that I initiate social contacts with people. I would make it a point to give attention to the people at
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Are Turkish Dramas Evading Our Culture Essay Example for Free
Are Turkish Dramas Evading Our Culture Essay The foreign dramas are attacking our culture and these are not according to our culture After a contentious time of the Indian dramas, now numerous Turkish plays are giving rise to curious hype not only in our television drama industry but also in the minds of the general public. As a matter of fact, it is true that our local drama production is invoking the interests of thousands and millions of viewers and most of these spectators are finding these plays appealing enough to follow. However, in recent times it has been noticed that some foreign television content is trying to induce a substantial place in our country. Unfortunately, somehow a Turkish serial â€Å"ISHQ-E-Mamnoon†was aired out and after a few weeks it ended up by getting exultant high ratings. After the broadcast of this particular play, a slipstream is started among the different TV channels to get foreign content and present to the public, in order to gain high ratings. When broadcasters and people are basking this dubbed â€Å"so called†change, they forgot to think all this activity is turning out to be a veridical threat to the local industry as well as the integrity and culture of our nation. There is also a small group of people who is trying to back up these serials, but I think these people might disremember what Indian dramas have done with our acculturation in the recent past. Because of these plays, our adolescents (especially girls) have started out to follow their language. In fact, several words were became the part of their vocabulary and they used these words into their normal discussions. After ascertaining the severity of this issue our civil society and television industry have taken some measures and banned all the Indian channels. But now we have to cope with another scourge which is a lot more dangerous than the previous one. We need to observe what sort of message these Turkish dramas are trying to convey? Are the stories of these plays fair enough to watch with our parents, brothers and sisters? Of course not and that is the main reason why it is considered as infectious to our culture and nation by our producers, writers, actors, directors and now public as well. These Turkish serials are full of bold scenes, which is totally against our moral values and they are just becoming the cause of raising the level of grossness and vulgarity. All in all, our music and film industry is neither cohesive nor strong. This is only the television industry that is producing high caliber dramas and bringing out the talent nd acting of impeccable quality and it should not have to endure the same issues as our film and music industry are confronting. Apart from our cultural and moral values, these Turkish serials are also threatening the future of thousands of actors, directors, cameramen, writers, producers, spot boys and other individuals who are directly or indirectly associated with our local drama industry. Although, a good and positive aspect is that our actors are united and they are unitedly saying the Turkish or any other foreign content should not hijack the viewership of our local dramas. If we take a close look at the history of subcontinent then it is not very hard to find the same interference of the popular East India Company that eventually became the main reason of Subcontinent’s separation. However, right now things are quite under control and still it is too long to anticipate any resemblance with this specific issue. Although our government must have to take impertinent and smart actions in order to avoid the drastic effects on our culture as well as on economy which is depending on our drama and entertainment industry.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Chuck Close | Art Style Analysis
Chuck Close | Art Style Analysis When he left the UW for Yale in 1962, Close changed his style completely, dumping abstract paintings based on de Kooning in favor or photorealist portraits. He turned his back on abstraction in favor of photorealism because he wanted to find his own voice and not continue to do work similar to that of his UW mentor, Art Professor Alden Mason. It was a dramatic break: Photorealism is a painting style resembling photography in its close attention to detail, the opposite of abstract expressionism. He achieved his international reputation by demonstrating that a very traditional art form, portrait painting, could be resurrected as a challenging form of contemporary expression. His work has been superficially described as photo realist, but is more revealingly positioned with the development of minimalism and process art of the 1960s and 1970s, says Christopher Ozubko, director of the UW School of Art. Closes large, iconic portraits are generated from a system of marking which involves painstaking replication of the dot system of the mechanical printing process. The portraits he producesutterly frontal, mural-size, and centered in shallow spacereplicate the veracity of a photograph and undermine the objectivity of photography at the same time, critics say. In the early days, though, his work was the complete opposite of realism. Upon his arrival at the UW from Everett Community Collegewhich back in the 1950s was a feeder for the UW art programhe was influenced heavily by the now-retired Mason. They used to get thick paint by the gallon from a special dealer in Oakland, and churned out lots of abstract works. It was the opposite of the precise work he is best known for, says Mason. We just glopped on tons of paint and followed the influence of de Kooning and other New York painters of the time. The brushwork then took a lot of energy, was emotional, hard work, full of anxiety and trauma because it was all improvisational. You had no idea what was going to turn out. The Marxist Analysis enables a piece of illustration or artwork to be put in its historical, social and cultural context. This can be done by analysing the production, consumption and status of the image. The work of Chuck Close can be analysed in this way to discover its purpose and context. I am particularly interested in the dramatic shift in the work of Chuck Close and the way he completely changed his style and way of working. Close began by producing very large photorealistic portraits and had a unique and very well liked style. Photorealism was very popular at the time culture However, he was not able to continue working in this way after suffering from a spinal cord injury in 1988, which caused him to lose mobility in all parts of his body except a small amount of movement in his neck. His accident left him feeling helpless and many believed this was the end of his career as an artist. However, he did not give up and continued producing artwork by holding a paintbrush between his teeth and painting small pixel-like sections to make up a larger image. Although his later paintings differ in method from his earlier canvases, the preliminary process remains the same. To create his grid work copies of photos, Close puts a grid on the photo and on the canvas and copies cell by cell. Typically, each square within the grid is filled with roughly executed regions of color (usually consisting of painted rings on a contrasting background) which give the cell a perceived average hue which makes sense from a distance. His first tools for this included an airbrush, rags, razor blade, and an eraser mounted on a power drill. His first picture with this method was Big Self Portrait, a black and white enlargement of his face to a 107.5in by 83.5in (2.73m by 2.12m) canvas, made in over four months in 1968, and acquired by the Walker Art Center in 1969. He made seven more black and white portraits during this period. He has been quoted as saying that he used such diluted paint in the airbrush that all eight of the paintings were made with a single t ube of mars black acrylic. However, Close continued to paint with a brush strapped onto his wrist with tape, creating large portraits in low-resolution grid squares created by an assistant. Viewed from afar, these squares appear as a single, unified image which attempt photo-reality, albeit in pixelated form. Although the paralysis restricted his ability to paint as meticulously as before, Close had, in a sense, placed artificial restrictions upon his hyperrealist approach well before the injury. That is, he adopted materials and techniques that did not lend themselves well to achieving a photorealistic effect. Small bits of irregular paper or inked fingerprints were used as media to achieve astoundingly realistic and interesting results. Close proved able to create his desired effects even with the most difficult of materials to control. He soon regained some movement in his upper arm and was able to produce artwork even more freely. He then found he was not completely powerless and developed a new style of working which was even more amazing than before his accident. By losing something valuable, he found something he never would have even imagined and realised he was stronger than anyone ever thought. The cultural context of Closes work contributes a lot to its meaning. At a time of Abstract Expressionism he went against the mainstream with his photorealistic portraits and redefined portraiture. He has always worked strictly from photographs, producing canvases usually about three meters high. Chuck Close uses grids to transfer the images to the canvas producing lifelike images with intricate detail. His earlier work had a very strong photographic feel- he even blurred out things further away from the face, as a real camera lens blurs the background of a photo. Chuck Close did not work in the same way as anyone else at the time. His portraits focused on the hair, skin and details such as wrinkles, rather than on the eyes, as many other artists at the time did. Such realism was created as Close captured every pore and wrinkle. This technique started out with a series of portraits in black and white, and the artist began using more colours in the 1970s. In the 1980s, he started towards abstraction. His best known technique is the fingerprint paintings in which he used an inkpad and his own fingerprints to fill in the grid of his canvas. The canvases got bigger, but the realism was still there, in fact, if a person were to stand at a distance where he/she could see the entire image, it would be very difficult for that person to tell that the piece was created with fingerprints. Once the person gets close enough to see the fingerprints, it is very unlikely that he/she can get a good view of the piece as a whole. His most current stage of abstraction is one developed after he became partially paralyzed. He fills each of his grids with an oval composed of a few rings of bright colors. The style is still realistic, but not to the degree of Superrealism. Average paintings done with this technique is typically smaller than his earlier work. Close usually works in stages but in this piece the rounded or hard-edged scribble shapes are not determined by a grid, unlike his other work. Closes actual hand drawn pencil lines on the softground plate seem physical. To make this piece he had to alter his approach to the image but had wanted to make a face using colour separations for a long time. Colour separations are made through variations on the primary colours red, yellow and blue so rather than creating the image one square at a time, he needed to think in terms of the whole face at once even though the whole face could not come together until the final colour was layered on. Each individual state is scribbled echo of the entire face. The print is relatively small compared to the rest of his work, being only 18 1/4 x 15 1/4, zooming in on Closes face, cropping it off on all four sides. The extreme close up may symbolise the mature artist looking back on his career, confronting both the viewer and himself in a portfolio of i ntimate-sized etchings with a hand-drawn feel. Closes own explanation for why he made this piece is practical and unpretentious I wanted to demystify the process so that people understand how things happen. This piece would have been very time-consuming and labour intensive for Close as each stage had to be planned expertly. How does it communicate with the audience? This Marxist approach can lead on to Semicotic analysis which studies the use of a set of signs which enables the intended audience to understand the artworks meaning.
Friday, September 20, 2019
American History X Essay -- essays research papers fc
American History X      Will racism ever come to an end or will its path go on infinitely? For the most part, the majority of people respect those who are different either in color, race, and/or heritage; however, there are those few that hold bigoted views towards people who are different than they are. The movie American History X by Tony Kaye displays an example of people who hold bigoted views. Derek, a Neo-Nazi leader, must contend with his actions relating to his past racist views and actions. This powerful movie explores its characters thoroughly and gives reasons why people become so callous and turn towards a racist group. It also exposes insight to problems that plague America when it comes to racism in everyday life, from schoolyards to basketball courts. All together American History X presents its watchers with an impressive theme that makes everyone who watches it take a step back and just say, â€Å"WOW!†     The main characters are two brothers, Derek and Danny, and the way they became involved with the Neo-Nazist’s ideas are different, yet the same. Derek the older of the two by five years, is first influenced by his late father. One night at the dinner table they discussed what he was reading in English and Derek told him Native Son. The dad had never heard of it and so Derek explained that it was black history month and so they were reading a book by a black author. His father did not like that very much and angrily talked that with affirmative action, and other such things, blacks were taking away from what was already established by whites. When a black drug dealer shot his dad when he 601 2 was fighting a fire on duty as a firefighter, Derek blamed â€Å"blacks, brown, yellows, its all their fault†and that lead him down a dark path. Disgruntled and confused, Derek became a leading member in a Neo-Nazi group, which he called the D.O.C. Danny, his young brother, watched, listened, and breathed every word Derek spoke. He too bought into the world of hatred. During the time Derek spent in jail for killing three black burglars, Danny tried to do everything possible so his brother would respect him when he got out. But the time in jail transformed Derek. He rethought his whole life when his former black principal visited him in jail to ask, â€Å"Has anything you’ve done made your life better?†(Kaye). ... ... others more easily (McDougal). Hate itself takes up a lot of energy. All that wasted energy could be channeled into other areas that are more rewarding such as helping others.      For an explanation unknown to anyone, some people are inclined to hating others. Motives may perhaps be because they are insecure of who they are, feel threaten by someone, or an explanation which no one has. The movie explains a major reason why people hate is because they want to blame someone else for their misfortunes. It is always nice to put the responsibility on somebody else’s shoulders. Hopefully in a near future people can begin to comprehend how foolish it is to hate all the time, and then start to love. Works Cited:      . Impersonal Interview. 4 March 2000. Hron, John. â€Å"What does our future hold?†10 March 2000. Available . Movie discussion. 10 March 2000.      . Movie discussion. 10 March 2000. Suall, Irwin. Skinhead International : A Worldwide Survey of Neo-Nazi Skinheads. Berlin. Anti-Defamation League of Bnai. April 1995 . Impersonal Interview. 4 March 2000.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
Valenzuela 1 Daniel Valenzuela Professor Fairweather December 15, 2013 Philosophy 101 Value and Meaning Nozick’s has a couple ways in defining value and meaning while both are somewhat similar to each other. By defining value, Nozick introduces intrinsic value which states that other kinds of value exist by their relation (Nozick, pg 162). Also, while defining value, there are a couple of different specific characteristics, such as, organic unity, which means ‘unity in diversity’. Nozick defines meaning by stating that meaning cannot be gained with something that is completely worthless (Nozick, pg 167). By having value and meaning accustomed in my life, I can see my growth and development along with having special value with health, family, and friendship. I could make drastic changes in my life to make it more meaningful and to have a much better value. While having a better value and meaningful life, this shows how much happier I can be along my life. Nozick states that when something has intrinsic value, its organic Valenzuela 2 unity is its value (Nozick, pg 164). There can be many different specific characteristics in describing value, but the one that really does is organic unity, this shows a major dimension that controls most of the value. Also, according to Nozick, â€Å"...a resultant organic unity depends upon two things, the degree of diversity and the degree of unity to which that diversity is brought†(pg 164). With this said, the different varieties of diversity, the harder it is to bring unity. Also, in order to have a special value in our lives and activities that we cherish, we want the highest degree of organic unity. By describing this, Nozick states, â€Å"We want to encompass a diversity of traits and phenomen... ...myself to receive a better outcome. Now, knowing that in order to be successful and achieve happiness, you’re going to have some road bumps and sometimes even fail. However, it’s not about failing, its about how you bounce back to see if you could achieve it again or come back stronger. By having this asset, this teaches me the value and meaning of life. In conclusion, Nozick defines value with organic unity and then states that meaning is the grand scheme of things. Arguments and explanations that Nozick interprets that shows the definition of meaning and value actually makes a lot of sense due to the analogies being used and the understandable way he writes it. All in all, by having a valuable and meaningful life, true happiness will be achieved. Citation Nozick, Robert. The Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Awakening Essay -- Kate Chopin essays research papers
The Awakening is a story full of symbolism and imagery that can have many different meanings to the many who have read it. I have read several different theories on Kate Chopin’s meaning and though some are vastly different, they all seem to make sense. It has been said that Kate Chopin might have been ambiguous just for this reason. At some point, almost everyone struggles with knowing or not knowing their purpose in life, and therefore it seems, that on some level, most who read the story about Edna Pontellier can relate to her in some way. I believe that those who have theorized about this story, have done so based upon their own struggles with the same issue. To me, life is all about self discovery and what one does upon their self discovery. Each time that I read this story, I can feel the pain and the turmoil that Edna experiences before and after her awakening.      The ocean is the center and foundation of this story. The ocean is also part of the scenery and the background, without the ocean, there would be no story. Not only is the ocean the center and the foundation, it is also a symbol of many things in this story. To me, the ocean in this story takes on human characteristics in that to me, it symbolizes a seducer or seductress. The ocean also becomes an escape from reality and symbolizes life itself. The ocean is important because it is what helps bring Edna into her awakening and that is good, in the sense that it helps Edna into finding herself. However, the ocean is evil in that it is responsible for Edna’s demise.      I believe that in the beginning of this story, Edna has not yet discovered who she is or what she really wants out of life. Edna has come to the Grand Isle as a dutiful wife and mother who grew up in an oppressive, unloving and un-nurturing home without her mother. Edna’s marriage is not a loving one, neither she, nor her husband have an emotional connection to each other. Edna goes about her life as a mother and wife in a mechanical fashion, she doesn’t have the mind for it and it’s obvious that her current position where she wants to be although at first she doesn’t see it yet. Edna most likely has never experienced any sort of love or connection with anyone. She doesn’t seem to think very highly about her husband, father, or sisters. Her love for her children is flighty at best. It’s as if she’s been locked in a cage m... tragic to me that Edna had to choose suicide however, I don’t see Edna as a failure for what she did. I think that Edna was a woman who was ahead of her time, just as some have said Kate Chopin was ahead of hers. The ocean in this story also symbolized life for Edna. Tragically, Edna was not ever afforded the tools necessary to deal with her awakening. Edna was love starved due to her upbringing and her marriage, which made it impossible for her to live life as a lonely nonconformist as Madame Reisz had done. Edna was also born into a society where women were not aloud to be anything but mothers and wives, which are positions that Edna was intended for. At first, Edna feared the ocean and life as an individual, then she is awakened sexually, spiritually, creatively, and emotionally and throws herself into her discoveries, and she learns to swim in the ocean and the void in her life seems to be filled. However, Edna sees terror and death while swimming and begins to feel the terrors of isolation as she casts off her facade. Edna begins to struggle and fight life’s currents, getting caught within the tumult, she becomes exhausted with it all until she can no longer stay afloat.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Paradise Lost – What Do We Learn About Satan’s Character from Line 84 To Line 191?
Milton's portrait of Satan has fascinated critics since Paradise Losts first publication, leading some in the romantic period to claim that Satan is, in fact, the heroic protagonist of the whole work. Certainly Milton's description of Satan has greatly influenced the devil's image in western art and literature since the book's publication. From lines 84 to 191 in Paradise Lost Book 1, we are introduced to the character of Satan, who has just been hurled from heaven, ‘because he trusted to have equalled the Most High'. As a reader, one first meets a stunned Satan, chained down to the fiery lake of hell, surrounded by his co-conspirators. From lines 84 to 127, where Satan is speaking to his good friend, ‘Beelzebub', Milton presents him as being nostalgic about heaven, ‘Myriads, though bright†¦ ‘ – something one sees significantly for the first and last time throughout the poem. Satan's great yearning for heaven is brief, and when finally suppressed, Milton offers a fine and revealing example of Satan's rhetoric and quick-moving contradictions, as he instantly expresses excuses for his failure. Firstly, he declares that ‘Till then who knew, the force of those dire arms? ‘ explaining how they were unaware of Gods powers before testing him. This is supportive evidence, backing up the suggestion that Satan is the supposed ‘Father Of Lies', as he is seen to be directly manipulating the truth. He manages to make ‘He with his thunder' sound as though God had taken unfair advantage by using an illegal weapon. Moreover, he never refers to God by his name, but as ‘He', ‘The potent victor', or ‘Our grand foe'. He makes a virtue out of his unwillingness to ‘Repent or change' – the very unwillingness which imprisons him eternally in the hell of himself. Much of what Satan says makes him sound grand and admirable because of the rhetorical force with which it is expressed, however when studied more closely it is seen to be more hollow, and even absurd. Satan claims that in the war against God, ‘He shook his throne', and that the battle was ‘dubious' – that it could have gone either way. This is obviously untrue, and again contributes to the image of him being a rather desperate liar. Satan's remarkably obvious sense of optimism becomes greatly evident towards the end of his speech, where he describes all the positive things that have been the outcome of their war. Firstly he boasts of how they have now gained experience of Gods power – ‘through experience of this great event', and then he persuades himself they have learnt a lesson from defeat, and ‘in foresight much advanced', will do better next time in the ‘eternal war'. In my opinion however, Satan's brave face is merely superficial. Beneath, he is racked with ‘deep despair', his essential spiritual condition. His ‘public face', is that of supreme dissembler, and it is impossible to know the extent to which he is deceived by his own rhetoric. This idea, creates effects of sympathy towards Satan's character as it almost suggests that he is hopeless and possibly even doomed. Throughout this particular speech, Milton in my opinion, indirectly forces juxtaposing emotions upon his readers in relation to the character of Satan – being that of sympathy Vs admiration. The feeling of sympathy, as he seems so determined to be a successful leader, however it is clear that he does not really know himself where he is leading to. Even though one might feel this pity, the admiration of his great courage to rebel against authority makes Satan more appealing and likable as a rebel. From lines 128 – 55, Beelzebub, the born second-in-command replies to Satan beginning by being sycophantic towards him, and then continuing the myth that their rebellion had ‘endangered' god. In contrast to Milton's confident and optimistic portrayal of Satan, he presents Beelzebub in a much dimmer light – portraying him as being heavily depressed through the repetitive use of emotive language, using words such as ‘destruction', ‘misery', pain' and ‘fire'. This key difference in character highlights the extent of Satan's sheer optimism in their situation, making him appear plausible for his determination and great courage, of which he appears to possess over the other rebel angel. Following Beelzebub's pessimistic and sorrowful reply, Satan forcefully attacks him with a powerful and persuasive speech, desperately hoping to uplift his despair. From comments such as, ‘to be weak is miserable', one learns that Satan is determined to scotch such defeatist talk and to abolish any sense of weakness. Although Satan shows signs of great commitment in his ambition to ‘pervert' God's providence, I think that he knows in his heart that he is on a hiding to nothing and the worst he can do is cause God temporary inconvenience. Words such as ‘disturb' and ‘perhaps grieve' illustrate Satan's rather poor plans to merely ‘irritate' God, with his language generally lacking the vigour one would expect from Satan. Although Satan lacks in the quality of his plans, he does successfully manage to in-force a sense of time and place – as well as a feeling of unity, for example through ‘Our enemy', ‘Our Own loss'. The effect of this is that it brings the rebels closer together reminding them that they have each-other, and therefore have a side. This shows us that Satan has great leadership skills, in that he holds the situation together and persuades his friends to follow his plans. Overall, I believe that from lines 84 to 191, Milton offers his readers an extremely complex and diverse view of Satan's character, indicating rather important aspects that his personality appears to dominate. As the image created is rather dependable, my personal attitude towards him so far is greatly ambiguous, feeling both attraction, and repulsion – many people, it is relevant to add feel the same about snakes. The most notable aspects that have so far had effect shaping my view of his personality are his sheer courage and energy – that he appears to have on such an enormous scale. However, when analysing the value of these qualities in themselves one is forced to question their significance. In actual fact, when studying all major aspects of Satan's character so far – the discussion of him rapidly turns into a series of endless questions, which I hope will soon be answered as the poem develops.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Perry’s Dialogue
In Perry’s Dialogue, he introduces three fictional characters to explore the concept of personal identity. This topic arises as the character, Gretchen Weirob, lays on her deathbed seeking consolation from her friend, Sam Miller, and former student, Dave Cohen, to discuss the possibility of her survival after death. Weirob’s view is that people are identified by their bodies and that their continued existence relies on the existence of their living bodies (Perry, 319).In this paper, I will argue on behalf of her viewpoint approaching personal identity through Locke’s memory theory using the distinction that real memory can only be associated with the body experiencing it. Personal identity has proven to be a very controversial topic in this dialogue. By the second night, it was argued to be defined neither by the bodily existence nor the existence of an immaterial soul (320). Instead, identity is approached by the concept of person-stages (322).This idea implies that a person lives in consecutive stretches of consciousness connected in a logical manner. In this case, each stretch of consciousness indicates the all thoughts and emotions experienced by a person at a given moment in time (322). This leads to the Memory Theory of personal identity, which Miller suggested according to his readings on Locke. It basically states that all the past events occurring within this stream of consciousness forms memory and our personal identity consists of the accumulation of memory that can be traced linearly through it (322).Weirob was not able to find any flaws in this theory. However, many flaws would surface without the examination of what constitutes as memory? Weirob brings up the comparison of real and apparent memory due to the possibility of deception where a person may â€Å"seems to remember†(323) something entirely inaccurate. Real memory is then defined as an experience remembered by the person who was present at the time of that exp erience(324).Apparent memory is when someone â€Å"seems to remember†but was not actually present at the experience in question (324). In the end, the real remember is the one whose memories were caused â€Å"in the right kind of way†(324) which led Weirob to conclude that â€Å"a person is certain sort of causal process. †(324) This continued to support her belief that personal identity is coexistent with bodily continuity as all her memories were formed by the actions and brain activity of her body. With a stroke of ngenuity, Miller was able to dispute her belief that personal identity lies solely within the confines of bodily identify by stating that one can identify his/herself without examination of his or her physical body (320). He says that a person is able to wake up and realize that they are the person they were the day before, prior to opening his/her eyes. He further proves this using Kafka’s Metamorphosis, which involves the instance of so meone waking up in the body of a cockroach (320). This person still maintains the sameness of person despite the difference of body.Earlier on, Weirob had brought up the case of anticipation. She had concluded that in order for her to accept the possibly of life after death, she must believe that she can exist in another form in which she would be able to anticipate the experiences of her future self and remember the experiences of her past (323). As Miller was able to dispute her belief that personal identity is only bodily identity, he then tempts her to imagine that there will be someone in the future who will remember the conversation they are having and all her past experiences.However, this fails to comforts Weirob as she argues that this merely suggests the possibility of a deluded imposter harboring her memories (323). Once again the issue of real versus apparent memory detains Miller in his efforts. This led to the introduction of an additional restriction to Miller’ s suggestion. To provide the distinction between real and apparent memory, the heavenly person must now be the person who actually performed the actions that he/she remembers (323). So if Weirob can imagine such a person being she, then the possibility of her survival is ensured.Nevertheless, this proves to be too ambiguous for Weirob to accept. She argues that There is no assurance that the heavenly being will be identical to her as opposed to exactly similar(325). She says that if God were able to create one such being on heaven, what is to prevent him from creating two or even three? Since God is all-powerful and not limited in his abilities, he should be able to create an infinite number of Gretchen Weirobs, all of whom would hold her memories (325). These Gretchen Weirobs cannot all be her, so the possibility of her survival is once again irrational.Cohen then points out that Miller was asked only to provide the possibility of survival, so if Weriob were to imagine that God, be ing benevolent, choose to create only one heavenly Gretchen Weirob, then she cannot deny the possibility of her survival (325). To this Weirob replies that she cannot base her survival on such insubstantial conditions; she cannot tolerate that her survival depends on the right relationship between her memory to the memory of the heavenly being as well as the lack of competition of other heavenly beings(325).She says that if there is a possibility if two heavenly Gretchen Weirobs, she would be neither of them as one cannot be identical to two; then memory alone cannot provide the basis for identity. Therefore, even if there were to be only one heavenly being containing her memory, she cannot confirm that it will be identical to her (326). I agree with Weirob’s belief that she will cease to exist upon the expiration of her body. From a biological point of view, there is no earthly evidence that suggest the continuation of a person after the end of his/her brain function.Like We irob suggested, it is her brain that involves the storage of information including the accumulation of her memories(321). If her brain were to stop functioning, all her memories would logically be lost. Meanwhile, there is the case where the body can continue to function without support from the brain. This is commonly known as a coma, a state in which a person is without brain activity and within this state of mind that person can be pronounced legally dead by a qualified physician. Now on the topic of survival after death, the existence of a God must be involved.In this instance, the identity of a person can be suggested to continue if God were to create a heavenly being containing all of the deceased past memories. The possibility of survival through this case is disrupted as Weriob proved that these beings would be nothing more than exactly similar to her(323). She maintains that memory alone cannot ensure the essence of her personal identity, as God can create many heavenly bei ngs containing her memories out of which one of them would be her (323).Her idea of bodily continuity is proven to be the only rational method to interpret her existence as her steam of consciousness containing all the memories that comprises her personal identify ends with her death. However, Weirob’s belief seems to exclude those who are distorted or incapable in their ability to store memory. For example, in the case of the hypnosis mentioned in the second night, the rememberer induced to remember Weirob’s memories is disrupted in his/her stream of consciousness. 323) Yet, after the removal of the trance, he/she will continue to exist as him/herself. Weirob also mentioned people who â€Å"seem to remember†being Napoleon losing the battle of waterloo 323). Although these poeple are visibly not Napoleon, they are also not considered to be nonexistent despite lack of personal identity. Other cases include patients of Alzheimer’s disease who will graduall y lose all their memories or those living with mental illness who are under delusions of who they really are.These people are obviously experiencing inaccurate representations for their personal identity. Nevertheless, this does not prevent these individuals from existing. While it is correct that these individuals exist, I can argue that there is a distinction between seeming to exist and actually existing. Individuals suffering from delusions exist within their own mind, without relation to the their actual environment. They seem to exist, either as Napoleon or as Gretchen Weirob, in that stretch of consciousness.The mind is inarguably still a part of the body so while they may be not physically experiencing these events, their body, or more specifically their brain, is still needed for the creation of these memories. Therefore, they will follow the same laws of existence as any normal person. On the other hand, those who are suffering from Alzheimer’s, or any form of head trauma that forces them to lose their memories are simultaneously losing their identity. As stretches of their streams of consciousness fade away, their personal identity diminishes until there is nothing left to distinguish them from an empty shell, which is their body.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Case study Technique Essay
In psychology, cases study is the use of descriptive research and analysis to obtain in-depth information about a person, group, or a phenomenon. Case study is conducted using techniques such as direct-observation of the person, personal interviews, psychometric tests, and use of earlier researches archived (Dunbar, 2005). Psychology uses a case study often in clinical research to explain an unusual occurrences and conditions of the patient. The conditions are contrary to the pre-established principles in the fields of psychology and clinical research. Most of the case studies are single-case design; however, there is multiple-case design where instead of using sampling, replication is the criterion for use. Case study in psychology ought to be valid, and reliable to help in the future psychological research. This paper explains the reasons, disadvantages, and advantages of the case study. Reasons for Using Case Study Case study allows the researcher to examine and gather information about persons in far more detail than if the research was on a large number of people. Although the case study is not a research method, clinical and psychological researchers identifies methods of data collection that is suitable for the case study (Goodwin, 1995). For instance, observation, interviews, personal notes, and officially documented records. The reason for the case study is to investigate into the private lives of persons with the focus of understanding them and helping them in overcoming the problems that they experienced in their daily lives. Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study Case study allows the researchers to collect detailed information about a person that is useful. The information would not have been obtained by the other research methods. The information obtained during the case study is richer and is greater in depth compared to the other experimental designs. Moreover, the research considers rare cases where large samples of similar people are not available. Scientific experiments on the person done during the process of study are also an advantage (Dunbar, 2005). The process enables the researchers to adapt to ideas and come up with a hypothesis that will be a point of reference in the future research. On the contrary, the data collected during the case study cannot apply in a wider population. This makes the data not be useful in longitudinal case studies. In addition, some of the studies are not scientific in nature (Goodwin, 1995). They are only a generalization of the scientific principles. The study considers only one individual; therefore, the study is prone to the researcher biases. The bias of the experimenter can influence the conclusions more than in the other study designs. It is also difficult to prove the effect from the psychological case study (Dunbar, 2005). A case study is often prone to be more time consuming than the time used in other study designs. Sources of Case Study Data The case study research generates data from different sources. The researchers use field notes to record data that is already available in stored databases. The use of sampling where one person is examined to represent a wider group is also a method of case study data collection. In addition, questionnaires, observations, and interviewing are other methods used to collect case study data. In conclusion, the study tends to collect qualitative data. The psychological case study is important since it collects unique and in-depth data about a person. Mainly, the rare phenomena and conditions allude to case studies. Finally, it is vital to refer to the recorded data to ensure that the findings are accurate and applicable in the real life situations. References Dunbar, G. (2005). Evaluating research methods in psychology: A case study approach. Malden, MA: BPS Blackwell. Goodwin, C. J. (1995). Research in psychology: Methods and design. New
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Analysis of the Poem “Variations on the Word Love†Essay
The writer of the poem Margaret Atwood was born in November 18, 1939 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She is not only a poet, but also a novelist, a literary critic, an essayist and an environmental activist. And she is an excellent writer, a winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award and Prince of Asturias award for Literature. Her genres of writing include historical fiction, speculative fiction, science fiction, and dystopian fiction. The theme of the poem â€Å"Variations on the Word Love†by Margaret Atwood is that there is a wide range of types of love that are expressed differently. The poem mainly composes of two parts. Firstly, she explores the word â€Å"love†and how widely it is nowadays used. And secondly, Atood related her own personal experience about love. In the first stanza, Atwood described the commercial side of love, making â€Å"love†seem insignificant. An example would be one of her line: â€Å"for those red heart-shaped vacancies on the page that look nothing like real hearts.†This line shows that how commonly that the symbol of love is used in commercial ways, thus depreciating the value of love. Later in the poem, Atood also described the patriotic feeling that soldiers in the battle fights upon in the line â€Å"they shout it. Love! Love! Sing the soldiers, raising their glittering knives in salute. This shows that there are other types of love exist beside the romantic ones. As well in the last stanza, Atood explored her relationship with her husband within the topic of the deep connection they shared with each other. Through the poem, Atwood had revealed several forms of love, and how love can take on different meanings. She portrayed the theme effectively through her outstanding writing. Many poetic devices were used in the poem include enjambment, repetition, and imagery. Enjambment is used throughout the whole poem. For example, in the last line, Atwood used line breaks abruptly and meaningfully to emphasize the phrase â€Å"hold on or let go†. This invites the readers to focus on the struggles of love. Also, the poetic device, repetition is also used in the poem. The word â€Å"love†is repeated several times in line 11, 19, and 34. In line 23 and 24, â€Å"too†is also repeated. And in line 34, repetition is used through the word â€Å"again†. Some examples of imagery are used in this poem as well. Such as in line 19 and 20 of the poem, Atwood describes soldiers’ love for their country through a very vivid image â€Å"Love! Love! Sing the soldiers, raising their glittering knives in salute.†Another example would be in line 31 to 36 of the poem, the complicated feeling of love was described by Atwood as â€Å"Itâ€⠄¢s a single vowel in this metallic silence, a mouth that says O again and again in wonder and pain, a breath, a finger-grip on a cliffside.â€
Friday, September 13, 2019
Making the Most of the Doha Opportunity Assignment
Making the Most of the Doha Opportunity - Assignment Example The purpose of this term paper is to distinguish out the Indian Economy, while studying the special aspects, along with the trade and ventures between Canada and India. The second part of the paper as discussed above is about the prospects of the Indian market for the promotion of tumble dryers and in this context, the civilizing and community needs of the society and their impacts are researched. Further, a marketing strategy after analyzing the needs and barriers that are imposed by the Indian market are studied, a marketing plan is suggested to promote the product. Indo-Canadian trade - History and Recent initiatives During the modern period, India has turned out to be one of the most influential economies around the globe and is set to become an emerging power for centuries to come. The political arena contained by the Indian subcontinent has become stable to a big amount thus serving the country to footstep towards a contemporary culture, with the Indian market escalating at an incredible rate. Ever since India has emerged as a developing nation, it has taken help from a number of countries to expand its market which also incorporated Canada to an immense level. In spite of a number of strategic differences between the two countries, India has been offered continuous financial aid by Canada. During the late seventies, both the countries had strained relationships, however with the start of the early nineties, as India was set to become an influential player in the world economy, the situation got eased up. The growing trend of the Indian market was soon realized by Canada and the two countries stepped forward to bring about some major reforms in their market strategies with each other. Canada became mindful of the call for expanding its roots within Asia and recognized that India was the most favorable place which could offer vast markets for Canadian products. With the start of the later nineties, Canada initiated the progress to recuperate the two-sided associations amid the two nations. Since then there have been a number of reciprocated visits at the political level since thus moving forward the trade growth.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 16
Business Law - Essay Example This is because after the purchase of the vehicle, it developed various mechanical problems that led him to sue the seller of the vehicle. Ford Motor Company is a company that deals with motors. Denny is suing Ford Motor Company for the injuries that she sustained from the accident. The accident occurred as a result of her trying to avoid a deer that was walking directly into sport utility vehicle (SUV) path. In her case she argued that she purchased Bronco for the purpose of using it in a paved city and not for off road use. Peter and Geraldine Tabala are debtors who purchased a house and carvel ice cream business from carvel incorporation. Carvel incorporation is suing Tabala for failure to pay debt obligation of $100,000. The couple however had transferred their house to their three daughters and is claiming bankrupt forcing carvel incorporation to sue them. Top Quality is Auto sales that deal with used old cars and its inventory is financed by credit obtained from ICE. ICE is suing Alderson for recover the truck that was sold to them by Chrisman who had bought the same truck from Top Quality. On selling the truck to Alderson and Christiana, they found out that the truck had not been paid for by Top Quality to ICE. Dan miller is a professional photographer who takes series of photographs some appearing in New York Times. Miller is suing Newsweek newspapers for his photographs that were lost. Newsweek newspaper had requested 72 photographs from Miller which they were to use for their commercial. On delivery of the photographs Miller attached a delivery memo that contained various conditions for example that in each photograph that was lost, Newsweek was to pay $1500 for each of the lost or destroyed photo. Newsweek however decided that they were no longer in need of the photographs they told miller that the photos were lost, Miller demanded for payment but they declined forcing him to sue them. A&M was a small
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
(Not sure about that) this is a critical project report from the Essay
(Not sure about that) this is a critical project report from the module of issues in accounting research, - Essay Example A critical review of its content is thus relevant even now. Watts and Zimmermann The impact of Watts and Zimmermann's paper is immense: A Google Scholar search finds 1035 citations of it, and Watts' (1990) ten year retrospective article has 3041! Published in The Accounting Review, a major journal, the paper not only introduced positive accounting as a concept but began to focus on the role of regulatory boards and politics. The papers' primary research question is simple: Why would firms spend valuable assets resisting accounting standards (Watts and Zimmermann, 1978, 131)? Empirically, they had done so numerous times. A superficial analysis might point to corruption or to trying to protect against malfeasance, but Watts and Zimmermann's research indicates that there is a more complex structural reason. Their research indicated several trends: 1. Larger companies, ceterus paribus, will support less complex accounting measures like General Price Level Accounting more often than small er companies: This is theoretically supported by the notion that a large company would be more likely to be a target of government interference or auditing and thus has more of a stake, proportional to their size. Firm size is the largest factor in their analysis. 2. Direction of change in earning is vital: Companies that are earning less than in previous years and thus experiencing negative growth or at risk of reporting losses unsurprisingly resist accounting changes that might a) further depress their costs by requiring more administrative overhead and paperwork and b) might require more complex reporting of the firms' difficulties. The paper also pointed to complex government-economic interaction forces. Even the mere effect of requiring different accounting standards could have multiple impacts on firm behavior. â€Å"Investment-production†decisions could end up changing as firms' accounting overhead increases, with firms picking either less costly or less risky investm ents to shield them from the risk (Watts and Zimmermann, 1978, 131). This would be indicated by a lower beta on common stock, which was found in those firms supporting GPLA. They also found that there was a â€Å"decline in systematic risk as firm size increases and as government intervention costs rise†. The benefits of improved accounting might be eclipsed by the cost for larger and larger companies. This in turn begs a question: Might larger firms have larger accounting overhead in general due to the number and complexity of their transactions? There are implications for policy as well, both for NGO accounting standards boards like the FASB and for national and provincial governmental regulation like the SEC. Corporate lobbying has historically had a major freezing effect on actions taken by regulators, including the SEC arguably having chosen the AICPA as their â€Å"scapegoat†so as to avoid the difficult task of crafting regulatory standards themselves (Watts and Zimmermann, 1978, 132). To avoid resisting corporate lobbying, regulators may wish to choose accounting standards that improve firms' fidelity of financial information without incurring substantial overhead. Of course, in light of recent events in the global
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
How the media portrayed Trayvon Martin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How the media portrayed Trayvon Martin - Essay Example Zimmerman reported that he shot him after Trayvon attacked him, and had done it in self defense. He was not charged for shooting Trayvon after the police concluded that there was no evidence demonstrating that the reports he had given were false. This paper will explore the portrayal of Trayvon by the media, explaining his case, and whether he deserved such portrayal. Mandel reports that immediately after the shooting of Trayvon, members of public and the media developed a narrative explaining why Zimmerman had killed the unarmed teenager, during the night of 26th February (1). The account reported that he had pursued the teenager and killed him in a brutal manner, due to Trayvon’s race. After the incidence, the media’s portrayal of Trayvon was that he was a young, innocent teenager who was victimized and killed in cold blood, for no good reason or cause. The media reported that the security guard had reported the questionable behavior of the teenager, which was supported by the audio of Zimmerman’s report to the police over 9-1-1. The audio report indicated that he suspected Trayvon, simply because he was an African American boy, which indicated that the case was largely one of racial violence. The audio recording of Zimmerman’s call, as given by NBC, reported, â€Å"Trayvon looked as if he was out to do something wr ong, and added that he looked black (Mandel).†The reports demonstrating Trayvon’s innocence were compounded by ABC’s release of video footage during the arrest of Zimmerman, claiming that, as he reported to the police – he did not have any injuries on his body. That report discredited the report that Trayvon had slammed Zimmerman’s head against the sidewalks. Later, ABC reported that they had edited the videos, eliminating the images showing Zimmerman walking to the police station, with fresh blood and wounds on his head. This time, different from earlier reports – like NBC and CNN – they reported that Trayvon attacked
Commercialization Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Commercialization Plan - Essay Example The Sweet Cat center provides safe and secure daycare for children aged up to 7 years. Market research helps in gathering valuable information from the customers (Klopper, 2000). The Sweet Cat center will carry out market research to gauge the level of customer satisfaction. Improvements and modifications in its services will be carried out accordingly. The center also plans to gather information on the unmet needs of the customers and devise appropriate strategies to satisfy those needs. The Sweet Cat centre will strive to provide top-notch day care services. Since the company operates in the services sector, it will pay due attention to all the 7 Ps of services; product, place, price, promotion, physical evidence, processes and people (Khan, 2014). Sweet Cat will provide close personal attention to each child. The centre will provide a combination of educational and recreational services to ensure holistic development of the children. Sweet Cat has a vast repertoire of toys and games for children. The company will continue to add on to its existing collection of toys and books. At the same time, we will dispose of old worn out and out-dated material. The walls of the Sweet Cat center will have pictures of various cartoon characters. This will ensure that the overall ambience of the centre remains lively and vibrant where children can relax and enjoy. The appropriate physical evidence is bound to attract the target market (Buttle, 1994). Our center recognizes the fact that infants require special care. Therefore we will have a dedicated team of employees to cater to this segment. The center will offer some water-based activities to add to the fun quotient. It will also have kitchen facility to prepare food for the children. We, at Sweet Cat center are committed to providing top notch services to our clients. It will be mandatory for all employees of the center to undergo periodic training programs. This training will be arranged by the
Monday, September 9, 2019
Small Business Management Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Small Business Management - Scholarship Essay Example †Before embarking on the study’s specifics, it is essential to have a look at the overall advantage of owning and starting a business in New Zealand. Recent surveys have been carried out globally and these have come up with various findings and conclusions. As per the World Bank’s survey of 2006 where around 150 economies were focused on, New Zealand took the number one spot in terms of ease of carrying out business. The World Economic Forum put New Zealand in the 16th ranking out of 100 economies in terms of competitiveness and besides that, public institutions of New Zealand ranked top in judicial independence, tax collection, corruption absence, organised crime and property rights. Ethically, New Zealand’s situation put it among the most ethical areas of doing business in the world and this considered the corruption undertakings. Transparency International rated it second together with Finland after Iceland. This is as per 2005’s study of 159 cou ntries using CPI- Corruption Perceptions Index. New Zealand was also considered stable, open as well as competitive economically, has a business oriented governance, and cost competitive structures with low policy in inflation, flexible labour market and low rates of corporate tax. (, 2011) According to Oliver and English, in their book, a small business refers to a business that is personally owned or managed. It may also be taken to be that entity which is void of managerial staffs that are specialists or does not form part of a bigger entity. Also, the definition says that such a business should be employing a maximum of 50 workers in manufacturing, a maximum of 10 employees in services and not exceeding 25 workers in the remaining sectors. If this definition is something to go by, then the sector of small businesses in New Zealand consisted of approximately 297,000 firms as at 2007. Of the 297,000, about 280,000 businesses are often known as ‘microâ€℠¢ enterprises since their employees are less than 5 persons. The ‘micro’ enterprises are usually common in retail trade, construction, property, finance as well as business services industrial sectors. Setting up a small business in New Zealand is not without merits. Among the merits of starting such a business are; one can become his or her own boss, exercise own talents, be in state of independence; remove dependence upon a fixed salary or wage; one has a chance to make his/her own money; one is at a vantage point in realising accomplishment, recognition and personal worth; one can come up and implement own products, services and ideas; and one is given a chance at enjoying work than he/she finds satisfying and successful. Having a sole proprietorship can make a person attain a level of family economic security as well as self and lastly, one may be in a position to provide valuable things to the community. Disadvantages of setting up a small business are that one may fail in business and lose all the borrowed and own capital. One may also be forced to work hard, sometimes up to 15 hours in any given day which results to lesser time spent with friends and family. Income may vary and behave in a volatile manner due to factors beyond oneself control. Also there is the very huge pressure arising especially while making decisions and solving problems of the business and these may call for
Sunday, September 8, 2019
The Model of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Essay
The Model of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) - Essay Example The article takes a deeper look at EFQM Model as one of the non-prescriptive models, which has not come under origination to a very long time back, as the historical evidences provides with the information that this model came into emergence somewhere in the latter part of the twentieth century. However, since then it has come under constant review and alterations in order to provide the organizations with a framework that can lead to organizational improvement in terms of its performance. The Model of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) has come under practical application by numerous organizations from all around the world. This model lay key prominence on the businesses to have an evaluation about the organization's processes and projects on individual basis so that they can know at what positions they are standing, as the ultimate goal of any organization is to attain success and prosperity. This way the organizations have an opportunity to discover their key areas of potential and the gaps that are preventing them to attain their strategic aims and objectives. The EFQM Model exhibits the agenda that it comes under execution by the business community for administering and managing an organization. Thousands of firms and businesses in different commercial facets all over the world specifically in Europe employ this methodology to improve and enhance their performances. This allows them to analyze their overall functioning and operations in diverse aspects. EFQM is a technique that comes under employment by giant corporations as well as small and medium sized enterprises and highlights its current position (Jonker and Eskildsen, 2009, pp.174-175). It also brings to the forefront the strong points and weak areas of the firm. To augment the efficient transfer and sharing of positive working and business ideas and thoughts, a reliable link comes under provision by nine criteria of EFQM scheme. Furthermore, the ongoing projects and the upcoming plan s come under thorough assessment to incorporate them in the approved manner for smooth and well-organized functioning of the organization. The purpose is also to evaluate any loopholes in the plans and to eliminate the possibility of any sort of repetition in the objectives and outlines. This is conducive to enabling the organization to see an unambiguous picture of their working and use it appropriately to decide their priorities and implement them effectively to attain success (Jonker and Eskil
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Face Book Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Face Book Dilemma - Essay Example The chapter focuses on the unique features of e-commerce, the digital markets and digital goods. Authors Laudon and Laudon discussed how the internet has transformed the way consumers value products and services accessed through the web and its effect on business models. The case, Facebook’s dilemma exemplified an application of e-commerce, as it has been defined as â€Å"a social networking website that was originally designed for college students, but is now open to anyone 13 years of age or older. Facebook users can create and customize their own profiles with photos, videos, and information about themselves. Friends can browse the profiles of other friends and write messages on their pages†. The term e-commerce is revealed to include â€Å"business activities that are business-to-business, business-to-consumer, extended enterprise computing (also known as "newly emerging value chains"), d-commerce, and m-commerce. E-commerce is a major factor in the U.S. economy be cause it assists companies with many levels of current business transactions, as well as creating new online business opportunities that are global in nature†. The opportunities for interface and the ability to generate interconnections through friends, colleagues, users, organizations and commercial enterprises make Facebook conducive to enhance e-commerce applications, including solicitation of advertisements, promotions and investments at various fields of endeavors.
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