Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Divorced Parents Essay
My parents are divorced and have been since I was very young. My mother was initially granted custody, but I was placed in a foster home when she became disabled and could no longer support us. My father was then granted custody, and I went to live with him, his wife, and her kids. My stepmother hates me, heaps abuse on me, and wants my father to get rid of me. Starting in my junior year of high school, my father told me that he would no longer support me, and that I was going to have to pay rent if I wanted to continue to live with him. So I started working forty hours a week while I was attending high school to pay for my food, rent, and clothing. When I graduated from high school my father and his wife kicked me out of the house. My friend’s parents took me in and provided me with shelter. When it came time to apply for college, my father initially agreed to help me pay for school. When the Student Aid Report came back, however, he tore it up and refused to help. I was able to go to a local community college with my savings from work, but now he’s refusing to fill out the FAFSA. I am doing everything I can to pay for school, but I’ve exhausted my savings, and without any financial aid I’m going to have to drop out. Is there anything I can do to get myself declared independent? I’m self-supporting and haven’t lived with my parents for three years, but I don’t satisfy the federal definition. Please help!
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Continuing Education Essay
Continuing education (called further education in the United Kingdom and Ireland) is an all-encompassing term within a broad spectrum of post-secondary learning activities and programs. The term is used mainly in the United States and Canada. Recognized forms of post-secondary learning activities within the domain include: degree credit courses by non-traditional students, non-degree career training, workforce training, formal personal enrichment courses (both on-campus and online) self-directed learning (such as through Internet interest groups, clubs or personal research activities) and experiential learning as applied to problem solving. GENERAL CONTINUING EDUCATION General continuing education is similar to adult education, at least in being intended for adult learners, especially those beyond traditional undergraduate college or university age. However, it is not normally considered to include basic instruction such as literacy, English language skills, or programs such as vocational training or GED preparation. Instead, as the term suggests, it is assumed that the student already has an education and is simply continuing it. Frequently, in the United States, continuing education involves enrollment in college/university credit-granting courses, often by students enrolled part-time, and often offered through a division or school of continuing education of a college/university known sometimes as the university extension or extension school. Also frequently in the US, it can mean enrollment in non-credit-granting courses, often taken for personal, non-vocational enrichment (although many non-credit courses can also have a vocational function). Also, in the US, many such non-credit courses are offered by community colleges. The University of Wisconsin–Madison, in 1907, was the first academic institution in the US to offer what today would be considered an identifiable continuing education program. [1][2] In 1969, Empire State College, a unit of the State University of New York, was the first institution in the US to exclusively focus on providing higher education to adult learners. In 1976 the University of Florida created its own Division of Continuing Education and most courses were offered on evenings or weekends to accommodate the schedules of working students. [3] In the spring of 2009, Eduventures, a higher education consulting firm, released the results of a study that illustrated that the recession had made a significant impact on the views of prospective continuing education students. A survey of 1,500 adults who planned to enroll in a course or program within the next two years determined that while nearly half of respondents believed that the value of education had risen due to the recession, over two-thirds said the state of the economy had affected their plans to pursue continuing education. CATEGORIES OF CONTINUING EDUCATION. Continuing education can be broken down into three categories: Formal education * Structured and organized education, training or professional development that takes place in a school, in the workplace or through a professional credit-granting organization. * Learning takes place under the set rules of the school and the education must be completed within specific time lines. * Results in a formal certification. Non-formal education * Education, training or professional development activities that are provided by by education institutions, community organizations and training agencies. * More flexible about meeting the student’s needs. * Depending on the program, this kind of education does not always result in a formal certification. Informal education * The process of gaining knowledge, skills and values from daily experiences at home, in the community or at work. * Individuals learn in order to enrich themselves. * May result in a certification, but not always. To learn out more about continuing education policy, explore these reports and papers: * Harnessing the power and potential of adult learning and education for a viable future – Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI), UNESCO, December 2009. * Qualifications Systems: Bridges to Lifelong Learning – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, April 2007. CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR PROFESSIONALS Within the domain of Continuing Education, professional continuing education is a specific learning activity generally characterized by the issuance of a certificate or continuing education units (CEU) for the purpose of documenting attendance at a designated seminar or course of instruction. Licensing bodies in a number of fields impose continuing education requirements on members who hold licenses to practice within a particular profession. These requirements are intended to encourage professionals to expand their knowledge base and stay up-to-date on new developments. Depending on the field, these requirements may be satisfied through college or university coursework, extension courses or conferences and seminars attendance. Although individual professions may have different standards, the most widely accepted standard, developed by the International Association for Continuing Education & Training, is that ten contact hours equals one Continuing Education Unit. [5] Not all professionals use the CEU convention. For example, the American Psychological Association accredits sponsors of continuing education such as PsychContinuingEd. com and uses simply a CE approach. In contrast to the CEU, the CE credit is typically one CE credit for each hour of contact. METHOD AND FORMAT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION The method of delivery of continuing education can include traditional types of classroom lectures and laboratories. However, many continuing education programs make heavy use of distance learning, which not only includes independent study, but can also include videotaped/CD-ROM material, broadcast programming or Online Education which has more recently dominated the distance learning community. Many universities such as Southern New Hampshire University, have begun to offer hybrid courses; where adult learners have the option of in-classroom learning, as well as taking online courses. [6] Online courses have brought the possibility of obtaining an affordable college education to many of those of to whom it was previously out of reach. In addition to independent study, the use of conference-type group study, which can include study networks (which can, in many instances, meet together online) as well as different types of seminars/workshops, can be used to facilitate learning. A combination of traditional, distance, and conference-type study, or two of these three methods, may be used for a particular continuing education course or program. CONTINUING EDUCATION UNIT A continuing education unit (CEU) or continuing education credit (CEC) is a measure used in continuing education programs, particularly those required in a licensed profession in order for the professional to maintain the license. Examples of people who need CEUs include: teachers, interior designers/interior architects, lighting designers, architects, engineers, educators, nurses, mental health professionals, and social workers. Generally, a CEU is defined as ten hours of participation in a recognized continuing education program, with qualified instruction and sponsorship. CEU records are widely used to provide evidence of completion of continuing education requirements mandated by certification bodies, professional societies, or governmental licensing boards. The records also provide employers with information on training pertinent to particular occupations. The term CEU is in the public domain. Any organization may award a traditional CEU without requiring any accreditation. With a traditional CEU an employer or other organization must decide on an individual basis whether to honor the CEU from a training provider. Due to certain CEU providers not adhering to high standards, and the lack of standards for specific fields, there is sometimes a distrust of the value of a CEU, and accrediting organizations have been created to standardize what a CEU means. [1] Of these, the International Association for Continuing Education & Training (IACET) offers the accreditation of CEUs for the most industries. Specific industries, such as nursing, health, etc. , have their own accrediting processes for CEUs. Any accredited CEU generally has a preface of the accrediting body. For instance training institutions accredited by the IACET can offer IACET CEUs. THE GOALS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Ideally, continuing-education programs benefit both businesses and workers. Businesses encourage continuing education in order to sustain a highly skilled and specialized workforceâ€â€a workforce with the skills to perform a variety of tasks or workers with â€Å"cross-functional†skills. Workers, on the other hand, may receive promotions, gain more power in the job market, or become more valuable employees by enrolling continuing-education programs. Courses are available through a variety of channels. High schools, community colleges, universities, and trade/professional societies and organizations all provide continuing-education programs. Many offer night courses or run weekend-only programs that provide a convenient alternative for those with traditional Monday through Friday schedules. Schools sometimes team up with businesses and organizations to offer programs jointly. In addition, many companies run their own continuing-education programs, ranging from workshops and seminars to full-fledged college-credit curriculums. For example, Associated Spring, of Bristol, Connecticut, a division of the Barnes Group, cosponsors a voluntary on-site training program for employees that allows participants to earn credits toward associate degrees. The classes are run by instructors from Tunxis Community-Technical College in nearby Farmington. Classes range from basic subjects such as English composition to advanced managerial courses, such as organizational behavior, business and society (the study of public policy), and labor relations. By offering such courses, businesses can ensure that they have a steady supply of qualified workers. While advancing technology played a role in creating the need for continuing education, it also created new avenues for providing continuing education. The Internet, for example, eased the burden of enhancing business skills by allowing professionals to learn at home whenever convenient, alleviating the commuting and the time constraints associated with traditional classes. Universities as well as professional societies and organizations set up Internet classrooms or web sites that provide audio and visual instruction in such fields as insurance, accounting, real estate, and computer software. Not all continuing-education courses are aimed at professionals. Some schools offer training facilities and programs for tradespeople such as plumbers and carpenters. Classes in such programs provide not only practical information on the tasks of the trades, but also information on how to start and manage businesses. THE BENEFITS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION People who upgrade their work skills and knowledge not only can keep up with the latest technologies and business techniques, but they also can receive other benefits, such as the training needed to climb the corporate ladder and to realize additional career goals. Training facilities often house state-of-the-art equipment such as computers and computer-based training equipment. Computers can facilitate interactive training through computer networks such as the Internet. With this technology, learners have instant access to experts in virtually every vocation. While continuing education is sometimes perceived as largely a means to career advancement, researchers in the late 1990s argued that continuing education was becoming less of an option and more of a necessity. Hence, one of the greatest benefits workers may derive from continuing education is simply keeping their jobs. Nevertheless, additional education still can help employees receive promotions and land better jobs. Besides these basic advantages, some experts contend that continuing education provides additional benefits at a more abstract level. Continuing education allows workers to clarify and understand the purpose and goals of their occupations. In addition, continuing education can help advance various occupations by giving employees the opportunity to acquire both theoretical and practical occupational knowledge and to improve their problem-solving skills. Continuing education also facilitates establishing and regulating occupational standards for some professions. Perhaps the ultimate benefit of continuing education, however, is its ability to impart an attitude or disposition that encourages workers to find and use the best techniques available at any given time and to realize that these techniques will need to be improved or replaced, according to Cyril 0. Houle in Continuing Learning in the Professions. This attitude became all the more important late in the 20th century with the persistent technological advances, the growth of competition for jobs, and the shift from a manufacturing-based economy to a service based economy. Continuing education provides Canadians with skills and knowledge. Most importantly, continuing education provides people with options. See how continuing education can help you: Career and skills development * increase job opportunities * change careers or get a promotion * upgrade or develop new skills * get exposure to new ideas and best practices. * improve your competitive edge on the job market * keep pace with technology and industry trends * turn hobbies into job skills * get tools to cope with economic downturns * expand your professional network Academic enhancement * get your high school diploma * improve basic literacy * get prerequisites for college or university * retake courses to improve your academic grade point average * qualify for academic scholarships Personal development * explore new interests * get a richer awareness of different topics * meet new people and expand your network * become engaged with your community. * better understand issues affecting you and your community * improve self-esteem CONTINUING EDUCATION CENTRE (IITR) Learning is a lifelong process It is a pioneering centre in the area of continuing education in the country. It has completed more than 50 years of service and has played a very important role in the promotion of knowledge upgradation activity in our country by organizing refresher/specialist courses for in-service technical and professional person from various Govt. /Semi Govt. organisations, public and private undertakings, research institutions and industries. The Centre conducts about 60 to 70 short term training programmes in Continuing Education every year in various disciplines of management, engineering, science and technology in which the professionals are trained from all parts of the country as well as from the neighbour countries. The Centre is fully equipped with the facility of conference hall, accommodation, dining and recreation. This Centre acts as a window to disseminate information and awarenedd of latest technological developments. Courses organised by this Centre are innovative, accessible and stimulating and address to the current needs of the professionals. Programs reach students in all corners of the country/from all walks of life. To meet a variety of needs, Centre offers flexible, comprehensive course curricula in many formats. In the face of rapid technological advancement taking place around the globe, continuing education of in-service professional to new technologies is the need of the day to update knowledge much after completing formal education. Courses are being organised through the technical expertise available in the departments and centres of the Institute. Experts from industries and R&D organisations are also invited to deliver lectures wherever necessary. Centre organizes the courses in the beautiful campus of the Institute and also outside the Institute in consultancy as well as in sponsored mode that respond to client’s continuing professional development needs. Who comes to attend the courses Participants who enroll in our courses are interested in lifelong learning. Many participants attend courses to develop professional skills, many because they love learning and many for both of these reasons. The participant of the courses are in-service technical persons from various Govt. /Semi Govt. organisations, public and private undertakings, research institutions and industries. CLIENT ORGANISATIONS An illustrative List †¢ ALSTOM Projects India Limited †¢ Associated Cement Company †¢ Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. †¢ Central Pollution Control Board †¢ Central Water Commission †¢ Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation & Management †¢ Construction Industry Development Council †¢ Damodar Valley Corporation †¢ Department of Science & Technology †¢ Electricity Board Utility †¢ Ethopian Electricity Agency †¢ Ghana Irrigation Development Authority †¢ HAUC, Sweden †¢ HIMC †¢ Hindustan College of Science & Technology †¢ HPGEDA †¢ Indian Railway †¢ Irrigation Management Training Institute. †¢ Japan International Cooperation Agency †¢ LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. †¢ Ministry of Home Affairs †¢ Ministry of Human Resource †¢ Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources †¢ Ministry of Power †¢ Ministry of Water Resources †¢ Moradabad Institute of Technology †¢ National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development †¢ National Hydropower Corporation Ltd. †¢ National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education †¢ National Rural Roads Development Agency †¢ National Thermal Power Corporation †¢ Oil & Natural Gas Corporation †¢ PBSTI †¢ Power Finance Corporation †¢ PRAGYA †¢ Prasar Bharti †¢ Project Management Unit Punjab State Electricity Board Research Designs & Standard Organisation †¢ Rural Engineering Services †¢ Security Paper Mills †¢ Smt. Ram Rati Gupta Women’s Polytechnic †¢ Tamil Nadu News Print and Papers Ltd. †¢ TIFAC-CORE †¢ Uttaranchal Academy of Administration †¢ Uttaranchal Gramin Sadak Vikas Abhikaran †¢ Uttaranchal Renewable Energy Development Agency †¢ Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka †¢ Xerox Modi Corp. Ltd. BACKGROUND This Centre provides high quality, professionally delivered short term courses covering a wide range of subjects. Provision is made for individuals, organisations, and professional groups. The present rate of development in any scientific area makes the specialized knowledge of a person in that area obsolete very soon. Continuing Engineering Education plays a vital role in the education and training of professionals which will keep them more productive and creative throughout their professional career. The goal of the country’s education system is to provide a very good basic education, train the students in a wide range of academic and professional disciplines to fulfill personal, societal and national needs. It is therefore the responsibility of companies and organisations to build a work force of their own on this foundation by providing training, continuing education and re-education. Developed countries have demonstrated that Continuing Engineering Education leads to better job performance and job satisfaction contributing to higher levels of economic development. The need for Continuing Engineering Education at the present juncture is all the more evident because the Indian engineering industry has to survive global competition in the light of new economic reforms proposed by opening our industrial sector for foreign investors. Vision A front line centre in science, engineering , technology and management making significant contributions to human resource development envisaging dynamic needs of the professionals Objective †¢To create opportunity for gaining experience and more knowledge in a particular field. †¢To create awareness in the technical community regarding the advances in their area of interest and expertise of IITR. †¢To provide a platform for interaction of Faculty, Consultants, Industries and users. †¢To provide an opportunity to study at IIT Roorkee for a short period of time. To provide requisite inputs for improvements. CONCLUSION Continuing education refers to any type of post-secondary education, used to either obtain additional certifications, or as credits required to maintain a license. Almost anybody can take continuing education courses for personal or professional enrichment; fitness trainers, nurses, and safety instructors are examples of professionals who fall into the second category. This type of education is aimed exclusively to adults who already possess a college or university degree. People take continuing education in the form of workshops, seminars, home-study or online courses, conferences, and hands-on training. There is no specific format or length for this type of program: some may take a weekend, while others can span weeks or even months. In the case of education for personal advancement only, students usually don’t receive college credits, as the courses are not considered part of the standard educational system. A common characteristic to all continuing education programs is a registration process. Attending a conference or cultural event that is open to the general public does not give attendants any type of education credits, and cannot be considered formal training.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Marketing tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Marketing tools - Essay Example In this regard, the analysis focuses on a wireless mini Hair dryer market, competitive environment and the costs involved. This can only be achieved by continuous surveys of the product competitors’ actions in this market. Under an inventor’s strategic marketing plan/approach, it will continuously monitor potential benefits/opportunities offered by the new line of products/a wireless mini Hair dryer to ascertain its financial viability ((Errigo & Zempol 2011, p. 64). Ansoff’s Model In order to meet the above objectives, Knowledge Store can use the Ansoff’s matrix / model to make decisions regarding a wireless mini hair dryer marketing growth strategy. It will used to ascertain strategic priorities regarding the launch of this new product line to attract more customers, expand the existing market share and to increase sales revenue earnings (Errigo & Zempol 2011, p. 72). It helps in creating a logical platform on which the above objectives are developed, fo llowing different mix categories shown in the diagram below. Fig. 1.0: Ansoff’s Model Moreover, Ansoff’s matrix is employed to determine a wireless mini hair dryer marketing strategies that will help in meeting the objectives of increasing the customer base and market share. This will be facilitated by the use of internet services, which reach more customers segments in different geographic markets across the globe. SWOT Analysis of an inventor’s company An inventor SWOT can be analyzed in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as outlined in the following table. STRENGTHS 1. A company operates many stores across the globe, thus present in the global market. 2. Strong control over its distribution channels. 3. An inventor’s product has a strong brand identity/name. 4. Its diversification strategy has larger brands portfolio. 5. Expansive market product line. WEAKNESSES 1. Weak financial health caused by higher debts and decline in pro fitability margin. 2. Unstable management caused by family conflicts of interest. 3. Weaker brands portfolio from some items sold by an inventor. 4. Limited target customers, especially the professionals. 5. The prices of an inventor product are relatively higher. OPPORTUNITIES 1. An inventor has a higher market growth potential in other areas, especially in the UK and USA. 2. A company is capable of consolidating other brands for the establishment of a stronger competitive advantage in various segments. 3. Presence of e-marketing/e-commerce makes it possible for an inventor to carry out online transactions. 4. Presence of multi-media technology developments for marketing/advertising. THREATS 1. A company currently faces stiffer competition from other market players in a company, which are companies that offer medium brands that are capable of advancing towards the premium brands such. 2. An inventor is facing the threat of takeover that is likely to affect its capital ownership in a company. 3. Presence of both local political shakeups and economic slowdown. 4. Fake company’s products. PESTEL Analysis of an inventor’s company/business There are various factors that would affect the decision making processes. The PESTEL analysis technique has been used in an effort to analyze some of these factors. The PESTEL model usually covers the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors that are likely to influence the decision maki
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Economics of carbon cap and trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Economics of carbon cap and trade - Essay Example al Protection Agency (EPA) is charged with responsibility of providing the federal and the central government with adequate information on the level of emissions as well as the greatest contributors towards such emissions. Some of the enactments include carbon tax, emission standards, fuel economy standard as well as carbon cap and trade (Ramseur, 205). Carbon cap and trade refers to a system of emission control that uses financial incentives with an aim of encouraging firms and organizations to minimize the level of carbon dioxide that they emit to the atmosphere. A major regulatory body such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets a general limit or a cap of carbon dioxide emissions in a particular year then assigns the figure to the major polluters based on the level that they are likely to emit. The firms that wish to emit more than their cap allows will be forced to buy permits from those firms that are currently emitting less than they are allowed to emit into the atmosphere. The permits are either bought directly from the companies or are bought and sold through electronic exchanges. This program has proved successful in the European Union countries resulting in huge revenues being raised by those governments thus boosting their economies as well as regulating the amount of carbon emissions. However in the United States, only few states have been able to implement it and the main concern being raised currently is whether the central government can adopt and implement it in the entire nation. The regulation has brought about sharp criticism from some members of the political class even as some seem to be in support of it. There are several implications that must be considered carefully before the program is established and therefore this research aims at considering the economic implications of the project. Economic conditions entail the manner by which implementation of carbon cap and trade policy will affect the economy in
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Jean Paul Guode - The Queen of Seoul Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Jean Paul Guode - The Queen of Seoul - Essay Example â€Å"So Far, So Goude†details his work from the late 1960s till the present times. The writings and descriptions are autobiographical in nature. Apart from other merits, latent humor is an aspect that is worth highlighting about his art. In the art world, he is like an octopus that grows in all directions. He arrived in the art-world like an avalanche, and specialized in its various branches. He was not an old-fashioned individual and adopted the latest trends with mesmerizing effect. The book contains 350 illustrations in full color that appeal to lovers of art in all genres and also to the commercial world. The commercial design and the advertising world will love this book as Goude has made a mark in this area by working for Lee Cooper, Cacharel and Chanel etc. The book is candidly autobiographical. To sum up the merits of the book in one sentence, the book can be compared to an artwork and the author terms it as yet another opportunity to describe his life, so far. He is the creator and the critic of the artistic achievements in his life. He terms it as the personal archaeological dig, meaning thereby he goes deep into his self-assessment and the depth of artistry in him. Though he never missed the commercial viewpoint, to him work of art was a mission, not commission. It was not just an aggrandizement to amass more and more wealth. He acknowledges the great influence his mother had on him and she was the inspiration behind his artistic pursuits and achievements. He terms her as ‘the real star of the family.’ When putting into canvas the artistic talents, a genius artist always remains in communion with his soul. True art according to Jean Paul Goude, must reflect the total personality of an artist, his strengths and weaknesses, values and obsessions. The microscopes with which one examines oneself needs to be thoroughly impartial and should not spare the societal failings, and he should never exclude himself for own shortcomings. Besi des, this book includes hundreds of little-known photographs and previously unseen drawings. I refer to the photograph of 1994 done in Paris and named ' The Queen of Seoul. When he was on working on his feature film, he was introduced to a girl named Karen, by his friend. It was love and admiration at first sight. Admiring her beauty in that first meeting he wrote, (2006) â€Å"What a lovely little character!†It was a genuine outburst of inspiration that had materialized all of a sudden-a feeling I hadn’t experienced in a very long time.†Karen proved to be his inspiration. She was a Korean, and her association kindled curiosity in him to know more about Korea. He made a thorough reading of the biography of Meungsunghwaunghoo, the last queen of Korea and a martyr of the Korean resistance against the Japanese invasion. As he continued with his study on Korea, Karen inspired him with another idea. That was about meeting the challenge of violence of Japanese invasi on, through non-violent methods, like Mahatma Gandhi, who believed and practiced non-violence. Within the limited scope of this essay, I would like to take up just one of his work. She is wearing a western crown. Her costumes are of Korean tradition. She has a sword in her right hand and baton in her left hand. She has an angry look and stares to generate fear in the mind of the viewer. Baton symbolizes the power to control. The inscription on the stand (box) below the photograph reads in Korean, â€Å"
Friday, July 26, 2019
Adopting Strategies in Raising Levels of Attainment of KS3 Essay
Adopting Strategies in Raising Levels of Attainment of KS3 - Essay Example A factor that must be addressed in improving the capacity of students to achieve greater heights at a pace equal to their peers within the same class must first be assessed in the aspect of literacy, for without literacy one cannot strive for full achievement. In recent years there have been a great many emerging initiatives that have been designed to promote literacy. Understanding these initiatives and applying them toward secondary education is a singularly important concept toward the ability to teach effectively in the KS3 environment.There is a growing concern in KS3 level schools with the current state of literacy. That concern would be the decline in literacy standards in the UK. This is an issue fiercely debated and so reiterating those arguments would be of no benefit. With the statistics that have been gathered and compared historically as well as reviewed with the current international evidence, standards of literacy in the United Kingdom would hardly be high enough for a sizeable proportion of the number of students. Yet, in order to be flexible, we must be willing to give each student a baseline level from which to start, and then we must ascertain goals for their further achievement. I believe that there is room within the National Strategy to adopt a much more refined approach to the teaching methods at KS3. An example of this consideration would be, higher ability students may be able to surpass the specification of the strategy. I also would believe that lower ability students may not be fully able to achieve all of the objectives in the National Strategy and it would be more appropriate in this case for them to spend longer periods acquiring solid basic ICT skills and understanding. To maintain standards in educational tolerance and sensitivity, we must learn about each student individually. This would be for their benefit to not only realize their goals and aspirations but to know their potential limitations and help them in the discovery of methods toward surpassing those limitations in order to gain access to their aspirations. Professors must also provide the students the outside methods toward attaining confidence in their ability to learn new skills in forwarding their education. Consistent teaching and learning is managed in order to improve attainment resources for teaching and learning in the form of revision guides, coursework help, lesson plans, worksheets, tasks and links to other sites. This has often resulted in improved consistency in teaching and would also have enabled students' access to useful materials encouraging independent learning. Consistency in teaching and learning at KS3 schools which would contain similar information, learning resour ces and homework for the younger students' use is an important factor to consider as well and then following that up with sharing copies of completed projects so teachers are aware of what students should have learned after completion of particular units. This is one thing that specialist schools, such as the Computing Specialist school that would cater to so many different nationalities would strive for, the
Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Assessment - Essay Example guidance and management of the school principal whose participation influences the level of school efficiency through aligning individual teacher instructions with student achievement. My participation in instructional collaboration would be to intensify my relationship with colleagues, offer my opinion towards a student-centered school, gain proficiency in curriculum goals, raise my expectations and that of other teachers, become part of an aggressive and engaged community of teacher-learners, and reinforces the entire school program. I would hesitate to collaborate to avoid over-dependence on my colleagues, and to gain more confidence my decisions. I would also not collaborate to pursue issues geared towards personal goals that conflict with student-centered learning. In my opinion, successful collaboration must improve my reflective abilities and promote individual professional growth. Additionally, partners have to demonstrate strong self-esteem and motivation, sense of security hence a common goal, shared studying and peer observation, open and rich professional dialogues, instructional variety in teaching, elevated risk taking, planning and preparation, and improved of levels self-confidence. Through increased participation in of teachers curriculum delivery, collaboration makes it possible to evaluate the outcomes of both the teachers and the students. Yes, I have previously participated in instructional collaboration. I engaged in consultation collaboration for a topic I did not know how to deliver effectively. The experience made me to realize that not all teachers feel secure when engaging in collaboration and they would turn you away claiming they are busy. However, most teachers are willing to assist newly employed colleagues in effort to promote consistent student learning. I felt incompetent and did not want to jeopardize the learning of my students. I would look for a partner who is trustworthy and who seeks equitable distribution of
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The main reason cause global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The main reason cause global warming - Essay Example This is normally done in order to protect the public from involuntary smoking because public smoking often exposes them to the effects of second-hand smoking which includes increased risk of emphysema, cancer, heart diseases and other illnesses. The regulation of smoking is important to the economy because public smoking presents a lot of dangers to the third parties. Individuals can still smoke at their own pleasure but not publicly because we also have children to protect. If children grow in an environment where smoking is the order of the day, then they are very likely to end up smoking because of the poor example shown to them by the adults. The United Sates government has always discouraged people from smoking through heavy taxation and limitless adverts that teach the public on the dangers of smoking. Several other countries like South Africa, Italy and New Zealand also practice the same and have restricted the areas where people can smoke. These bans apply mostly to enclosed areas like bars, shops, offices, restaurants, trains and theatres. Banning smoking in public places has different effects on the economy as a whole but the net effect is positive. Scientists agree that smoking is dangerous to the health of the smoker and those around him. Smoking tobacco can cause strokes, cancer and other heart diseases. The problem is that these effects are not limited to the smokers because the people close to them also inhale this smoke involuntarily. These people are exposed to these dangers but they have no choice since they are just forced into it. This calls for the government to come in and protect them through legislations like banning smoking in public places. These bans also discourage people from smoking because they can only do so privately in certain selected areas. Through the reduction in smoking hours, their smoking rates are often reduced
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Legal case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Legal case - Essay Example use of such teams, in addition to the facilities for horse racing and other spectator events; that such stadiums and other facilities would also accommodate other events and serve other uses which would provide needed recreation, forums and expositions for the public." The Legislature further found that "additional facilities [were] needed * * * to accommodate trade shows and other expositions in order to promote industry and development * * * and provide a forum for public events." The Legislature declared that the location of the complex in the meadowlands "would stimulate the needed development" of the area. N.J.S.A. 5:10-2. The Authority is empowered to establish, develop, construct, operate, maintain, improve and otherwise effectuate a project to be located in the Hackensack meadowlands upon a site not to exceed 750 acres consisting of one or more stadiums, coliseums, arenas, pavilions, stands, field houses, playing fields, recreation centers, courts, gymnasiums, club houses, a race track for the holding of horse race meetings, and other buildings, structures, facilities, properties and appurtenances incidental and necessary to a complex suitable for the holding of athletic contests or other sporting events, or trade shows, exhibitions, spectacles, public meetings or other expositions, and such project may include driveways, roads, approaches, parking areas, parks, recreation areas, food vending facilities, restaurants, transportation structures, systems and facilities, and equipment, furnishings, and all other structures and appurtenant facilities related to, necessary for, or complementary to the pu rposes of the project or any facility thereof. [ 6(a)] To carry out this statutory mandate the Authority is given the power of eminent domain ( 9) and is authorized to issue bonds and notes which are expressly not debts of the State. 10. The Authority may relocate public highways and utilities after consultation with the Meadowlands Commission and the Department of Transportation. In locating and constructing the sports and exposition facilities the Authority is exempt from state and local zoning, planning and building codes. 5(x). The Authority is a public body corporate and politic established in the Department of Community Affairs. 4(a). Its membership consists of the State Treasurer, the Attorney General and a member of the Hackensack Meadowlands Development Commission to be appointed by the Governor, all three being members ex officio, while four other members are to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. 4(b). From the latter group the Governor is to appoint a chairman, while the entire membership is to choose a vice-chairman as well as a secretary and treasurer (the latter two need not be members). 4(d). The Legislature has the power to dissolve the Authority, provided "no debts or obligations [are] outstanding or
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Mgt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Mgt - Essay Example It is clear that, it cannot be business as usual due to the stagnation and global expansion is a brilliant idea. The business is big, since it operates a 35,000-square-foot factory with 75 employees and I believe that it has the capacity to realize global expansion. What is more viable? Should it consider a joint venture or hire a sales team of indigenous people in the countries that it enters? The dilemma is whether to employ a sales team of indigenous people in the countries it enters or to forge a joint venture. According to Emery (2011), â€Å"a joint venture is a strategic alliance between two or more entities to engage in a specific project.†Its difference with partnership is that the former is for a particular undertaking while the later is for a long- term business relationship. A joint venture is advantageous, for example it ensures sharing of resources, skills and risks. However, it has myriad of problems like: disparity in assets, expertise and investments of each entity, varied cultures and organizational management styles, and it requires thorough research and a long time to be able to establish and make operational (Emery, 2011). Though costly, hiring sales personnel of native people in the countries of diversification is a good idea since it helps in building a business empire that will benefit from centralized management. Forming a business dynasty will help in addressing the problems of sustainability and enhance reliable distribution
Monday, July 22, 2019
Stress Essay Example for Free
Stress Essay 1.0Introduction We generally use the word stress when we feel that everything seems to have become too much, we are overloaded and wonder whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us. Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress. Some stresses get you going and they are good for you, without any stress at all many say our lives would be boring and would probably feel pointless. However, when the stresses undermine both our mental and physical health they are bad. In this text we shall be focusing on stress that is bad for you. Stress is your body’s response to change. It’s a very individual thing. A situation’s that one person finds stressful may not bother someone else. For example, one person may become tense when driving; another person may find driving a source of relaxation and joy. Something that causes fear in some people, such as rock climbing, may be fun for others. There’s no way to say that one thing is bad or stressful because everyone’s different. Not all stress is bad, either. Speaking to a group or watching a close football game can be stressful, but they can be fun, too. Life would be dull without some stress. The key is to manage stress properly, because unhealthy responses to it may lead to health problems in some people. Many people experience stress as they combine busy lives and the demands of study while trying to also save time for friends and family. For some people, stress becomes almost a way of life. We all experience episodic stress, getting ready for a major exam, completing and important paper, perhaps getting ready for an important a way of life. We know that stress prolonged period of time, can have increase certain health risks, to say nothing of the way and tear that happens to relationships and general wellbeing. The simple guide use materials adapted from several college campuses with active stress reduction programs. It explores the origin of stress and provides some basic ways to assess the level of stress you may be feeling and than suggest some easy to incorporate ways to decrease the level of stress. Although we all talk about stress, it often isn’t clear what stress is really about. Many people consider stress to be something that happens to them, an event such as an injury or a job loss. Others think that stress is what happens to our body, mind, and behavior in response to an event (E.g. heart pounding, anxiety, or nail biting). While stress does involve events and our response to then, these are not the most important factors. Our thoughts about the situations in which we find ourselves are the critical factor. When something happens to us, we automatically evaluate the situation mentally. We decide if it is threatening to us, how we need to deal with the situation, and what skills we can use. If we decide that the demands of the situation outweigh the skills we have, then we label the situation as stressful and react with the classic stress response. If we decide that our coping skills outweigh the demands of the situation, then we don’t see it as stressful. Stress is not something strange to our daily life nowadays. Everybody may feel stress when they are facing bad situation. Generally, word of stress has been used in social science research since a well known medical expert; Selye pioneered the research for psychological stress in 1950’s. Cox Brockley (1984) stated that stress is a perception phenomenon which exists from a comparison between the command given and ability of a person to execute he task successfully. Unbalanced situation in this mechanism will lead into stress experience and ultimately into stress reaction. Beside that, stress is a pattern of negative (physiological, psychological) responses occurring in situations where people perceive threats to their well being which they may be unable to meet (Lazarus Folkman, 1984). Selye (1978) define individual stress as the stated of pressure or tension when the individual reacts to a stressor. 1. Background of the study 1.1.1Reading (types) Basically, stress is a state of individual in a response to the stimulus of a stressor (anything that potentially leads to change because changes are stressful for an organism) and resulting hardship (Boss, 1987). Stress is normal and neutral (neither positive nor negative) (Boss, 1988; Selye, 1956). It is a continuous outcome variable in that there are degrees of stress (Boss, 1988) as well as a categorical variable. Types of individual stress based on degrees of stress included deprived, optimal and excessive (Selye, 1956). A derived degree of stress may result in a lake of motivation while optimal stress tends to lead to motivation. Excessive stress may lead to crisis. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. Everyone sees situations differently and has different coping skills. For this reason, no two people will respond exactly the same way to a given situation. Additionally, not all situations that are labeled stressful are negative. Facing the mid-term test, completing the thesis and doing the assessments work for each subject may not be perceived as threatening. However, we may feel that situations are stressful because we don’t feel fully prepared to deal with them. Stress is a normal part of life. In small quantities, stress is good; it can motivate you and help you become more productive. However, too much stress, or a strong response to stress can be harmful. How we perceive a stress provoking event and how we react to it determines its impact on our health. We may be motivated and invigorated by the events in our lives, or we may see some as stressful and respond in a manner that may have a negative effect on our physical, mental, and social well-being. If we always respond in a negative way, our health and happiness may suffer. By understanding ourselves and our reaction to stress-provoking situations, we can learn to handle stress more effectively. In the most accurate meaning, stress management is not about learning how to avoid or escape the pressures and turbulence of modern living; it is about learning to appreciate how the body reacts to these pressures, and about learning how to develop skills which enhance the body’s adjustment. To learn stress management is to learn about the mind-body connection and to the degree to which we can control our health in a positive sense. Stress is believed to be caused by the various problems that exist such as problems at school, financial problems, family problems and problems in their surroundings. Teenagers also experience stress because they are sometimes trapped between making decisions which is to follow rules and orders or to be free and discover the world like they should. Teenagers in the previous days were trained for things that were suitable with their age so that they can use it to manage their lives. According to Zulkifli (1988), teenagers always face problems in adjusting. Teenagers especially those who are students always face learning problems, career management and also problems in solving personal and social matters. These are the factors that contribute to stress in life. Students are starting to shift from a life that is dependent on others to a life that needs them to release the dependency and start carrying their own responsibilities. Morris (1990) stated that teenagers always face stress in school and they compete with each other to get better grades. Levine, 1970 (in Dobson, 1980), explained that stress have a relationship with a specific situation like a learning environment in school and the inability to do work perfectly and the failure to achieve anything that is desired. The issues of students doing things like punching teachers, cursing, slandering and hurting teachers, prostitution and others calls for researchers to see the mentioned phenomena is connected to the stress situation among teenagers. Adams (1983, in Kamaruddin, 1997) stated that the biggest problem among schooling teenagers is the matters associated with their schooling. Other than that, problems that female students have to deal with are communication and family problems. For the male students, their side problems are problems with getting involved in sports, recreation and also financial problems. The many responsibilities and pressure cause stress to the teenagers like the need to achieve good academic grades, character building and also good attitude besides trying to comprehend with their personal needs. For many young adults, college is the best time of life. These critical years of adjustment can also be under minded by depression, anxiety, substance, abuse and eating disorder. Stress exists from the change in an individual’s thinking and their lifestyle nowadays. Now, individuals have changed in their perceptions and the way they interpret this life. Students in their teens are the ones who are going through the transitional phase, which is an intermediate of childhood and adulthood. During the teen years, a lot of biological, physical, mental and emotional changes are happening, as well as the changes in responsibility and role. In order to stabilize these changes, the students are always confronted with problems and conflicts (Asri, 2002). For some students who are not capable of dealing with it, the changes will create stress and tension to them. If it is not dealt with in the early stages, the student may experience mental problems (Newman, 2005). As a UiTM KBM students, study itself is potentially very stressful with many different and sometimes conflicting pressures (reading complex technical or theoretical material, writing assignments for deadlines, working part time, having a ‘successful’ social life, family demand) perhaps peaking near the exams, which themselves explicitly test your performance under pressure by setting strict time conditions and removing potential resources such as books, colleagues, notes and etc. Study can also challenge your ideas of who you are, who you think you are or who you want to be, lead you to compare yourself with others, who maybe look like they have everything under control. Any change or transition, even a welcome one is stressful and study involves lots of transitions in addition to other life events for example, moving to another country, or another part of the country, meeting new people, different expectations from lecturers, and each academic year brings changes depend s on different topics, lecturers, perhaps new housemates, which should not be underestimated.
Analysis Of The Apple Logo
Analysis Of The Apple Logo Conduct an analysis of the organizations logo from the following perspectives: Design Color Message Context and use Source: The Apple Logo, designed by Rob Janoff is very much in vogue and needs no glorious introduction whatsoever. The logo is virtually everywhere; on our iPhones, the beloved iPod, MACS, iPad and even subtle product placements in our favorite movies or shows. Not only is Apple technologically forward, but its logo is also the epitome of innovation. The design is simple, minimal and easily readable which makes it uncomplicated; categorically, it succeeds in grabbing the audiences attention. The logo hones a visually appealing apple with a considerable chunk of its right side bitten off. It is platonic on face value, yet mysterious and seductive on the inside. The bite is what adds character to the logo and makes it all the more alluring. Since the last 30 years the conceptualization and design, of the logo remains largely unchanged except variations in its color and just a few alterations per say. The Apple logo is easily the most recognized corporate symbol in the world, chances are there wont be drastic changes any time soon. Jean Louis Gassà ©e, executive at Apple Computer from 1981 to 1990 divulges more on the subject, One of the deep mysteries to me is our logo, the symbol of lust and knowledge, bitten into, all crossed with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. You couldnt dream of a more appropriate logo: lust, knowledge, hope, and anarchy. (Quote: Linzmayer, Owen W 2004, Apple confidential 2.0: the definitive history of the worlds most colorful company, 2nd Edition, no. 1, pp. 12) The original Apple logo was designed by Jobs and Wayne in 1976, showing Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. It was inspired by the following quotation, Newton A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought Alone. The organizations name was also incorporated into the original logo. Later it was redesigned in 1977 and if one may say so, immortalized by Janoff with the newer version that we are familiar with today. We have seen numerous variations of the logo in the last years namely the rainbow apple, the aqua colored range and the contemporary metallic-chrome version. There have been a myriad of interpretations and myths as far as the color scheme of the logo is concerned. The rainbow colored apple has been rumored to represent a hippie influence in tandem with the fact that Apple has always branded itself as a cool and hip company that caters to the young and savvy. Designer Rob Janoff explains that the real solid reason for the colored stripes was that the Apple II wa s the first home or personal computer that could reproduce images on the monitor in color. So it represents color bars on the screen. (Raszl, 2009, Interview with Rob Janoff- designer of the Apple logo, Creative Bits, Other urban legends also conclude that the Apple logo is essentially seen as homage to Alan Turning, the forefather of modern computing, who committed suicide using a cyanide-laced apple. Alan Turning was a homosexual and the rainbow colored stripes was seen as a tribute to gay pride. Some even view the bitten apple as a biblical reference to when Eve bit into the forbidden apple or perhaps even the proverbial bite of knowledge. However, these widely distributed apprehensions are sheer myths and have been romanticized because of the logos appeal. Rob Janoff sets the record straight, When I explain the real reason why I did the bite its kind of a letdown. But Ill tell you. I designed it with a b ite for scale, so people get that it was an apple not a cherry. Also it was kind of iconic about taking a bite out of an apple. Something that everyone can experience. It goes across cultures. If anybody ever had an apple he probably bitten into it and thats what you get. It was after I designed it, that my creative director told me: Well you know, there is a computer term called byte. And I was like: Youre kidding! So, it was like perfect, but it was coincidental that it was also a computer term. (Raszl, 2009, Interview with Rob Janoff- designer of the Apple logo, Creative Bits) A noticeable feature about the logo in terms of proportion and texture is its solid shape and a clearly differentiated outline which exudes power. In short, the apple means business and demands to be taken seriously! Close attention has been paid to detail and there is no textual clutter. Its easy on the eye and does not give way to any visual dirt or jargon so to speak. It is interesting to note that the Apple Company does not use its name in its logo and this unconventional approach actually works for them. A logo sans the brand name is much bolder and continues to have a strong presence in a plethora of other rival companies. Furthermore, the apple on a plain white background adds an element of distinctiveness and the contrast speaks volume in terms of shape-recognition. The graphics have witnessed a few changes here and there by making the logo more symmetrical and yet never losing its essence. There are no visible fonts in the official Apple logo and there seems no particular ne ed for one either because of its mass popularity. Apple boasts massive brand awareness without even using the company name in its logo and has dominated the international market with the aid of this cutting-edge design alone. Recently, Apple has opted for white and raw-aluminum color schemes. The revamped glass-themed logo that first appeared on the Mac OS X Panther in 2003 and later on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, Video iPod etc is revolutionary and refreshing. It has no rainbow colors in its new design, is elegant and poised in stature. These tweaks have managed to sustain Apples position as a frontrunner and keeping up-to-date with the consumers tastes and preferences. Apple Computers brand image transcends cultures and continents. The Apple is considered an elite yet attainable product. We all wanted to get our hands on the iPhone when it first came out irrespective of our geographical constraints and earlier the iPod was on everyones wish-list. Thats the beauty of Apple. Their marketing strategy and creative approach is almost impeccable. The Apple logo is not just a corporate identity anymore; but it has also hinged its way well into global popular culture. Why else would it be considered fashionable to wear the bitten apple on their daily apparel by loyal customers and going to extreme lengths by endorsing the logo by having it tattooed on their bodies? The Apple logo appears on all Apple products including computers, laptops, iPods, Macintosh, QuickTime etc. Apple products have unexpectedly popped up innumerable times on media channels as an ideal trick for product placements. The edible apple has been a regular on popular shows like Sex and t he City, Heroes, The Office, Entourage, CSI NY, House, 24 and The O.C to name a few. Apple has however repeatedly denied any claims that they pay for product placements which could only mean that Apple gives away its products for usage to certain production houses. Similar patterns of supporting shiny MacBooks and iPods can be viewed on the big screen including new releases like Wall-E, Toy Story 3, Wall Street 2, Kick Ass and Book of Eli. Hence, Hollywoods growing relationship with Apple is headed towards a lifetime romance and is one the reasons why the logo is so popular and inadvertently the products deemed as chic. Examples of Product Placements. The intimacy between Apple and its logo is legendary. Despite its humble beginnings, Apple has materialized as quite the sensation ever since its inception. Avant garde campaigns like Think Different and out of the box creativity have made the infamous gnawed apple timeless for all times to come. Apple understands its consumers needs and the universally recognizable logo is the perfect testament to what the company has achieved over the years after its initial years as a failing company to being the big gun it is today. No company vouches such hearty endorsements and positive responses by consumers like Apple does. The chucked fruit is here to stay and then some!
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Roles Of Ict In The Government Information Technology Essay
The Roles Of Ict In The Government Information Technology Essay ICT stands for information and communications technology, ICT mainly focuses on the role of communication that includes phone lines and wireless data/signals as well as the ability to control information including hardware for computers and networks and software. Throughout this essay, the way in which ICT has affected and continues to become of high importance to the United kingdoms Government will be explored, the main areas that will be conducted in this research are the Government ICT strategy, greening government ICT, how the internet is transforming the UK Economy, a selected number of Government departments and how ICT is important to their daily use and finally an end conclusion highlighting the importance of ICT development in the UK government. Government ICT strategy In October 2005, the first government ICT strategy was released setting the schedule for the ICT public sector (organisations funded by the government) towards the next five years. Its main aim was to focus on the areas that could enable transformed service delivery, putting the citizen at the heart of what we do, shared services and professionalising IT-enabled business change (Cabinet Office 2010 [URL] Date Accessed 02/11/10). Five years later, after reviewing yearly reports and employing a new Government chief information officer a new strategy was released. Its approach has been adapted to fit the current economic climate in which the nation is in transforming services against a backdrop of economic pressure change (Cabinet Office 2010 [URL] Date Accessed 02/11/10). The new strategy will now make possible an ICT infrastructure that will solve many problems across the board which the Government faces. It also encourages the development of delivery being increased via the public, private and third party sectors in order to meet the needs and requirements. In 1994 formally known as was announced to hold all websites and links to government and agency websites, with all the increased pressure to deliver higher and better public services, expectations had never been higher due to the potential of better services that was unforeseen when the website was first published. However, with the increased prospect of technology, expectations have changed and so have demands which has enabled the government to make it easier to handle their day to day business and help those in need of support, was set up to assist and explain the dangers of drugs and was set up for those children excluded from school. On the other hand Denis McCauley, Global Technology Research Director at the Economist Intelligence Unit, believes the government can do more recognizing that although it does well in terms of its internet website, its popularity is decreasing rapidly and he thinks that even more can be done in terms of using information technology. Although the United Kingdoms Government is not solely to thanks for its success in its public sector ICT use, it reaches the top spot when compared to the rest of Europe, as its citizen-based services are 100% online compared with the average 71% that Europe has. Since the turn of the century the UK was the first Government to even start to allow its citizen-based service online taken approximately four years till Europes average came became public. Turning Government ICT green Since the governments increased use of ICT from owning some of the largest and most power fullest computers and public servants using their desktop computers at a higher rate than expected, be it from issuing tax disks to people across the country to saving x-rays on file. The Government is the countries largest purchaser of ICT equipment, and use a large amount of power and resources. They have decided to set an example amongst the nation and turn green, as they want the disposal of monitors, printers, computers and servers to happen in a sustainable and responsible way. To start the Governments reduction of carbon emissions another strategy has been created called the greening government strategy. According to the cabinet offices brochure on becoming green by turning just one computer off will save 235kg of carbon dioxide emissions a year. By turning off every one of Whitehalls 500,000 computers at night would have the same effect as taking 40,000 cars off the road. How the Internet has transformed the United kingdoms Economy Moving away from the strategies recently formed for ICT, this essay will now review how the Internet has affected and transformed the UK Economy. The Internet has largely influenced societies in the United Kingdom with a majority of them having easy access to it, many modern phones now come with the capability to do such thing. Websites such as and have increased the populations spending habits, which further down the line companies pay tax, which turns back into the government. In 2009 the Internet contributed to 7.2 per cent of GDP in Britain, an estimated  £100 billion making it larger than the countries transportation, construction or utilities industry. Whilst the large growth in Internet activity has increased it has disrupted many businesses but has had a positive effect on the medium and smaller based businesses that sell anything from clothes to computer games with research showing that the United Kingdoms economy is likely to increase by up to 15 p er cent via the Internet. Government organisations and their use of ICT Now this essay will look at a number of government organisations and the importance that ICT plays in them. -Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) To begin with The Department of Work and pensions (DWP) pays money into millions of peoples accounts across the nation, from people on benefits to elderly people receiving their pension, its use of ICT is on a large-scale basis and as a whole plays a major role in the social sector of todays lifestyle. ICT is a positive use in the DWP as it allows a quicker way of handling information and delivering an output service due to the large memory servers they have. However errors still occur in which the government loses millions at a time and because of this have called for an urgent change in the way their ICT strategy is changed -Ministry of Defence The Ministry of Defences (MoD) role is to protect the nation against any potential threat internally and externally, its team highlights dangers through many methods that involve ICT such as listening in on phone calls or checking the internet for major threats. Its ICT role again is very important to how its run due to keeping in contact with other global agencies to keep informed about terrorism strikes, it also informs local media in order to get information broadcasted across the UK. Another use of ICT within the MoD is to ensure military standards are kept high as well as the environment. Again by using the Website they allow people to view the procedures and information of the MoD, which encourages responsibility. -Driver and vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA The use of computers in the DVLA is very important, as they have to produce tax certificates as well as driving licenses and number plate registration forms in their large memory banks. Conclusion Concluding the report, ICT is probably one of the most important aspects of the governments way in terms of running its whole organisation, due to this it is hard to find any faults into the way they are actually sustaining their ICT, the only weak point is due to the fact that their website is not as popular as it was before however it still provides the information that you look for as well as email addresses and phone numbers if you need more help. With the Government also turning green they have taken another positive step in terms of being leaders and hopefully turning it in to a national thing; they have started to release television adverts and produce leaflets to spread the word.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay --
Walter Cronkite: One of America’s most beloved and well-known television personalities left a lasting impact on the presentation of news on television. (wrong use of a colon.. did you mean to have this sentence as a title?) As Cronkite grew with his network, so did his power and influence over the minds of the American public. (awkward transition between your intro, whichi is too brief to begin with, and the next part) Cronkite was born in Saint Joseph, Missouri, and later during his high school years, shared his first taste of journalism by working on the local high school newspaper. (Barron) Later accepted into the University of Texas at Austin, Cronkite participated in more newspaper organizations and fraternities until he decided to drop out of school late in his junior year. After being offered several reporting jobs covering news and sports, Cronkite began his broadcasting career as a radio announcer for WKY in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma before switching over to a sports an nouncer for KCMO in Kansas City, Missouri. (Barnhart) World War II soon broke out and Cronkite was chosen as one of eight journalists to cover the stories going on in the rampaging Europe. Gaining a reputation as a big-time journalist, Cronkite continued to expand on his credibility by covering the Nuremberg Trials, a series of cases that prosecuted the leaders of Nazi Germany. As several years passes, the tides of war finally grew to a close and Cronkite returned home where he soon himself a job at CBS News in 1950. (No real focus here. What are you trying to accomplish here? Are you going with a chronological coverage of his life? If so, prep the reader for it. I thought this was still the introductory paragraph at first) â€Å"Television became a powerful medi... ...rrow who encouraged voicing one’s opinion, Cronkite refused to share his own beliefs in his broadcasts. But even if he was objective, Cronkite was not afraid to smile or show enthusiasm and emotions during the show. He gave off this warm and fuzzy personality that brought in many viewers and his signature sign-off, â€Å"That’s the way it is,†became popular for its folksy charm. â€Å"Before long, viewers were calling him Uncle Walter.†(Ritchie) The actual use of Water’s name was a new change brought as well. Before this time, radio stations at the time did not want people to use their real names for fear of taking their listeners with them if they left. For example, the news stations did not want the audience to become too attached to a certain reporter or host, such as Cronkite, since of that reporter left, then many fans would follow suit and drop the station’s ratings.
Friday, July 19, 2019
My Mom, a True Hero Essay -- Personal Narrative
My Mom, a True Hero You may not realize it, but you may already be someone’s role model, someone’s hero. It’s such an amazing concept. Stop and think for just a moment about those around you. This ability to influence others is extraordinary and yet it can be so easily misused. Mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, anyone can be a hero. Young or old, male or female, heroism has no prerequisites. Heroism amounts to more than just saying and believing in certain ideas. It is only through action that heroes emerge. I say this as a means to understanding the true traits of a hero. While there are those who preach of wonderful things, it is the hero who goes out and accomplishes the extraordinary. Firefighters are heroes. Police officers are heroes. Every time firemen storm into a burning building, they risk their lives to save others. Every time police officers go to work, they fear the might not be coming home that night. Their willingness to risk their own safety an d sacrifice their own well-being to protect others is a true example of what heroism is all about. However, these aren’t the only heroes in our world. There are many heroes that often go unrecognized for their wonderful actions. I know a hero. Her name is Linda Gomez. I have known Ms. Gomez for as long as I can remember. It was so long ago that we were first introduced that I cannot imagine life without her. What makes this woman a hero is the ability she has shown to overcome all obstacles. It was not until 1999 that I began to understand just how special this woman truly is. After going through a messy divorce from her husband, it was the court’s decree that the children of the marriage be sent to live with their father. Unfortunate... ...ssist with the son’s college funding and has forced Ms. Gomez to produce the entire amount on her own. Because of the existence of the three other children, this is extremely difficult for her. Never once though has she complained or been unable to provide him with the money. In her I see a true hero willing to do anything to take care of her children. This parent’s love for her children is so deep that nothing could destroy it. She is a mother so loving of her children that her own wants and her own wishes are merely afterthoughts. To know a hero is to be truly blessed. Twenty years of life has shown me that Ms. Gomez is indeed a hero. She has sacrificed so much of herself and has the characteristics of a true hero. She is extremely giving, absolutely selfless and willing to lend a hand in any possible situation. I’m so grateful that I can call her mom.
Melting Glaciers are Devastating for Wetlands Essay example -- Geology
Melting Glaciers: Great News for Titanic, Devastating for Wetlands Overview This essay is dedicated to the importance of wetlands and the impending danger of rising sea levels due to global warming. Historically we humans have taken for granted the numerous vital roles played by wetlands in our ecosystem and viewed them only as unpleasant and undesirable. So we have destroyed much of our wetlands, and now that we finally see how important they are we are going to lose what little wetlands remain to rising sea levels. What are wetlands? Wetlands are, quite simply wet lands. The word â€Å"wetlands†is the collective term for marshes, swamps, bogs, and similar areas. Here in Florida, wetlands are quite abundant. They can also be found in nearly every county and climactic zone in the United States. However, more than half of America's wetlands have been destroyed by man and his historically negative view of the vital waters. In general, wetlands are not very pleasant to humans to be around. Not only do they lack the beauty and grandeur of lakes, oceans and waterfalls, but they are also home to mosquitoes, flies, unpleasant odors and disease. Furthermore, wetlands tend to cover a large area that would be desirable to developers and farmers. Thus, wetlands were popularly and quickly drained and converted to farmlands or filled for housing developments and industrial facilities. Also, flood control levees and navigation channels have prevented fresh water, nutrients and sediment from reaching wetlands. This has converted many to open water. Some wetlands were even used as dumping sites for the disposal of household and industrial wastes! Today, both scientists and the government recognize the ma... ..., enhanced sedimentation, and enhanced peat formation. These measures must be taken seriously and immediately before we and our animals are paying the horrible price for our own irresponsibility! Back to Contents Resources Information from the following articles and web sites was used in writing this site: EPA Global Warming Site Facts About Wetlands facts.html GLY 1073 Electronic Tutor NASA Fact Sheets fact_sheets/earthsci/green.htm Titus, J.G., Sea Level Rise and Wetland Loss: An Overview http:// sealevel/index.html Wetland Processes and Values wetlands/funval.html Melting Glaciers are Devastating for Wetlands Essay example -- Geology Melting Glaciers: Great News for Titanic, Devastating for Wetlands Overview This essay is dedicated to the importance of wetlands and the impending danger of rising sea levels due to global warming. Historically we humans have taken for granted the numerous vital roles played by wetlands in our ecosystem and viewed them only as unpleasant and undesirable. So we have destroyed much of our wetlands, and now that we finally see how important they are we are going to lose what little wetlands remain to rising sea levels. What are wetlands? Wetlands are, quite simply wet lands. The word â€Å"wetlands†is the collective term for marshes, swamps, bogs, and similar areas. Here in Florida, wetlands are quite abundant. They can also be found in nearly every county and climactic zone in the United States. However, more than half of America's wetlands have been destroyed by man and his historically negative view of the vital waters. In general, wetlands are not very pleasant to humans to be around. Not only do they lack the beauty and grandeur of lakes, oceans and waterfalls, but they are also home to mosquitoes, flies, unpleasant odors and disease. Furthermore, wetlands tend to cover a large area that would be desirable to developers and farmers. Thus, wetlands were popularly and quickly drained and converted to farmlands or filled for housing developments and industrial facilities. Also, flood control levees and navigation channels have prevented fresh water, nutrients and sediment from reaching wetlands. This has converted many to open water. Some wetlands were even used as dumping sites for the disposal of household and industrial wastes! Today, both scientists and the government recognize the ma... ..., enhanced sedimentation, and enhanced peat formation. These measures must be taken seriously and immediately before we and our animals are paying the horrible price for our own irresponsibility! Back to Contents Resources Information from the following articles and web sites was used in writing this site: EPA Global Warming Site Facts About Wetlands facts.html GLY 1073 Electronic Tutor NASA Fact Sheets fact_sheets/earthsci/green.htm Titus, J.G., Sea Level Rise and Wetland Loss: An Overview http:// sealevel/index.html Wetland Processes and Values wetlands/funval.html
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Divine command theory
The most basic difference in divine command theory and Immanuel Kant’s moral theory is where the founding principle comes from. Kant argues that as rational creatures with the ability for autonomous thought and action, we can rationally determine the morality of any situation. Divine command theory requires that humans ascertain the will of God to know the difference between right and wrong. In large part the two theories overlap and many who promote divine command theory would argue that Kant simply did not take his explanation far enough.They would argue that had he determined the source of rationality, i.e. the theory that God endowed His creation will freewill and autonomy, then he would see that even the rational choice theory of morality leads back to divine intervention. However, Kant argued that it is impossible using rational arguments to determine if God exists or not. We can, however, argue rationally that humans are rational beings and capable of autonomous action. Therefore, we can argue that autonomous beings have the rational capability of determining a guiding moral principle.Kant’s theory argues that the moral principle which guides life should be determined in a vacuum, absent of the facts. This was his way of arguing against situational ethics. A guiding principle, the basics of morality, should be determined based solely on rational thought and then, once the principle is established, the facts of the situation may be applied to the moral principle and the appropriate action, the answer to the question, †What ought I to do?†, can be determined. Kant’s theory requires the identification of the categorical imperative that is essential to living a moral life. Morality is determined by the one rationally determined categorical imperative.If then an action seems within the situation as though it will not be compatible with the categorical imperative, then it is morally wrong and there is no justifying it or ch anging things around to make it okay. For example, if the rationally determined categorical imperative is that murder is wrong, then it is wrong. This is actually a form of the argument many people use in opposing the death penalty. They argue that it cannot be morally justified to kill someone even if it is being done because he killed someone else. Their categorical imperative is that it is irrational to kill another person. This person should also then be a conscientious objector as there is no circumstance under which killing is not morally wrong.Under diving command theory, the order of God that â€Å"thou shalt not kill†would be an equally definitive moral compass, except that the God’s commands are rarely that direct. One of the biggest criticisms of divine command theory is that it does not indicate how one is to determine what God’s command is. Many point to the scriptures, but those vary, sometimes greatly among translations and faiths. In centuri es past, many believed in the divine rule of kings as God’s voice on earth.Therefore, if the King commanded it, it was the word of God as well and since many of these kings sent men into battle in direct opposition to the commandment against killing, the theory of divine command is weakened by the need to identify God or His commands. Even extending into the modern day, the Pope is considered by Catholics to be the voice of God. Is the word of the Pope then the moral guide for the divine command theory? And, the seemingly contradictory messages of the Bible (or other scriptures) become a much greater problem. If we are basing our morality on God’s command, but His words are unclear, how can morality become clear?Ultimately, the difference between right and wrong in the two theories is potentially huge. Under the divine command theory, anything that God commands can be considered right and anything contrary to God’s command is wrong. With Kant’s theory , wrong is defined as being immoral and immorality is irrational. Therefore, any act which is irrational could be considered morally wrong. Thus the two theories can lead to very different conclusions in the exact same case.Essentially, the difference between the two is that though Kant argued that moral theory should be determined in the absence of facts, it is not hard and fast and allows for some circumstantial ethics. The simple problem with divine command theory is that if it relies on scriptures as God’s command, it is clear cut with no room for interpretation. Why then would man be capable of rational thought if there were no rationality needed? With divine command theory any creature that can understand simple commands could be taught to obey the law and the creation of a species capable of rational thought would be unnecessary.Likewise, the problem with moral theory is that it does not have clear cut right and wrong. By arguing that the requisite is rational acti on, Kant has made it possible for anything to be rationally justified even perhaps the greatest of moral wrongs including murder or even genocide, if the reasoning were sound. Because of the difference in their application, the two theories can be applied with completely different outcomes.For instance, assume that a man is walking through the woods late in the evening and sees a man attacking a woman whom he knows to be virtuous (just to make it clear she is the victim here). Because the attacker is in such a rage, the only manner that the observer has to prevent him from killing the innocent is to kill the attacker. If we use the divine command theory to determine our course of action, harkening back to the Ten Commandments and â€Å"Thou Shalt Not Kill†, the observer is left with no action that he can take to prevent the death of an innocent woman.Under Kant’s moral theory, it is completely irrational for the observer to allow an innocent to be killed simply because a Divine Being ordained that killing is wrong. Therefore, under the Kant theory, the observer would be wholly justified in killing the attacker. He would be doing the right thing. While clearly not all moral obligations and decisions would ever be this clear cut, this example illustrates where the two theories diverge drastically.It is precisely this type of scenario which leads me to support Kant’s moral theory over the theory of divine command. The theory of divine command relies on the existence of a Supreme Being and the knowledge of His will in personal action. Like Kant, I am not certain that we can determine if God exists, much less what His divine command would be. In a different age, divine command theory as method of determining morality made perfect sense.The king, ruling with diving right, could ordain the divine commands of his nation and the law would therefore be good, but as we have entered the age of reason and science, the theory of divine command falls sho rt. It does not offer any guidance on issues that were not conceived of when the Bible or other scriptures were written. Unless one accepts that the Pope is the direct conduit to God’s will left on earth, how could on determine what the divine command theory would be on an issue like cloning and therefore what the morality might be.Some religious people might say that cloning is wrong because it attempts to subvert God’s role in creation, but where in the Scripture does it say ‘thou shalt not clone’? And, if we accept the argument that God did not intend for man to interfere in the creation process, should we not then find in vitro fertilization and even breeding controls on animals to be contrary to God’s law? The simple failing of the divine command theory is that it does not reach into the modern age and allow moral decisions appropriate to the times in which we live.Kant’s theory on the other hand is perfect for the age of reason, probably based on the time frame in which it was being developed. When the means test of rationality is applied, virtually any decision can be made, often in the style of Kant’s writings about common sense.For example, the rational mind can identify the moral ambiguity of cloning, especially cloning of a rational being. With all consciousness of thought, we can determine that creating that which we do not understand may be wrong. We can also rationally determine that choosing to mate specific animals in hopes of getting a particular set of genetic traits or implanting an embryo into a uterus is not an evil act simply because it involves creation. Even those who believe in the existence of a Supreme Being cannot argue why a God that is â€Å"good†and benevolent would object to the use of scientific advances to prolong life and to assist the natural process of procreation.As a further example of this, consider the use of nuclear weapons. Though we can default to th e idea that thou shalt not kill as divine command argument against the use of the weapon, the argument falls short when we realize that man has been commanded to kill hundreds of times throughout history in God’s name. However, when we consider the discussion of nuclear weapons using Kant’s theory, we can determine that the use of nuclear weapons on any widespread basis is irrational and therefore immoral and therefore wrong.The rational arguments against the weapons are plentiful: they destroy every living creature for miles, they destroy the land making it uninhabitable for years, and the radiation spread cannot be controlled, leading to countless additional injuries, illnesses and deaths. Ultimately, both theories come to the same conclusion, but Kant’s theory provides a better argument supporting the cause.Objectors will say that the problem with Kant’s theory is that humans have the capacity to act irrationally and therefore immorally. That irrationa lity negates the concept of a rational test of morality. This argument is flawed in that it is based on a premise which we call mental illness. In American society at least, when a person has lost the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong, we determine that they are mentally ill. This means even our system of psychology is based loosely on Kant’s premise that we are rational creatures, capable of autonomous action.Furthermore, nothing in theory would ever preclude a person from acting in a manner contrary to their moral theory. It is completely possible for a person to know an action is morally wrong and do it anyway. Sometimes, they will make attempts to justify the actions in their own minds or to others, but even the great majority of criminals can acknowledge that there is a significant difference between right and wrong even while they are choosing the wrong option. This is the reason that the American legal system recognizes mitigating factors, those ex cuses for why it was okay to do the wrong thing. We understand that the rational mind can also try to reason out doing what it desires.Critics of Kant’s theory would also argue that there are no simple clear cut definitions of right and wrong. That is correct. There aren’t. Ethics and morality are situational, no matter what people want to say or believe. It can be as simple as believing that a little white lie is occasionally okay (Do you really want to tell your mother her new dress looks hideous?) or as extreme as a blatant attempt to manipulate society and yourself that murder is justifiable. Regardless, Kant would argue that the theory holds true. Rational beings know that these actions are wrong and society, which is not a rational being, has dictated that we are allowed to act otherwise.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Barriers to Effective Communication
A hindrance to communion is something that keeps meanings from meeting. Meaning prohibitions exist mingled with all sight, making communicating oftentimes more unmanageable than most enceinte deal seem to realize. It is false to assume that if unmatched feces talk he raise communicate (Windle & Warren, nd). chat is a routine by which development is transmitted from adept person ( transmitter) to an diverse ( receiving system role).Before the communicate reaches the receiving system, errors in contagious disease give. It is estimated by psychologists that in all intercourse, there is approximately 40-60% meaning liberation (Jenkins, 2007).It is then essential to know the various(a) barriers that ca consumption colloquy breakdown and by find oneself try to belittle these errors if we be to represent our confabulation more meaningful. The core barriers The great barrier towards communicating legally is stereotyping. This bias on a nonher person devot es champion view the others colloquy with a bent of prejudice. There is a scarperency to wrongly hold a persons views. There be stereotypes in all walks of life such as religion, gender and race.In racial stereotyping for example, a persons believe to be more knowledgeable than the other because of uncase color makes him or her disregard the others discourse. This eventually breaks down the communication (OPPapers, 2010). There be a heel of people who lead to assume that the people they are talking to know their thoughts. such(prenominal) misjudgments are very dangerous to communication. An obligate by Effective-communicating, The importance of sound communication states that, When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me (Effective Communicating, 2008).Insufficient knowledge on the specific theatre of communication fag end lead to errors on communication. If the person sending the core locomote short of words in the teaching to be transmitted, the pass receive r role is exposed to an indecipherable message that is mixed-up. On the other hand, the receiving system whitethorn fail to understand information that is beyond his or her knowledge. It may be very hard for a instructor to understand scientific terms use by a scientist in each form of communication (College of Marin, nd). In congenator to knowledge, language can pose a great danger to communication.There are legion(predicate) languages as people are from different backgrounds. Use of a language that the recipient does not understand bequeath not pass the message. The different dialects and accents overly draw barriers. There may exist semantic gaps where words spend a penny same pronunciation but with a multiple of meanings. whatever people tend to use remote words in specific contexts and difficult vocabularies. The murderer allow for not be mesmerized but will be left in total confusion (Jain, 2010). Information overload is another barrier towards useful communi cation. A message that is as well crowded with words tends to be misunders withald.Receivers tend to create barriers under these circumstances. A reviewer from collage of Marine on Barriers to telling communication advises that, If you are selling an pointedness with twenty five terrific features, nag two or three chief(prenominal) features to emphasize instead of overwhelming your receiver (ho-hum) with an information avalanche. (College of Marin, nd). Emotional interference leads to misunderstandings in communication. A person who is overexcited, angry, fearful, hostile, or mutinous may be very some(prenominal) emotionally preoccupied to give or receive the right message.In case of dislike, perceive will be a great trouble. Emotional take awayions create interference with creation, transmission and reception (College of Marin, nd). Emotions if minded(p) a chance will show up forever and a day and they become a barrier when they make people tucker out overwhelmed (Peo ple Communicating, 2009). Physical distractions occur amidst communication. A noisy environment or a bad tele call up decipher disrupts the receiver of the message from hearing. Distractions are too possible with written messages especially when it is badly formatted, has spelling errors and grammatical deficits.The physical air of the message will be too unprofessional and sloppy. The receivers tightness to such messages will be go under off. Bright lights especially when one is victimization a computer can distract the receiver in blendting the patch up message (College of Marin, nd). Physical barriers can withal be created by the geographical location. For example, at a workplace, employees in different quarter will squander difficulty in communicating impellingly (Margaritasmith, 2009). The sender may lack the basic communication skills.The receiver will greatly be moved(p) in the interpretation of the intended message when the sender is faced with a problem in choos ing the words needed and arrangement them in a comprehensive manner. Others tend to rehearse on what they will swan especially after scrutinizing who the speaker is. For instance, galore(postnominal) students who lack good communication skills will first rehearse on what to govern before meeting a teacher. On the other side of the coin, there are a great deal of receivers who have poor listening and reading skills. They have trouble in hearing and in the interpretation of messages (College of Marin, nd).Personal lack of interest can pose a great bane to communication. A person who is disinterested will carelessly listen or in haste read the sent message, misinterpreting the intentions of the sender. Failure of the sender to recognize the needs and the status of the receiver equals communication also. The sender should therefore jell a message with the trait of the receiver in mind. The medicine of an angry guest is listening to his complains for some time (College of Marin, nd). impertinent channel also leads to breakdown in communication.For example, giving detailed procedures over the phone may be quite spoil on the side of the decoder. A forbearing for instance, may choose to call a doctor to seek handling. It would be nonrational for the doctor to prescribe any treatment without a face to face coming upon with the patient. The drawing string of communication may also affect the message the greater the cosmic string of communication, the higher the probability of its misinterpretation. For instance, if a sender uses a ten people scope to rely the message to the receiver, there is no doubt that the recipient will get a completely distorted message (College of Marin, nd).A very long communication chain and a poor medium selected can break up the communication (Jain, 2010). Communication is two way. The sender must get feedback from the recipient. In conversations for instance, there must be turn-taking. If the sender does not give the recipie nt time to respond or subscribe to questions, he or she may work to understand what the sender is saying. It is also grievous for the sender to interpret the receivers non-verbal cues as they carry a lot of meaning in any given communication. Failure to do so may cause ineffectiveness in communication (College of Marin, nd).Effective communicators, as Boulden spells out in his book, communicating for success The septet keys of effective communication work into building relationships by enquire questions and listening to the answers to gain information and use this process to reach consensus (Boulden, 2009) Other barriers that affect communication include socio- ethnic diversities such as age, gender, social status, educational level, economic status, cultural background, and religion.They as well affect communication (Jain, 2010). In different cultures for instance authoritative gestures are interpreted differently and therefore communication can be misunderstand (Ueeka, 2009 ). Conclusion Barriers of communication seem to be part of our lives. However careful we are in our communication theory errors in communication will always be felt. whatsoever barriers are complex to deal with and may be beyond our capabilities.All that we need to do to alleviate this problem is to try and minimize our faults in communication.References Boulden, G. (2009). Communication for success The seven keys of effective communication.London Ala International Publishing College of Marin. (nd).Lecture barriers to effective communication. Retrieved from http//www. marin. edu/buscom/index_files/Page565. htm Effective Communicating. (2008). The importance of effective communication. Retrieved from http//www. effective-communicating. com/importance-of-effective-communication. hypertext mark-up language.Jain, R. (2010). The barriers to effective communication. Retrieved from http//ezinearticles. com/? The-Barriers-to-Effective-Communication&id=1210011 Jenkins, M. (2007). Barriers to effective communication at work. Retrieved from http//www. alliancetac. com/? PAGE_ID=265 OPPapers. (2010).Barriers to effective communication. Retrieved from http//www. oppapers. com/essays/Barriers-Effective-Communication/77841? topic People Communicating. (2009). Barriers to effective communication. Retrieved from http//www. people-communicating. com/barriers-to-effective-communication. html.Margaritasmith. (2009). Barriers to effective communication- Effective communication- Document transcript. Retrieved from http//www. slideshare. net/margaritasmith/barriers-to-effective-communication-effective- communications Ueeka. (2009).Overcoming potential barriers in effective communication. Retrieved from http//www. ueeka. com/docs/overcoming-potential-barriers-effective-communication. html Windle, R. & Warren, S. (nd). Communication skills. Retrieved from http//www. directionservice. org/cadre/section4. cfm.
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